My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 158 [Strange Creature]

The prawn that had been cut in half by the land carp was thrashing wildly on the ground.

A thick gray slurry flowed out!

It stinks!

And accompanied by a certain degree of corrosion.

The walls of the building were already eroded by the years and were so fragile that they were easily corroded by the thick gray slurry, emitting traces of blue smoke.

When Lu Li saw it, he immediately turned over and jumped to the roof of another house.

The big crabs are still crazily chasing after them.

On the ground, three or four prawns emerged from the ground, climbed out of the ground, and then aimed at the direction of the land carp, bowed down, and catapulted towards the land carp.

Very fast!

Lu Li hurriedly dodged away.

With Tang Hengdao in his hand, he raised and lowered the knife, and fought several prawns into two!

The shells on the prawns are very soft and can be easily cut into.

Unlike those big crabs, the carapace is as hard as steel!

Thinking like this, he saw a prawn ejected towards him, and Lu Li dodged it, leaving him empty-handed.

Afterwards, the prawn faced the needle and flew straight behind the landing carp.

At this time, a big crab just climbed from the wall to the roof, and rushed towards the land carp with its teeth and claws.

It happened to collide with the flying prawn.

The needles on the prawn's head were extremely sharp, and although the rest of the bounce was not as fast as it was at the beginning, it still pierced the big crab's carapace directly!

And with the big crab, it plunged tens of meters away.

Even Lu Li was secretly startled when he saw it.

The carapace of the big crab is extremely hard, even if the land carp has a brute force comparable to that of black iron, it is difficult to directly break its defense.

The strength of the ejection can be seen!

However, in the battle with this weird shrimp and crab, Lu carp quickly figured out their attack methods.

After overcoming the fear of this strange creature in my heart, their attacks are actually very easy to avoid.

Lu carp began to use the Sky Yin technique, while controlling their movements, he used Tang Hengdao to cooperate with the instant slash, and killed them one after another!

Although these big crabs and prawns have great strength and strong defense, they don't seem to have a high IQ.

Sky Attraction can easily control them.

Moreover, they will not use the Yin Qi in their bodies to break free from the control of the Sky Attraction Technique, but use brute force.

Although the strength is really great, the limitation of Lu Li's sky attracting technique is not small.

If you don't use Yin Qi, you can be controlled by Lu Li's Sky Yin Technique for seven or eight seconds.

These seven or eight seconds are enough for Lu Li to kill them several times!

I saw Lu Li raising his knife and dropping it.

Kill these big crabs and prawns one by one!

The thick gray slurry was sprayed all over the place!

Three minutes later.

Of those still standing, only Lu Li was left.

The ground is full of broken arms of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The thick gray slurry flowed all over the ground, and the stench was incomparable!

Even Lu Li couldn't help frowning, holding his breath, and took several steps back!

This stench is simply not the smell that living things can emit.

But looking at the corpses of these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, even though they were cut in half, their tentacles and feet were still moving.

It just lost the ability to move.

It will take a while to completely die.

Thinking about it, Lu Li took out a bottle of life potion and a bottle of ether potion from another dimension while panting heavily.

Drink as much as you can to replenish your strength.

Then he looked around cautiously.

Check to see if there are other creepy creatures nearby.

Lu Li was not relieved until he was sure that there was no other movement around him.

Start to focus on these shrimp and crab carcasses.

These shrimps and crabs have yin energy in their bodies, and after being killed by the land carp, the yin energy gradually dissipated.

such a situation.

Lu Li couldn't help but think,

Those zombies I encountered before.

"Is it a creature controlled by Yin Qi like those corpses?"

Lu Li couldn't help but think of this possibility.

After all, these yin qi can control humans, and naturally they can also control aquatic animals.

In other words, it can control those creatures that have their own spiritual power.

Like those ordinary shrimps and crabs, they will not be eroded by Yin Qi.

Because there is no spiritual power in their bodies.

However, this also raises another question.

Where did these prawns and crabs come from?

It couldn't possibly have been living at the bottom of the Raoshui River long ago, right?

If it was true, it should have been discovered by the humans in Raoshui Town long ago.

"Could it be that the shrimp and crabs from the bottom of the river came here and mutated."

It doesn't seem right either.

Lu carp walked all the way, and could still see many normal corpses of small shrimps and fishes on the ground.

These types of prawns and crabs are not like those that can be raised in the Raoshui River.

"These creatures should be creatures that existed in this ruin."


Lu carp couldn't help stretching out his hand, and used the sky attracting technique to attract the head of a prawn.

Suspended in front of oneself.

Look carefully at it.

The tentacles on the shrimp head are still moving, but the yin energy on the shrimp head has disappeared, and there is no vitality at all.

And it stinks extremely.

The meat is also very soft and rotten, very disgusting.

Lu Li pinched his nose involuntarily.

It's hard to imagine, what kind of place did these shrimps and crabs survive in? How could they be so smelly?

I thought that these shrimps and crabs were all drilled out of the ground.

The imaginative Lu Li couldn't help thinking of some scary scenes.

Could there be something dirty buried under the ground?

Thinking of this huge town, there must have been no less than 100,000 people living in the past.

So, what about the ancients now?

Will it...

They were all buried underground....

Lu Li didn't dare to think deeply.

Maybe those ancient people just migrated away in advance.


Lu Li looked around.

Then prepare to leave.

Before leaving, Lu Li deliberately broke off the spikes on the heads of the six prawns at the scene.

These spikes are so sharp that they can pierce even the carapace of large crabs. They are very suitable as weapons for the land carp with the sky attracting technique.

After all, they can't be eaten.

It stinks.

Looking at these shrimp and crab carcasses, Lu Li felt that he didn't want to eat shrimp or crab anymore.

Thinking about it, Lu Li used the sky attracting technique to remove the dirt on these spikes.

Then it was thrown into a different dimension.

Turn around and leave.

Carefully walked forward more than a thousand meters.

Then came to another city gate.

It is very quiet here, there is no rustling sound.

Lu Li searched around here.

After confirming that there is nothing unusual.

Lu Li then found a fairly clean room and used the Sky Yin technique to clean up the dust.

Then he sat down cross-legged.

Feeling the incomparably full of Yin Qi around here, Lu Li directly took out the Spirit Gathering Bottle and the Tongyou Jade Pendant.

Start absorbing the Yin Qi around here, and run the pranayama.

Practice silently.

like this.

Until more than half an hour later.

Lu Li's practice was interrupted by a human scream from a very long distance.

When Lu Li was practicing, he was already very vigilant about his surroundings.

In addition, Lu Li's sense of hearing is more sensitive than ordinary people because of the addition of more than 700 points of physical strength.

Today, the screams of humans are heard.

Although far away.

Lu Li hurried out of the cultivation state.


Lu Li quickly put the spirit-gathering bottle into another dimension.

Then keep listening.

After confirming the direction of the sound source, Lu Li carefully jumped up the tall building.

Climb high and look far.

Look towards the source of the sound.

The town is full of fog.

But Lu Li could still see more than a dozen vague human figures several miles away.

They are fleeing in a hurry.

Lu Li couldn't see their whole picture clearly.

Had to jump forward, jumping between the roofs.

When I got closer, I realized that among these people, only four were wearing the uniforms of the city guards and spirit alliance warriors.

Others are dressed as ordinary people.

And chasing them were seven or eight shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Warriors and stronger students, armed with weapons, are struggling to resist.

There are even a few students who still hold the big claws of big crabs as weapons in their hands.


Even so, they were still defeated steadily by the strange creatures.

The casualties were heavy.

Moreover, Lu Li also noticed.

Among the shrimp soldiers and crab generals chasing and killing humans, there was a creature that was even taller!

It was a big lobster with a pair of big claws.

The size of the big lobster is more than double that of those shrimp soldiers and crabs.

I saw him waving the big claw every time.

Can fly a Spirit Alliance warrior.

It caused the students to scream.

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