My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 174 [The Monster Captured Alive]

Falling in love with you reading network, my study has deteriorated

Searching for ancient books in the collapsed bookshelves, after confirming that all the books had the same content, Lu Li took one of them and returned to the camp with Jiang Xiaogu.

When the two passed by the middle of the camp, Lu Li saw that there was a wooden cage that was as high as a person.

Lu carp had already discovered this wooden cage when he arrived at the camp just now.

This cage seemed to imprison a person. Just now, Lu Li was surrounded by his classmates for questioning, so he didn't pay much attention to who was imprisoned here.

Now that he passed by this cage, Lu Li could see clearly the "people" inside.

I saw the one in the cage, it was clearly a strange "human" like an orangutan covered in long black hair!

It was sitting in the cage, looking sluggish.


Lu carp couldn't help being surprised, after all, this cage looks very fragile.

Who would have thought that a vicious monster would be imprisoned in a fragile wooden cage.

Jiang Xiaogu looked at the black-haired Yaoyi in the cage, and explained: "This one is the single Yaoyi captured alive by Captain Xia Bing in the town yesterday. There is an enchantment set by Captain Xia Bing on this cage. Unless it is of bronze-level strength, it cannot be broken easily."

"I see."

Lu Li nodded.

But looking at this strange black hair, Lu Li felt a sense of déjà vu.

Perhaps it was because Lu Li had seen similar black-haired monsters in the cemetery in Raoshui Town before.

Moreover, the black-haired Yaoyi in this cage looks very docile, which is completely different from the vicious and vicious Yaoyi that he usually sees.

Lu Li was thinking.

The black-haired monster suddenly raised its head and looked at Lu Li. Then, Lu Li noticed that there seemed to be some begging look in its eyes?

"I'm human, I'm really human!"

The black-haired Yaoyi suddenly spoke, but what he said surprised Lu Li.

"you are human?"

"Yes! I'm a human! I'm a human!!"

Seeing that Lu Li actually paid attention to him, the black-haired Yaoyi was suddenly excited, and quickly stood up from the ground.

It seemed to be full of words, and wanted to rush to Lu Li to tell Lu Li, but was blocked by the wooden cage.

When its hand touched the wooden cage.......


It seemed to touch the red-hot iron, and it was made to sneer.

Under the pain, the black-haired demon quickly let go.

But it still looked at Lu Li eagerly, and yelled frantically: "I'm a human! I'm a human!"

Lu carp was taken aback by its crazy appearance.

"To shut up!"

Jiang Xiaogu drank it, and the black-haired monster froze for a moment, and continued to look at Lu Li: "I, I am a human..."

Jiang Xiaogu said to Lu Li: "Don't be fooled by it. There are some monsters who are best at scheming. They specially use tricks to lower people's vigilance, and then take advantage of their unpreparedness to kill people. A few days ago, There are warriors from the Spirit Alliance who have encountered such a monster."


Lu Li nodded.

He has indeed heard that there are some monsters and cunning in this world, who specialize in gaining the trust of human beings, and then killing people when they are not prepared.

This kind of treacherous monster, in a sense, is more terrifying than the monster who directly kills people.

However, the monster in front of him doesn't seem to be able to deceive people.

The reason why it is said that it will not lie is because it can only say "I am a human being" from beginning to end.

It seems that except for this sentence,

It also does not know other human vocabulary.

"I'm really human!"

Thinking about it, the black-haired Yaoyi was still talking reluctantly.

"Stop barking, you only know this sentence over and over again, are you annoying?"

Not far away, a few male students seemed to be annoyed by this black-haired monster, they couldn't help but walked up to it and said to it.

"I am, I am human!"

The black-haired demon seemed unable to understand human words. Seeing so many humans crowding up, the eyes under the black fur faltered. He didn't dare to look directly at so many people, but continued to murmur repeatedly in his mouth.

Looks a little neurotic.

"Don't just say this all day long, okay? You said you are human, how did you become like this? Tell me, you only know this sentence all day long, how can we believe you?"

The male students laughed as they spoke.

They all thought this monster would only say the same sentence over and over again, and deliberately teased it here.

After all, across the cage, this monster hardly poses any threat to them.

"Let's go."

Lu Li felt that it was meaningless and was about to leave.

Lu Li's interest in Yaoyi is limited to the demon crystal in the opponent's body.

However, since this monster has been locked up, it means that Xia Bing and the others still want to ask something from this monster.

In a short time, it shouldn't kill this monster.

Thinking about it, Lu Li took Jiang Xiaogu and turned away, planning to find a place to read and practice.

Waiting for news from Minister Ren Xingfeng and Yang Ming.

But at this moment, I heard the black-haired demon being a little nervous after being teased by several students, and muttered: "I, I am a human being, I, I changed after I ate the fruit... ...."

Hear the word fruit.

Lu Li couldn't help being stunned at the steps he had just taken.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaogu noticed Lu Li's pause and couldn't help asking.


Lu Li couldn't help but look back at the black-haired monster.

Hearing what it said, Lu Li couldn't help but think of the monster in the cemetery before, that monster was covered with black hair just like the one in front of him.

At that time, the cemetery monster was bitten by the black panther and almost died, but after eating the red fruit, his body was greatly strengthened.

In the different-dimensional space of the land carp, there is another red fruit lying.

Lu Li couldn't help thinking of a possibility.

Could it be that what this black-haired monster said is true?

Was he really human? Was it only because of eating the red fruit that it became like this?

"I don't think what it says is necessarily false."

At this time.

A boy's voice came.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a boy wearing a silver ring who had appeared behind them at some point.

Lu Li heard the reputation and looked at the boy, only to find that the boy was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other, and Lu Li recognized this person.

It was the very strong boy I saw on the tower a few days ago!

At that time, Lu Li was fighting against the wolf demon, and it was this boy who told Lu Li from above that the wolf demon was injured.

"Luo Ming? You don't really believe this weird nonsense, do you?"

At this time, several boys on the side couldn't help asking.

They all know the boy in front of them, because this boy is the most talented student in their No. 4 Middle School, Luo Ming.

Luo Ming also nodded and said: "I'm just saying that it's not necessarily fake. I've seen similar posts on the Internet. After someone ate the fruit in the ruins, they turned into a strange appearance. Then they went crazy and killed people, maybe That's what it is."

Hearing this, the Yaoyi couldn't help becoming excited: "I'm a human! I'm a human!"

The weird reaction was noticed by Lu Li.

Can this monster understand human speech?

"Impossible? You must be joking, right?"

Several boys obviously didn't believe it.

They all grew up listening to Yaoyi's stories. From childhood to adulthood, their parents, elders, teachers, warriors all said that Yaoyi's words should not be believed.

This is almost a consensus of all mankind.

However, Luo Ming was a gifted student in their No. 4 Middle School after all. They are not easy to refute.

Luo Ming didn't care what these students thought, but looked at Lu Li and asked with a smile, "Student Lu Li, what do you think?"

In fact, Luo Ming had been observing Lu Li as early as after Lu Li returned to the camp. When he saw Lu Li suddenly freeze in place when he mentioned the fruit because of the strange black fur, Luo Ming guessed that Lu Li should be know about fruit.

"Maybe, I don't know."

Lu Li was not surprised that Luo Ming knew his name, after all, he had saved his life at the time, so he asked about it, and naturally he knew his name.

What caught Lu Li's attention was that when Luo Ming was on the tower, he had already analyzed that he had taken the treasure beads from the tower.

Did he tell anyone else about it?

Of course, even if Luo Ming really told Xia Bing and the others about this, it would be useless, because the black dragon ball had already been sucked out by Yan Mojian.

Now it's just an ordinary bead.

Thinking about it, Luo Ming in front of him asked again: "Speaking of which, student Lu Li, I'm very curious. At that time, you were hunted down by that werewolf Yaoyi, how did you escape from that Yaoyi in the end?"

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