My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 189 [Monster Warrior]

The footsteps were moving fast!

When Lu Li first heard the footsteps, they were still very subtle, and could only be heard clearly in a very quiet environment.

But Lu Li only hesitated for a moment, and the footsteps became very close.

It seemed that in the next second, the other party would rush to Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't say a word, turned his head and started the shadow step, and suddenly jumped towards the uphill in the distance!

The land carp came down from this uphill before, and behind the uphill is the sea of ​​corpses when the land carp came.

Although Lu Li didn't know whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend, but the opponent's moving speed was so fast, it was definitely not Jiang Xiaogu or Ye Ming!


Although the footsteps sounded fast, it took the other party more than a minute to find this place.

Lu Li's heart was in his throat just now, but he didn't expect the other party to come so much slower than he expected.

The land carp had also been crawling in a small sunken pit for a long time.

He stared motionlessly at the direction of the Blood God Tree below.

I saw three figures wearing the uniforms of the spirit alliance warriors, holding the night pearl to illuminate, coming under the blood god tree!

The three figures were two adult warriors and one young man.

The young man's strength is obviously not as good as the two adult warriors, and he ran here with the support of the two adult warriors.

Lu Li noticed that they were holding weapons inlaid with purple crystals in their hands.

What the young man held in his hand was a string of amethyst rosary beads.

As for the two adult fighters, one holds an amethyst sword and the other holds an amethyst dagger.

"A warrior from the Spirit Alliance?"

"No, not right!"

Intuition told Lu Li that these three people were absolutely unusual.

Especially the boy in the middle, Lu Li felt a little familiar.

It seems to be one of the group of monsters disguised as spirit alliance warriors that I saw when I was outside the ruins!

Lu Li wasn't sure if it was true, but felt that his timid way of looking around was very similar to one of those monsters at that time.

Thinking about it, with a thought in Lu Li's mind, two black and white lines suddenly appeared between Lu Li's eyebrows.

Lu Li wanted to feel the breath of these three people.

However, I don't know if it's because the distance is too far, or the yin energy in the air is too strong, which interferes with the perception of the land carp.

Lu carp did not feel the presence of Yin Qi on them.

As for using the Tongyou Jade Pendant?

Lu Li didn't dare to use it, because using the Tongyou Jade Pendant was very likely to be noticed by the other party.

Moreover, the Yin Qi here is so strong that even if you use the Tongyou Jade Pendant, you will be like a blind person, and you will not be able to see anything at all.

Lu carp can only wait and see the changes.

Thinking about it, I saw the three people below looked around, and then all set their eyes on the huge blood god tree in front of them.

"This, this is..."

From their faces, Lu Li saw the expressions of surprise and salivation.

Except for the young warrior in the middle, the other two adult warriors seemed very excited!

"That's what the half-demon said, eat the fruit tree that can enhance the power of the demon?!"

"It's true! That's it! I can feel it, such a strong evil spirit!"

"We've been looking for it for so long, but we didn't expect it to be not in the innermost part, but in the middle!"

"The leaders must be notified immediately!"


One of the adult martial artists said, and was about to turn around immediately to report.

But was stopped by another adult warrior.

The adult warrior turned his head to look at the young warrior beside him, and said, "Little lizard, can you sense if there is any human aura around you?"

heard that,

The boy called Little Lizard looked around timidly.

He sniffed the air with his nose.

This action was noticed by Lu Li. Although the distance was too far, the voice of the other party was very soft, and Lu Li couldn't hear what they were saying.

But judging from the boy's actions, he should be searching for himself.

Lu Li couldn't help lowering his head, only showing a pair of eyes looking down.

I saw the boy carefully walking around the huge Blood God Tree, then pointed to the ground in front of him and said, "Here!"

Hearing this, the two adult warriors who had been following the boy couldn't help but follow the boy's direction.

Lift the night pearl in your hand.

Lights up the ground ahead.

On the ground there, the newly excavated soil was piled up in a pile, and there were hundreds of brand new books that hadn't been opened yet scattered around!

"So many books?"

Very weird.

With so many books, are there many humans here?

But the little lizard said: "There is only one person's breath."

Hearing this, the two felt even more weird.

How did a person come to this Crystal Palace with so many books?

These books are obviously modern books, not ancient documents in the ruins.

Not only were these books unusual, but even the extremely cold breath in the air tensed the nerves of the three of them.

Those two adult warriors are alright, their strength is not weak at all.

Only the boy who was called the little lizard had lingering fears all the time, because he smelled a very dangerous breath in the extremely cold breath.

This extremely cold breath is also interfering with his perception.

The three of them took a step forward cautiously.

When I walked in, I saw a big hole on the ground behind the mound!

The entrance of the cave was covered with frost.

Apparently, someone has dug down here!

"There is a strong human breath here..."

The boy called Little Lizard pointed to the entrance of the cave.

"The cold air comes from this hole!"

"Is that person still down there?"

The warrior with the dagger asked.

"I don't know... the cold here is disturbing me." The little lizard frowned.

Hearing this, the two adult warriors couldn't help but look at each other.

It seems to be asking if you want to go down.

After a long time, the adult warrior holding the amethyst sword bent down, held up the night pearl, and shouted into the cave: "Is anyone there? We are members of the 116th team of the Spirit League. Please answer."

no respond.

The dagger-wielding warrior also looked around, examining the nearby terrain.

His gaze even stopped for a moment on the hillside where Lu Li was.

But Lu Li hid it so well that the other party didn't notice it at all. On that inconspicuous hillside, there was a small pit just enough for a person to lie down on.

This is the benefit of high terrain.

From the bottom up, there is a lot of view blocking.

But from the top down, it is clear at a glance.


Seeing that the sword-wielding warrior couldn't get a response to his cry, he simply threw the night pearl in his hand into the hole!


The Ye Mingzhu fell on the ground of the frozen corpse at the bottom of the cave.

The ground of the corpse was frozen so hard that Ye Mingzhu fell from such a high place and smashed into pieces.

The depth of this hole is surprising.

The three warriors immediately looked at each other in blank dismay: "There seems to be no one."

"I'll go down and have a look, you guys will respond from above!"

At this time, the dagger-wielding warrior took the initiative to speak.

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't think too much, just jumped down with the amethyst dagger in hand!

The moment he jumped, Lu Li saw that the man exuded a faint red aura!

Although the red breath was very forbearing, Lu Li still saw it.


Lu Li confirmed the identity of that person, or in other words, these three people were all monsters in disguise!


Lu Li started to retreat in his heart.

Obviously, it would not necessarily be safe to continue dormant here.

If the other party can't find anyone in the cave, they will inevitably patrol around.


At the entrance of the cave, the dagger-wielding warrior climbed up from below.

"That person is not below, but there seems to be something important below, which was taken away by that person!"

The dagger-wielding warrior obviously saw the huge tree roots underground.

Seeing that the hollow was exposed after the tree root was destroyed, he knew that there must be something in the hollow.

And that thing has been taken away!

His intuition told him that the thing that was taken away was absolutely unusual, and the movement of the earthquake just now was probably caused by that thing being taken away.

Moreover, the big guy in the dragon cave roared angrily after sensing that the thing had been taken away.

It also proves that the thing is unusual!

"You must go back and tell the leaders."

The dagger-wielding warrior said, and said to the sword-wielding warrior: "You and the little lizard are guarding here, if there is an emergency, find a way to hold it back!"

"it is good!"

The sword-wielding warrior nodded firmly.

Hearing this, the young warrior looked around worriedly.

The extremely cold breath always made him a little worried. He had a hunch that the human hadn't left yet, and was dormant nearby! May pop out at any time!

The boy's intuition was right, but Lu Li didn't leave.

However, Lu Li didn't dare to kill it.

Even if these three monsters are only black iron-level strength, it is difficult for Lu Li to win in a one-on-three situation.

Don't say one hit three, one hit two is enough.

Moreover, his intuition told Lu Li that these three monsters pretending to be adults probably had more than black iron level strength!


Seeing below, the dagger-wielding warrior leaped onto the Blood God Tree.

Seeing him climbing up to a high place, Lu Li couldn't help but panic.

The top of the Blood God Tree is higher than the hillside where he is. If the other party observes from the top, they can find him!

Lu Lidang even began to prepare to charge for a blow.

The spiritual power quickly flowed to his feet.

As soon as the other party notices me, I will immediately use the charged version of Shadow Walk to run away!


Lu Li thought too much. The other party climbed up the Blood God Tree not for the sake of looking far.

Instead, Lu Li picked all the fruits in the lower half of the tree, so he could only climb to a high place. Although he also took the opportunity to look around, he didn't find anything.

After picking more than a dozen fruits, he jumped down.

After nodding to each other with the other two monsters, they ran back along the way they came.

Only the little lizard and the sword-wielding warrior were left in place.

The tension in Lu Li's heart dissipated a little.

"That Yaoyi, is he going back to report the letter?"

Lu Li thought of this possibility.

If so, I'm afraid there will be more monsters gathered here soon.

Don't stay here for long!

Lu Li glanced at the two monsters below, one green and one young, and began to move his body lightly while they were not paying attention.

Lu carp moved very slowly, trying not to make any noise.

And the two demons below have been watching their surroundings vigilantly.


Below, the nose of the young lizard couldn't help but move.

He seemed to smell something, and couldn't help turning his head to look at the distant hillside.

There, it was quiet.

"What did you find?"

The sword-wielding monster sensed the little lizard's movements and couldn't help asking.

"Here, there is also a human breath."


The sword-wielding demon could not help but follow the little lizard's expectations.

It was a quiet hillside.

There are many places around such hillsides.

This huge blood god tree is located in a small basin.

However, these hillsides are bare, and if there are people on them, they can be easily seen by those below.

Unless, there is a small pit on it that can be hidden by people......


Lu carp was above, and couldn't help swallowing.

He noticed the eyes of the two monsters below, why did they keep staring at him?

Have you been discovered?

Just as he was thinking like this, he saw that the sword-wielding monster couldn't help but clenched the amethyst sword in his hand, walking step by step towards the hillside where Lu Li was located.

"It was discovered!"

Lu Li immediately began to accumulate strength, ready to eject backward at any time!

In fact, the sword-wielding monster did not find Lu Li, he just believed in the little lizard's judgment.

Although the little lizard himself isn't sure.

But he decided to check it out anyway.

And as the strange footsteps got closer, Lu Li quickly called up the system interface in front of his eyes.

Soon, they found the last [Self-Explosive Puppet] card.

【Use this card? 】

Lu Li did not respond immediately, but waited.

He didn't know if he could get rid of these two monsters with his full power of Shadow Step, if he couldn't, he would use the self-destruct puppet to catch them off guard!

This is equivalent to the self-destruction of a bronze-level one-star strength, and one should be able to take one away!

As for the remaining one.

I can kill it with Yan Mojian!

If there are two monsters attacking, Lu Li is really not sure if Yan Mojian can kill two with one sword.

Because once he failed to kill two with one sword, he would lose his fighting power due to Yan Mojian's backlash, and at that time, he would almost be slaughtered.

Therefore, the best situation is to blow up one of them with the self-explosive puppet first!

Thinking like this.

The footsteps of the monster holding the sword are getting closer and closer.

Lu carp couldn't help lowering his head.

He silently counted the opponent's footsteps.

Twenty, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen...

Just when Lu Li counted to nine!

Da da da!

A series of footsteps suddenly sounded from a hillside two or three kilometers away to the left of Lu Li!

Hearing this voice, the young lizard and the sword-wielding monster were attracted at the same time.

Even Lu Li couldn't help being surprised.

He didn't expect that there were people on the hillside to his left!

who is it?

"over there!"

"No! In front of you!"

It was that boy's voice!

When Lu Li heard this voice, he was startled, or was he discovered? !

Almost instantly.

Lu Li's feet had already gathered strength, and the Shadow Step was launched instantly, and Lu Li's body was shot backwards like a black cannonball!

at this time.

The adult Yaoyi holding the amethyst sword also rushed up the hillside!

Here, he saw a shallow pit, and a "land carp" still lying in the shallow pit!

The land carp in the shallow pit suddenly jumped up from the ground, with its limbs spread out, like an octopus, it was about to hug the sword-wielding monster in front of it!

Surprised by the sword-wielding monster, red demonic aura burst out all over his body.

The evil spirit instantly eroded the human skin on his body, and quickly withered away, revealing the ugly shark head under the human skin!

The amethyst sword in his hand was infested with demon energy, exuding terrifying power.

A sword wrapped in terrifying power pierced out directly!

Instantly pierced the chest of "Lu Li"!

Under this terrifying power, the body of "Lu Li" was split inch by inch from the wound!

This should have been an extremely painful scene, but what made the shark-headed monster feel weird was that the boy in front of him who was pierced by him did not have a look of pain on his face.

He just looked at himself with blank eyes...

Like a puppet controlled by someone, who feels pain every day.

next second.


The young man's murderous voice sounded!

The body of "Lu Li" pierced by the amethyst sword suddenly burst out with a dazzling white light of destruction!

boom! ! !

Shocking explosion!

White light floods everything!

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