My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 2 [Learning System]

[Learning point +326! 】

A line of translucent small characters appeared in front of Lu Li's eyes.

Lu Li froze for a moment.

I thought it was my eyesight.

But soon, Lu Li was sure that this was not an illusion!

"Is it the system?"

Lu Li subconsciously thought of a possibility.

As if in response to Lu Li's guess, a translucent virtual panel instantly popped up in front of Lu Li's eyes.

【Learning point: 326】

【Card Draw】【Mall】【Picture Book】【Card Package】

The system panel has only five areas, which are simple and easy to understand.

"It's really a system?!"

The surprise on Lu Li's face faded, replaced by a burst of ecstasy!

Lu Li had read a lot of online novels in his previous life, so he was no stranger to the existence of the system as a hack.

When I read novels before, I only felt that the system was a simple and rude cheat specially set up by the authors to be lazy, and there was no skill at all.

Today, the system falls upon itself...

Um! It smells so good!

Lu carp couldn't wait to start researching this system.

"Is there a card draw system?"

Judging from the content on the panel, it seems that this system can not only draw cards, but also buy things in the mall?

Lu Li subconsciously wanted to click on the [Draw Card] on the system to see what was going on.

As a result, as soon as he had this idea in his mind, the system interface suddenly moved.

It quickly switched to the card drawing interface.

There were two card drawing options in front of Lu Li.

[Normal card draw: 500 learning points required]

[Advanced card draw: 10,000 learning points required]

There are ordinary and advanced?

The flavor of the card drawing game is too aggressive!

And the high-level drawing card actually costs 10,000 points!

"After reading a history textbook, there are only more than 300 learning points. If you want to draw an advanced card, don't you have to read about 30 books?"

This amount of reading is a bit large!

However, the learning points I have now are only 326 points, and I can't even draw ordinary cards, so I am not in a hurry to think about advanced card draws.

Moreover, since I am going to be admitted to Lingwu University in the future, it is not difficult to miss the cultural courses, and I will have to review these books sooner or later.

If you think about it this way, it shouldn't be difficult to collect 10,000 learning points.

Thinking about it, Lu Li first returned to the main page of the panel, and then opened the [Mall] function.

See what's on sale in the mall.

In the mall, there is only one kind of card that can be purchased:

[Consumption Card: Memory Potion]

[Description: Use this card to get "Memory Potion*1". Gain "memory enhancement buff" within 12 hours after drinking. 】

[Purchase requires 100 learning points. 】

The border of the card is made of white crystal texture, and in the middle is an illustration of an orange potion bottle, which is exquisitely drawn.

"Do you only need 100 learning points?"

It just so happens that Lu carp has 326 learning points.

And this potion is almost tailor-made for this learning system!

"Buy it!"

Without hesitation, Lu Li bought it directly.

The system immediately pops up a prompt box:

【Purchased successfully! Check your card packs for your purchases! 】

Lu Li opened the [Card Pack] page.

I found this [Consumption Card: Memory Potion] with a white border in the card pack.

The system pops up a prompt.

【Use this card? 】

Naturally, Lu Li didn't use this memory potion card immediately.

After all, I am still in class.

I don't know what form this bottle of memory potion will appear in my hand after this card is used.

In case there is any special movement that attracts the attention of the teachers and students in the class,

It can be troublesome to explain.

Thinking about it, Lu Li's eyes couldn't help but fall on the last section [Picture Book].

Click on the illustrated book.

There is only one picture book information:

["High School History: Modern" learning progress 65.2%! 】

"326 learning points is 65.2% progress, that is to say, if you finish this book thoroughly, can you have 500 learning points?"

Looking at the information in this illustrated book, Lu Li quickly understood.

This setting is understandable.

After all, reading a book does not mean that you can memorize it all, let alone master it.

If you think about it this way, it’s because you are reading a history book. There is nothing in the book that needs to be understood, as long as you memorize it by rote.

That's why the progress can be increased to 65% at one time.

If you read a book of mathematics, physics, or chemistry, then you may not have such a high learning progress.

In order to verify his own thoughts, Lu Li opened the "Senior Year History: Modern" again.

Sure enough, as Lu Li read the book, his learning points and learning progress were steadily increasing.

【Learning point +2】

【Learning point +1】

【Learning point +4】

There are translucent reminder texts constantly appearing in front of my eyes.

At this time, Teacher Chen on the podium happened to talk about a knowledge point that Lu Li hadn't memorized from reading the book just now.

"After the blue star expanded a thousand times, countless ancient ruins broke through the ground, filling in the blank history of the blue star more than 5,000 years ago."

"Until now, there are still a large number of ancient ruins that have not been explored..."

After listening to this knowledge point.

[Learning point +8]!

Lu Li couldn't help but brighten his eyes: "It turns out that not only reading books, but also listening to lectures can increase your learning points?!"

This is equivalent to reading books by yourself in the future, without having to read carefully or repeatedly.

Just read the textbook briefly, activate the illustration book, and then go directly to the lecture!

"If you listen carefully to the class, you will become stronger!"

"Very reasonable!"

However, the knowledge points taught by Mr. Chen in one class are limited after all, and most of the knowledge points Lu Li has already read from the book. These knowledge points, even after listening to the class, will not increase the learning points.

After listening to the class for a while, Lu Li felt that there was nothing interesting, so he continued to read the book instead.

After reviewing the entire history book, the learning points increased by dozens of points.

The learning progress has jumped to 80%!

With a [Learning Point + 2] pop-up.

【Ascension +3】!

A new entry also jumped out!


When Lu Li was surprised by this new vocabulary, a cool feeling suddenly appeared in his lower abdomen, and this coolness quickly rippled through his body.

There is an indescribable comfort wherever the coolness passes.

This is the effect of "Ascension".

Lu Li couldn't help but open the system panel and take a look.

Soon I found the location of this "Ascending Spirit" in the [Illustrated Book].

["High School History: Modern" learning progress 80.1%. Mastery: Ascension +3! 】

Looking at the word "proficient" at the back of the history book, Lu Li immediately understood.

"If the learning progress of a book reaches 80%, is it considered proficient?"

It turns out that reading books can not only gain learning points, but after reaching proficiency, there will also be additional attribute bonuses!

"Ascension, should it mean to increase spiritual power?"

The coolness that Lu Li felt in his body just now should be the increase in spiritual power!

If this is the case, then it is really possible to become stronger by reading and listening to lectures!

Others practice and I study, we all have a bright future!

"There are still 99 days until the college entrance examination, even if you master one book a day and reach a spiritual power index above 200 points, you should be fine!"

This discovery made Lu Li very happy.

Then I couldn't wait to dig out another copy of "Geography of Senior Three: Resources" from my schoolbag.

Open the textbook and continue to read carefully.

But after watching for a while...

"Jingle bell!"

The get out of class bell rang.

"get out of class is over."

Teacher Chen had stopped lecturing a long time ago, and as soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, he immediately announced the end of get out of class.

The students who were sitting upright, when they heard that the get out of class was over, immediately started to pack up their books and stuff them into their schoolbags, and then they carried their schoolbags and scattered like birds and beasts.

Jiang Xu on the side had also packed her schoolbag at this time.

Seeing that Lu Li was still reading, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

In Jiang Xu's memory, the last time this deskmate read a book so seriously was a game magazine! He usually doesn't even bother to flip through textbooks.

But in these two classes, Lu Li kept reading.

A moment of history, a moment of geography.

so serious?

Could it be that the college entrance examination is approaching, and Lu Li is beginning to have a sense of crisis?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xu couldn't help laughing and crying: "Old Yu, don't look at it, they are all scumbags, why are you pretending to be a schoolmaster? Pack up your things and go home."

Hearing this, Lu Li closed the geography book and couldn't help laughing: "Don't talk about it, I might really become a top student in the future."

After all, with this system, it is a bit difficult to think about becoming a top student.

When Jiang Xu at the same table heard it, he was immediately happy, just thinking that he was just cramming and gaining confidence.

He said with a smile: "You are still a top student, bragging and meeting an acquaintance, I don't know you yet?"

"Let's see."

"Pfft, you can pull it down."

Jiang Xu was full of disbelief.

It's not that he doesn't believe that Lu Li can't become a top student, but he doesn't believe that Lu Li can persevere. He has been at the same table with Lu Li for three years, so he knows Lu Li very well.

Every time he suddenly realized something, there was a lot of trouble.

But in the end, it's all three minutes of heat.

Jiang Xu is used to it.

Lu Li also knew that it was useless to talk too much with Jiang Xu. Lu Li was indeed not very interested in his studies in his previous life, but he joined the work and experienced many years of lessons in society.

Only then did I realize how important it is to learn and persevere.

Even without this system, he will start to study hard and improve himself.

Even if you want to lie down, you have to work hard before lying down!

Thinking about it, Lu Li started to pack his schoolbag and walked out of the classroom with Jiang Xu.

The moment he walked out of the classroom, Lu Li couldn't help but think of a question...

Since it is a parallel world, will the location of my home change?

After all, due to the recovery of spiritual energy, this world has expanded a thousand times compared to the original earth!

A thousand times!

In the previous life, it took nearly ten minutes for the land carp to walk a kilometer on foot!

Not to mention the world expanded a thousand times.

However, when Lu Li walked out of the teaching building, came to the school gate, and looked at the scenery of the street outside the school.

I found out that I was worrying too much.

The world outside the school is almost exactly the same as the street and shop layout in Raoshui Town in his memory when he was eighteen years old.

Noisy vegetable market.

A small cart filled with Chaozhou-style lo mei.

Beef ball kway teow noodle shop.

Most of the people coming and going on the street are familiar faces.

Everything is so familiar.

Even some of the graffiti on the wall and the number of the bus are exactly the same as those in the memory of the previous life.

Just when Lu Li felt that this world was not much different from his previous life.

The two walked across the street and passed a field.

As soon as Lu Li turned his head, he saw the skeleton of a giant beast as huge as a mountain lying across the field!

The bottom of the skeleton of the giant beast is already covered with moss, and the vines of the star aniseed loofah are entwined, forming yellow loofah flowers. It seems that the skeleton of this giant beast has taken root here for a long time.

Although he already knew that this was a world where spiritual energy had been revived, Lu Li still couldn't help swallowing when he saw the skeleton of this huge creature.

When human beings face giants, they still instinctively feel awe.

At the same time, Lu Li couldn't help but think of the scary headlines he saw on the Internet during class just now.

These titles, although exaggerated, are not groundless, but real!

In this world full of unknowns, no one knows which will come first, tomorrow or the accident!

"You must become a spiritual practitioner as soon as possible!"

This thought could not help but arise in Lu Li's mind.

To live a new life, I don't want to die in an unclear way in this life.

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