My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 45 [Different from ordinary people]

Lu Li deliberately waited for Lai Jingxuan for two reasons.

One is to pay back to Lai Jingxuan once, so that he will not dare to be arrogant again.

The second is that Lu Li also wanted to use Lai Jingxuan as a reference to see how much faster his 400 points were compared to Lai Jingxuan's 363 points.

Now it seems that Lai Jingxuan's speed seems to be a little faster than Lu Li imagined.

However, it is only a little faster.

Lu Li also finished the test, so he didn't plan to continue playing with Lai Jingxuan.

Start to speed up your feet.

Lai Jingxuan on the side was the first to notice Lu Li's strangeness, and saw that Lu Li's speed began to increase suddenly. Even though Lai Jingxuan himself had tried his best to run wildly, Lu Li still slowly distanced himself from him at a steady speed. .

"how is this possible!?"

Lai Jingxuan never expected that Lu Li could actually accelerate.

He could only watch helplessly as Lu Li slowly distanced himself from him, and no matter how he forced himself to speed up, his speed had reached the limit.

A sense of powerlessness arises spontaneously.

If it was said that he was unconvinced at the beginning, then Lai Jingxuan at this time has lost his temper completely.

Because Lu carp is too fast!

Fast enough to make him despair.

Once discouraged, Lai Jingxuan's speed also slowed down a lot.

Then, under the astonished eyes of countless people, Lu Li and Lai Jingxuan gradually distanced themselves.

Little Fatty Jiang Xu was running with all his strength at this time. It was the first time for him to run at such a fast speed after breaking through 200 points yesterday. Although he was sweating profusely, he was extremely excited.

In the past, he could only be left far behind by Chen Siyu and Lu Li, but now he can run behind Chen Siyu, and he is safe.

And at this moment.

"Old Jiang!"

A greeting sounded behind Jiang Xu. Jiang Xu looked sideways with difficulty, and saw a figure that had quickly passed him.

It's Lu carp!

"Old fish? Damn it!"

Before Jiang Xu had time to say a word to Lu Li, he saw that Lu Li had already passed him in a flash.

Even though he greeted Jiang Xu, Lu Li's speed did not slow down at all.

Then came Chen Siyu, who was also shocked by Lu Li's speed.

The speed of the land carp was already very fast last time, but this time, the speed of the land carp is even faster!

Then it was more than one person after another.

Lai Jingxuan's little brothers.

Then there is Li Junsheng.

Even Lu Yiyi, who was ranked fifth, was overtaken by Lu Li.

Everyone showed shocked faces, only Lai Jingxuan was behind, gritting his teeth and chasing, but it was just in vain, the gap was getting wider and wider.

In the end, Lu Li easily ran across the playground at a speed half a lap faster than Lai Jingxuan and more than a lap faster than Jiang Xu, and ran straight to the teaching building.

When they reached the fifth floor, the instructor had been waiting here for a long time.

The instructor looked at the countdown time on the mobile phone in his hand, with a complex expression on his face, and shouted: "6 minutes and 26 seconds!"

This number surprised Ye Zhun, who had already finished running and was recovering from walking.

He couldn't help but look deeply at Lu Li's face.

He found out that this Lu Li was the boy who asked him where he could buy the spirit fruit in class last time.

And this boy actually only ran 20 seconds slower than him!

"Isn't he a freshman?"

Ye Zhun couldn't help frowning.

He was the fourth in the class. In fact, after the Big Three didn't come, he was the first. He was used to being dominated by all the stars, and he couldn't help being a little wary when he saw a strong opponent suddenly appearing.

"Your name is Lu Li, right?"

Regarding this matter, the instructor suddenly turned around and looked at Lu Li through the sunglasses.

Lu Li nodded while walking, "Yes, instructor."

"Cultivation is over in a while, you come with me.


After the instructor finished speaking, he asked Lu Li to rest freely by himself, and then continued to wait for the other students to finish running and report the time to them.

Lu Li was puzzled, wondering what the instructor's intentions were.

Could it be that he performed too brightly today?

As Lu Li thought about it, the students also arrived on the fifth floor one after another. This time, many students also failed to complete the course within ten minutes.

After learning that I had to run ten laps, I was full of complaints.

The instructor said to them like last time: "If you don't obey, get out!"

The students were suddenly as quiet as quails.

And as the special salt water was distributed, the instructors began to guide the students to use the salt water to practice with the spirit stone device, and the complaints among the students disappeared completely.

The students entered the state of cultivation one after another.

Feeling the wonder of the three or four times the speed of cultivation, he greedily absorbed the spiritual power of the spirit stone.

"Lu Li, come out with me."

At this time, the instructor on the podium waved to Lu Li.

Hearing this, Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu beside Lu Li opened their eyes in surprise and looked at Lu Li.

Also looking at Lu Li were Lai Jingxuan and his followers, Li Junsheng, Ye Zhun, Lu Yiyi and others.

After this battle, everyone looked at Lu Li with admiration and were full of curiosity about him.

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Li followed the instructor out of the classroom.

As soon as he left the classroom, the instructor said directly: "Since when did you start running so fast?"


Hearing this, Lu Li was slightly taken aback.

In fact, Lu Li probably guessed in his heart that the instructor planned to ask himself questions such as his actual spiritual power index. After all, his speed was no longer comparable to that of ordinary students with 200 points.

However, what the instructor asked deviated from what Lu Li imagined.

Why did you ask "when did you run so fast", shouldn't you ask "how much spiritual power do you actually have" or something like that?

The instructor saw that Lu Li hesitated and didn't answer, so he answered for Lu Li: "It should have started this month, right? I checked your information, and your spiritual power index has increased by 40 points this month! It should have broken through 200 points now. Exponentially, your speed also becomes different this month."

"My speed?"

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help being puzzled.

He didn't understand why the instructor thought he only had 200 spiritual power points when he knew that his speed was not right.

Could it be that he misunderstood something?

Thinking about it, Lu Li simply pushed the boat along and said, "That's right."

The instructor had no doubts either, he nodded and said: "Lu Li, you are very lucky, luckier than every student in the current Lingwu class. Two people will come over later, and they will take you to a place."

"Take me somewhere?"

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help being a little wary, and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

The instructor saw Lu Li's scruples, and he said, "Don't worry, no one will hurt you. Three students from your school have been taken away today. Count the time, and they have returned home safely now."

Hearing this, Lu Li knew who the two people the instructor was talking about were.

It's a warrior of the Spirit League!

They came to the school today and took away three students including Wu Shichao.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help taking a step back vigilantly: "But, what does this have to do with me?"

"Don't worry, as I said, no one will hurt you, you will be safe, and you will be released soon."

The instructor explained: "As for the reason, I think you should have discovered it yourself. Your body is different from ordinary people. You only have 200 points of spiritual power, but your speed is even faster than the students with 400 points. Moreover, not only It's speed, I guess, your body should also have other enhancements, right?"

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