My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 54 [Morning]

"West of Baiyue State?"

The town where Lu Li is now located is located in Baiyue State, Huaxia Kingdom.

However, it is in the easternmost part of Baiyue State.

Looking at the real-time news constantly being pushed on the phone, Lu Li couldn't help but open the map app and search for the location of "Shiwan Dashan".

This place was quickly located.

The Shiwanda Mountain shown on the mobile phone map is a large area of ​​red warning danger zone signs.

It covers a very large area, and the information says: The entire mountain range stretches for 300,000 kilometers and is 100,000 kilometers wide!

This is a very exaggerated number. You must know that the diameter of the earth in the previous life was only more than 12,000 kilometers!

However, thinking that this world has expanded three thousand times, I feel relieved.

Looking at the blue star from outer space, the 300,000 kilometers are actually just small gravel-like jigsaw puzzles.

Of course, even so, in the eyes of Lu Li, it was extremely exaggerated.

But when Lu Li clicked on the navigation to check how far it was from where he lived, an astronomical figure appeared again.

"More than three million kilometers!"


The diameter is more than three million kilometers!

This distance, even at the speed of light, will take more than ten seconds to run!

So scary!

Of course, although it is far away, in this world, there are also psychic planes and psychic speeding cars specially used for ultra-long-distance voyages.

It's just that these high-tech products are very rare in backward areas like Raoshui Town.

Thinking about it, Lu Li looked at the spirit beast riot in the 100,000 mountains and felt that he was far away from him, and he shouldn't be able to threaten his side.

There are also some videos and photos uploaded on the Internet one after another.

But it was still dark, and the photo was very blurry, only many tall and scary figures could be seen, attacking the Infinite Great Wall.

The spiritual cultivators stood on the Great Wall, fought back with high-tech weapons, and defended hard.

There are also some new battles constantly breaking out in the news feed:

"A fifth-order giant spirit beast appears outside the Infinite Great Wall, and the danger level has risen to B-level!"

"The commander of the Baiyue State Guard Army, Yue Ting, has rushed to the battlefield! When he comes out, he will kill hundreds of spirit beasts below the third rank!"

"The guards launched the spirit stone cannon to kill the fourth-level superior spirit beast with one blow!"


Numerous posts have also appeared on the Internet, all verbally supporting the defenders in the safe zone near the Shiwan Dashan Mountains.

"Come on! Guardsmen!"

"Commander Yue Ting actually made a move! It's too strong!"

"A diamond-level powerhouse is fighting a fifth-order spirit beast! The scene must be extremely dangerous! So exciting!"

"I really want to see the scene and watch Commander Yue Ting behead the fifth-order spirit beast!"

"Upstairs, I'm afraid that you will have your life to go to but not your life to return. The battle of diamond-level powerhouses has a huge impact. Unless you are gold-level, you don't even have the qualifications to watch!"

Every time the news on the Internet is refreshed, it is a reply like swiping the screen.

People made impassioned speeches.

There were also people who gave up their lives to die and set off to join the guard army.

Looking at these posts on the Internet, Lu Li couldn't help but feel excited.

However, there are also some conspiracy theories in these posts.

It is said that the reason for this spiritual beast riot is because there is a huge relic among the 100,000 mountains.

In order to snatch the resources of the relics, the forces of all parties started a battle in the Shiwanda Mountains, and as a result, some kind of restriction in the relics was activated, which frightened the sleeping spirit beasts in the Shiwanda Mountains.

This spirit beast riot was just triggered.

However, such a post disappeared without a trace after Lu Li refreshed it again.

Not even a reminder that the post was deleted.

There are even people,

I sent some photos during the day. In these photos, the distant view of the ruins in the Shiwan Dashan was captured.

However, the picture is very blurry, with a lot of noise, and only the outline can be seen.

These posts, too, were quickly deleted.

All posts about the ruins were deleted at the speed of light.

If it weren't for Lu Li's quick eyes and quick hands, he wouldn't be able to see the content of these posts at all.

Slowly, Lu Li discovered that some of these forums were even closed for maintenance.

Under the relevant news, the comment function is also closed.

There was a news push message every few minutes, but it was no longer pushed. Obviously, the situation has gradually stabilized.

Gradually, there was no particularly important news.

However, the news still opened Lu Li's horizons.

I saw a lot of photos and short videos, in which there are many battles between spiritual practitioners and spiritual beasts.

Combat is brutal.

But it also gave Lu Li a new understanding of the power of spiritual practitioners.

Originally, Lu Li was a little complacent about his improvement in strength in the past few days. After all, from an ordinary person to a superman who can lift hundreds of catties of objects, no matter who he is, he will be excited.

But after watching these extremely dangerous videos, Lu Li felt that he was still too small.

If this kind of thing happened to me, the current me, who had just met the spirit beast, would probably be killed by the bombardment.

Although I am in the safe zone, it is difficult to encounter such existences as spirit beasts.

However, isn't there a relic under the Raoshui River?

In the safe zone, it wasn't spirit beasts that were dangerous.

It's human spiritual practitioners with more variables!

"It seems that you can't just focus on improving your strength to be admitted to Lingwu University. 800 spiritual power index is not the end, but just the beginning. If you want to truly protect yourself and your family, you must become stronger."

"Of course, study can't be left behind."

Thinking about it, Lu Li glanced at the time.

It was already five o'clock in the morning, the sky was already gray, and there was still more than an hour before dawn.

Lu Li no longer felt sleepy.

He simply got up and went to the desk.

Turn on the small lamp on the desk, ready to continue reviewing math books.

While reviewing, Lu Li couldn't help looking at the blanket on the floor beside him.

Under the blanket is a teleportation array.

Leads to the cemetery.

Lu Li couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

"What kind of scenery will it be in the cemetery now?"

The sky is gray and gloomy, and the evil spirit must be stronger than during the day, right?

I didn't dare to go to the cemetery at night before because I was afraid that there would be some dirty things.

But after going to the cemetery to absorb the evil spirit these days, Lu Li didn't notice anything unusual.

Perhaps, there is no danger?

Thinking of this, Lu Li felt a lot bolder.

"Why don't you go and have a look?"

The idea, once it arises, starts to get out of hand.

"If you encounter danger, send it back immediately."

Moreover, I have a jade pendant from Jiang Xiaogu on my body, and the other three have been given to my family. Lu Li also injected spiritual power into this jade pendant, and found that there is a very complicated spiritual power rune in the jade pendant.

It's so complicated that you can just feel its texture, and Lu Li's head feels a splitting headache because he can't bear the huge amount of information.

The spiritual power on the runes is even more frighteningly strong.

"With the jade pendant, even if there is danger, it should be able to resist for a while."

With such a scenario, Lu Li no longer hesitated.

Take out two teleportation stones from the drawer.

Put away the badge you brought back from the Spirit League yesterday. You can't wear it on your body. It has the location of the Spirit League on it. If they find that you are suddenly teleported from home to the cemetery, the other party may be very curious about what you did arrived.

Thinking about it, Lu Li found a black hooded sweater from the closet.

After putting it on, it came to the top of the teleportation array.

Take out a teleportation stone.

Spiritual power injection.



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