My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 58 [Narrow Encounter Road] (Modified)

Wu Shichao was the first one taken away by the Spirit League yesterday.

It was also the boy who once dragged Lu Li off the bus.

And those three students who surrounded the skinny boy were his dog legs who fooled around with him all day long.

"Liu Bo, have you gotten close to Yu Xiaohui recently?"

The three boys asked the short and thin boy angrily.

The short and thin boy just lowered his head and didn't answer, looking very timid.

"I'm talking to you, answer! Do you know how to be polite?"

A boy made a threatening voice.

Then he thought it was very humorous and laughed, and the other two boys also laughed.

The boy called Liu Bo just lowered his head and remained silent.

"Shichao, he doesn't speak, what should we do?"

A boy smiled and asked Wu Shichao who was leaning against the wall and reading his notes knowingly.

Wu Shichao was looking at his notes when he was interrupted by this question.

He raised his head and glanced at the boy a little unhappily, and immediately stopped smiling at the boy, and lowered his head embarrassingly.

Since Wu Shichao's strength has become stronger these days, he has inexplicably given them an invisible pressure, as if he would have an attack at any time.

"Hey, that person."

At this time, one of the boys suddenly looked towards the end of the alley, and pointed at a boy standing there with a schoolbag at the end of the alley with some surprise.

"It's Lu carp!"

The man was surprised.

This sound also attracted the attention of several other boys, including Wu Shichao.

Lu Li also saw that they were all looking at him.

Seeing their increasingly playful expressions, Lu Li couldn't help but frown.

In this scene, if it were Lu Li from the previous life, he would have pretended not to see them, then made a detour and walked home quickly. Run if necessary.

But this time, Lu Li was very calm and didn't move.

"Lu carp?"

Wu Shichao put away the notes in his hand after seeing Lu Li.

He sneered and walked towards Lu Li.

When the other three boys saw him, they didn't bother to clean up the short and thin boy, so they also walked over.

Seeing that they ignored him, Liu Bo didn't care whether he was rescued or what, so he ran away quickly.

Only Lu Li, Wu Shichao and others were left behind.

"I heard that you were also called away by the Spirit League yesterday?"

Wu Shichao walked a few meters in front of Lu Li, and asked directly.

However, the playful smile on his face didn't seem like he was asking a serious question.

After hearing this, Lu Li said with a blank expression on his face, "Yes, how is it?"

"So, you also have something special?"

Wu Shichao still asked with a smile.

There was an unkindness in this smile, which Lu Li had seen in his previous life, and it was very oppressive to him at that time.

But now, Lu Li didn't feel much fluctuation in his heart.

Just said lightly: "No comment."

"Are you so cold?"

Wu Shichao couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

The few dog legs next to him also laughed out loud when they heard the words, and there was a strong sense of ridicule in their laughter.

At this time Wu Shichao had already walked in front of Lu Li, but he still deliberately took a step forward, getting very close to Lu Li, and said, "The Spirit League must have invited you to join?"

"No comment."

Lu Li still had a calm expression on his face, and he didn't seem to put Wu Shichao in his eyes at all.

Wu Shichao didn't expect Lu Li to be so pushy.

Lu Li was not like this in the past, but thinking about it, Lu Li may have awakened now, and it is not what it used to be, so it is normal to drag a little.

He smiled, stretched out his hand to pinch the collar of Lu Li's school uniform jacket, lifted it, and said, "Student, don't be so cold, tell me, what department are you in.


Wu Shichao's action was not helping Lu Li straighten his collar.

It's a provocative, threatening gesture.

Lu Li's face darkened in an instant, and he said coldly, "Let go."

Wu Shichao didn't let it go on purpose, and said with a sneer, "You tell me what department you are in, and I'll let you go."

Lu Li knew that at this time, what the other party wanted to know was not what department he was at all, he simply wanted to suppress himself in terms of momentum.

If I answered it myself, I would admit that I am cowardly, which is equivalent to being afraid of him.

If it was Lu Li from the previous life, he might have answered due to his power.

But now, Lu Li's voice was a few degrees colder, and said: "I said, let go."


Wu Shichao sneered, and said, "If I don't let go, so what?"

As soon as this remark came out, the three dogs next to him also came up and surrounded Lu Li.

This is an alley, and because of the city guard's announcement, there are almost no people on the street.

Lu Li just wanted to ask for help, but no one else could come for a while.

But Lu Li didn't intend to ask for help, he looked directly at Wu Shichao, and said, "I'll count to three, don't let go, don't blame me for being rude."

Wu Shichao laughed again.

He didn't believe that Lu Li dared to do anything. When Lu Li and Jiang Xu were together, Wu Shichao didn't pay attention to them, let alone Lu Li alone now.


Lu Li coldly output the first number.

Wu Shichao and the others sneered.


Lu Li's voice didn't make Wu Shichao let go of his hands even a little bit.

On the contrary, Wu Shichao's face became more fierce.

He didn't believe that Lu Li really dared to do it!


When Lu Li read out the last number, Lu Li's eyes turned cold.

Afterwards, Lu Li's right hand was already clenched into a fist.

At this moment, the fist is also raised violently!

Wu Shichao pinched Lu Li's collar at this time, and he was very close to Lu Li. In addition, he didn't believe that Lu Li dared to make a move. Without much defense, he was hit by Lu Li's uppercut and hit his chin directly!

Wu Shichao felt as if his jaw had been hit by a brick. Under the pain, his vision went dark, and he fell back several steps suddenly.

After all, he was hit on the jaw, and he felt that his upper and lower rows of teeth were all loose.

Dazed, the whole person loses balance, and sits on the ground.

This sudden punch shocked the other three boys present.

At first, they thought the same as Wu Shichao, thinking that Lu Li would definitely not dare to do anything.

After all, judging by Lu Li's expression and movements, it doesn't look like he will do it right away!

As a result... Lu Li directly knocked Wu Shichao to the ground as soon as he made a move!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

"What the hell!"

Dumbfounded but dumbfounded, the boss was beaten, how could they sit idly by and rush forward.

Wrestled with Lu Li.

However, when their fists hit Lu Li's body, Lu Li only felt like a balloon filled with water softly hit him.

There is sensation, but no pain.

Thinking about it, Lu Li turned around quickly, and punched a tall and thin boy closest to him in the stomach!


The tall and thin boy had a ferocious expression at first, but when he was hit in the stomach by this punch, his whole face was distorted in horror. He immediately hugged his stomach and took several steps back with a painful expression on his face.

Then he knelt on the ground and twisted into a ball.

Obviously painful!

A boy yelled and punched Lu Li in the face, but Lu Li grabbed his wrist with quick eyes and quick hands.

The boy felt as if his wrist was clamped by two pieces of iron, and he couldn't move at all!

The boy suddenly looked terrified!

Lu Li's strength is so great!

However, before he had time to think too much, Lu Li suddenly grabbed his hand, and his backhand was an overhand throw.

Throw the boy far away, with his back on the ground, and hit the ground.

The man twisted on the ground in pain.

Speaking of complicated, it is actually a matter of a few seconds.


At this time, a yelling boy rushed out from one side. The boy held a moving brick that he didn't know where he got in his hand, and he greeted Lu Li directly on the head.

Moving bricks is no better than fists, Lu Li dare not try with his own body.

Hastily turning his right hand into a sword finger, he suddenly pointed at the brick in the boy's hand, and the gravity technique was activated immediately!

The boy felt that the brick in his hand seemed to be fixed, unable to drop it.

Lu Li's eyes froze, and the sword finger in his hand slashed down at the boy's head!


The boy suddenly screamed, and the brick in his hand hit his own forehead directly.

Under the pain, the man also covered his head, squatted down and screamed in pain.

And at this moment, Wu Shichao who was behind him also regained his composure and stood up abruptly.

He was hit on the jaw by Lu Li's "sneak attack" just now, and he only felt salty and sweet in his mouth, and he didn't know which tooth was loose.

But Lu Li's punch undoubtedly brought out Wu Shichao's blood.

Immediately, he rushed up angrily, with a ferocious face, and punched Lu Li's back with all his strength!

Lu Li sensed something strange and reacted quickly. He turned his head abruptly and quickly reached out to block the punch.

However, he underestimated the power of Wu Shichao's punch.

The power of a power awakened person's punch is extremely terrifying!

When punches and palms touched each other, Lu Li felt a sharp pain in his hand bones, almost breaking.

hiss! This strength!

Even Lu carp, who already had more than 400 points of spiritual power and had more than 200 points of physical strength, couldn't stand it at all.

He took several steps back to stabilize his figure.

I thought to myself, fortunately, I reacted quickly enough and turned around to block the punch with my hands. If this punch hits me...I'm afraid I will break several bones!

Wu Shichao's strength is not at the same level as those three little guys who have less than 180 points!

Wu Shichao was equally astonished.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li actually took the full punch of his strength awakened person! ?

An idea could not help but arise in his heart!

Lu carp is also a power system!

However, even if Lu Li was of the strength system, he couldn't swallow this breath.

If it weren't for Lu Li's surprise attack, he would have fought Lu Li head-on, and he would have had absolute confidence in knocking Lu Li to the ground! Hit him begging for mercy!

With this in mind, Wu Shichao reorganized his offensive again, shouting and rushing towards Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't dare to take it hard now.

The strength of that punch just now had already caused Lu Li's right hand bone to still ache. This made Lu Li understand a truth, don't go head-to-head with the strength awakened!

Thinking about it, Lu Li quickly backed away, temporarily avoiding his sharp edge.

At the same time, he stretched out his sword fingers with his left hand, and looked around, looking for objects that could be used as weapons.

Lu Li's eyes quickly fell on the high bricks on the ground beside him.

"Don't run! What a bitch, stop for me!"

Wu Shichao hit nothing with his punch, and hurriedly pursued him again.

But he only had great strength, but his speed was far inferior to Lu Li's, so he was immediately pulled away by Lu Li.

He was so angry that he cursed and yelled.

And Lu Li also found his flaws during his several moves, his upper hand was too strong, and his lower hand was unstable!

After all, Wu Shichao is only a student, and he has just awakened to the power department, and his combat skills are very limited. As long as he calms down and keeps a distance, he can find a lot of flaws.

Thinking of this, Lu Li saw the right opportunity, moved the sword finger of his left hand immediately, and a brick flew out at the side, hitting Wu Shichao's knee directly!

Wu Shichao didn't even see how the brick came from, he felt his kneecap was hit hard by a hard object.


Wu Shichao's aggressive face immediately twisted in pain.

The body is out of balance, and it rushes forward!

Hitting the ground, he fell face-to-face so hard that he ate shit!


A tooth fell out, and Wu Shichao only felt a fishy and salty taste in his mouth. The severe pain made him forget to think for a while, and he didn't know whether to cover his mouth or his knees for a while.

"What are you doing?!"

"Stop it all!"

At this moment, two majestic shouts sounded from the end of the alley.

There, two middle-aged men in city guard uniforms suddenly appeared.

Seeing that there were already four people lying on the ground, and only Lu Li was still standing, the two quickly issued a warning, and then rushed over.

Seeing someone coming, Lu Li had no choice but to put away his sword.

He hurriedly said, "They were the ones who made the first move."

They move first? Then why are they lying instead of you?

The two members of the City Guard were stunned, but if there were fights on the street, they had to be arrested.

At this time, at the end of the alley, a short and thin boy also hurried over.

When Liu Bo saw the scene on the ground, he was also stunned.

Why are Wu Shichao and others lying on the ground?

After he ran away just now, he felt very sorry. After all, it was Lu Li who relieved him, and he just left, and his conscience couldn't bear it.

So when he saw members of the city guard patrolling the street, he immediately went up and called them over.


Did Lu Li solve four by himself?

Liu Bo was shocked when he saw the city guard handcuffed Lu Li, and hurried up, saying, "Uncle City Guard, you caught the wrong person! They were the ones who wanted to beat this boy, and this boy saved me!"

Hearing this, the two city guards couldn't help but look at each other.

These words, combined with the four people twisted in pain on the ground, why don't they feel convincing at all?

"In short, come back to the team with us to make a record!"


(PS: ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets!)

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