My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 74 [Broken Cloud]

After dozens of minutes, the doctor came out of the emergency room and informed everyone about the situation of grandpa.

"The old man has temporarily passed the dangerous period, but the situation is still not optimistic. You must be mentally prepared."

The doctor's words almost scared Lu Li's grandma into a faint.

Lu's mother and sister-in-law quickly supported the old man, and their noses turned red instantly.

Lu Ling couldn't help but take Lu Li's arm, and Lu Li patted her hand, also frowning.

Father Lu was also in a heavy heart, but as the head of the family, he had to calm down and ask the doctor what to do next.

The doctor also began to explain the situation to Dad Lu in detail.

The old man is old and his body's self-healing ability is very poor. Any injury will take a long time to recover. What's more, this time it was a head injury, which required several stitches, and the old man was also unconscious.

In addition, the old man also has many physical problems, which may be exacerbated by this accident at any time.

Even if the elderly have passed the dangerous period, the subsequent treatment is very difficult.

It can be said to be very dangerous.

After listening to the doctor's description, there was a shadow on everyone's face.

Lu's father and Lu's mother felt extremely guilty.

After all, grandpa and grandma encountered such danger only because they wanted to go to Lu Li's house for dinner, and the city guards had warned everyone more than once to avoid going out during the critical period.

It's all the result of their negligence.

But right now, they can only wait for the old man to wake up before making a follow-up diagnosis.

"In short, let's transfer the elderly to the intensive care unit first, and you go through the hospitalization procedures."

After the doctor finished speaking, he reminded everyone to go through the hospitalization procedures and follow-up medical expenses.

Father Lu nodded, and then went to do it.

After Lu Li comforted his grandma and sister, he went to the front desk with Father Lu.

Although Dad Lu looked calm on the outside, he was more panicked than anyone else in his heart. He lined up with a list, and when he was in the line, he didn't know how to move forward, and he was dazed.

"Dad, it's our turn."

Lu Li reminded Dad.

Father Lu came back to his senses, stepped forward, and said, "Hi, pay the fee."


Grandpa was quickly transferred to the intensive care unit.

After doing all these follow-ups, Lu's father and Lu's mother persuaded other relatives to leave. After all, most of the relatives did not have dinner. The current situation is waiting for the old man to wake up.

After the relatives left, Lu's father said to Lu's mother: "You can take the child and mother back for dinner first, and I will just watch over here."

Mama Lu also nodded and said, "Well, then I'll bring you food later."


Lu Ma took Lu Li and the others home and made a simple dinner.

But tonight everyone has no appetite.

Lu's mother finished eating quickly, and then planned to deliver food to Lu's father.

As a result, as soon as she went out, Father Lu came back by himself.

It was my sister-in-law who went up to pick up his shift after eating and asked him to go home for dinner.

"I'll wait until I finish eating."

After Lu's father finished speaking, he served the meal by himself, and then started to eat. Seeing that Lu Li's grandma was eating absent-mindedly, Lu's father could only speak to comfort his old mother.

After eating, Lu Li and Lu Ling went to take a bath one after another.

When it was Lu Li's turn to take a bath, he heard the noise of his mother outside the bathroom.

Lu's father and Lu's mother seemed to be arguing in the living room.

At this time, everyone is depressed, their emotions will be magnified, and it is easy to quarrel because of such and such things.

Lu Li had no choice but to take a quick shower and get out of the bathroom.

I saw my mother talking on the phone angrily, and my father propped his forehead with one hand, looking very remorseful.

Lu Ling and grandma sat aside,

Did not speak.

"It's shutting down again! Let's see how you can get the 300,000 back!"

Mama Lu threw her phone on the sofa, looked very angry, and rubbed her head with a headache.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Li came out wiping his hair with a towel and asked.

Lu's father and Lu's mother were silent and did not speak.

It was Lu Ling who told the story: "Dad, he lent 300,000 yuan to Uncle Xu Yao, and now Uncle Xu Yao's phone can't be reached."

Lu's mother was furious at this time, and when she heard this, she became angry and said: "Of course I can't get through. If I get the money, I will run away. Will I get through for you? Lu Zhenhai, you are really good. The thirty Wan was saved by our family so hard, and it will be used by Xiaoli Xiaoling to go to college in the future. As a result, you borrowed it without even asking. Now Dad’s follow-up medical expenses are still 500,000 yuan short. You said we went to college. Where can I find it?"

It turned out that after Lu Li and the others left just now, the doctor found Dad Lu and roughly estimated the medical expenses of the old man this time.

Since the elderly are affected by spiritual power fluctuations, the city guard will have subsidies for the wounded.

However, even if the wounded allowance is used, at least at least, it still needs about 1.5 million.

The situation of the elderly is no better than that of the young, and this is considered the most conservative treatment plan.

Originally, for Lu Li's family, it was possible to get together with the sister-in-law's family and borrow some from relatives.

After all, some time ago, the old house in the south of the city was demolished, and there was a subsidy.

But because Dad Lu lent 300,000 yuan to Xu Yao last year, he put all the pressure on the whole family.

Father Lu also sighed, and said, "I will find a way to borrow some from my friends."

Lu's mother poured cold water on it, saying: "Aren't your friends also cheated by that Xu Yao? Even if they have money now, they won't lend it to you."

As she said that, Mama Lu's eyes turned red.

In terms of grievances, she was more aggrieved than anyone else.

As the hostess of this family, so much money, Lu's father lent it out without even discussing it with her.

Originally, the 800,000 yuan from the demolition a few days ago, and the fact that Lu Li had started to become promising, made her happy for a while.

As a result, before I was happy, I encountered this kind of thing.

If it wasn't for this, she would probably still be kept in the dark.

When Lu's father heard Lu's mother's complaints, he was also sullen and speechless.

How did he know that his old classmates who had been with him for more than 20 years would really lie to him.

In other words, it can't be called a lie, Xu Yao really wanted to use the money to go to Yangcheng to do business. At the beginning, Lu's father always called Xu Yao and got a lot of good news from him.

If Xu Yao started his business, he would not only get a repayment of 300,000 yuan, but also an extra dividend.

Unexpectedly, just over a month ago, there was no news from Xu Yao.

No one knows what happened to Xu Yao in Yangcheng.

Perhaps the business failed, unable to pay debts, and disappeared.

No matter how helpless, no one can find Xu Yao now, let alone recover the 300,000 loan.

"Your dad and I still have savings of 57,800 yuan. We have saved your dad's pension after retirement."

At this time, the grandma who had been silent on the side spoke up, and she said to her son: "You and your sister can make up for the rest. If your sister is married, the husband's family may not be able to spend much money. The rest Let’s borrow it from your little uncle, their old house in the south of the city has also been demolished, and there are 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, so I should be willing to take some out.”

When Dad Lu heard this, his nose became even more sour.

Thinking that the second elder's own coffin will be used in the end, as the Son of Man, I feel extremely guilty in my heart.

Grandma was right, my sister-in-law is already married, and even if she wanted to get money out, her husband's family couldn't get much out.

Mother Lu originally wanted to question her husband, his son is about to go to Lingwu University, what about the tuition fees? What about the subsequent living expenses?

But now, she couldn't ask any more.

"One and a half million? I have a way."

Just when the whole family was shrouded in gloom, Lu Li's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Broke the cloud of gloom.

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