My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 92 [Demon Crystal]

After returning to the Spirit League with Liao Hong, Lu Li took notes in the Spirit League.

Since then, he has been staying in the Spirit League.

The Spirit League also sent several Spirit League warriors with a spiritual power index above 800 to secretly protect Lu Li's family.

until night falls.

Xia Bingcai returned to the spirit alliance with four strange corpses.

After Xia Bing received the assistance of the city guards in the afternoon, he mobilized the monitoring equipment and found Yaoyi's whereabouts through clues.

And sent a large number of people to search several nearby towns and forests.

Finally, in a cave, they found these strange hiding places.

After that, there was a fierce battle, and during the fight, Xia Bing and others killed four Yao Yi.

But in the end, he was still escaped by the ape-faced Yaoyi and another black-haired Yaoyi.

However, although the two escaped, they were also seriously injured.

There will be no storms in a short time.

The hunt will continue, and it will be a matter of time before they are found.

When Lu Li heard the news, his heart was slightly relieved.

However, in order to verify his previous thoughts, Lu Li still went to check the four strange corpses brought back by Xia Bing.

Later, I discovered that these four ghosts were not the same as the white-skinned ghost that I saw in the streets of Raoshui Town that day!

This shows that Lu Li's guess is correct.

Near Raoshui Town, there is indeed a second group of monsters, and the target of the other group of monsters is likely to be the ruins under the Raoshui River!

Lu Li quickly told Xia Bing about it.

After Xia Bing finished listening, his face became solemn.

She also said that she would report the matter to the headquarters of the Fengcheng Guard Army.

Because of the strange thing, it was the negligence of the guards, who failed to find out about the strange thing.

After explaining this, Xia Bing drove Lu Li home after finishing everything.

And handed Lu Li the other four spirit alliance badges.

Three ordinary badges, and one badge with obviously better engraving.

Xia Bing said: "The badge you used today is for one-time use, and now it only serves as a positioning function. This one can be used unlimited times, so you keep it. The other three badges of the Spirit Alliance are for your family members." .”

"However, you can't tell them that it's because of the monster. You can only say that it's because of the importance that Spirit League attaches to you."

"Until the matter of Yaoyi is resolved, don't tell anyone about Yaoyi. This is also a kind of protection for you and your family."

"Also, don't leave Raoshui Town in a short period of time, let alone leave the monitored place. If there is any special situation, use the help button in the badge. The nearby spirit alliance warriors who secretly protect you will immediately appear to assist you."

"You can also call me. If I am nearby, I will come right away."

While driving, Xia Bing instructed Lu Li in detail.

After listening, Lu Li nodded and accepted the four badges.

And sincerely thanked: "Thank you Captain Xia."

Xia Bing said with a calm and serious expression as always: "This is where my duty lies."

Although Lu Li was a little used to her answering style, she couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.

I used to think that she was unkind, but today Lu Li's impression of Xia Bing has indeed changed a lot. She has a cold-faced and warm-hearted personality, and she is very serious and responsible in her work, so the entire Spirit League and the city guards are very willing. Cooperate with her command.

There are two completely different styles of acting from the white-glove minister.

Speaking of the white-glove minister, Lu Li heard from Liao Hong that the minister had hardly been in the Spirit League these days.

Been dealing with ruins.

Speaking of this matter, Liao Hong also specially told Lu Li that tomorrow afternoon the Lingwu class will

Be sure to go.

He has something very important to announce to the students in Lingwu class.

From Liao Hong's description, Lu Li probably guessed that the things to be announced this time were most likely related to the ruins.

Just don't know exactly what to announce.

Lu Li had been very curious about the situation in the ruins for a long time, so naturally he would not miss it.


Xia Bing also sent Lu Li to the door of Lu Li's house.

After saying goodbye to Xia Bing, Lu Li returned home.

The family members are waiting for Lu Li to go home for dinner.

Seeing Lu Li returning home, they all came up to ask about the situation.

They were all taken special care by the Spirit League today, and they were all surprised. Even Grandpa Lu Li's injury was invited to send a better attending physician.

Lu Li didn't know that the members of the Lingmeng actually did this for themselves.

Even if this is a way to win people's hearts, it has to be said that it is very useful.

According to what Xia Bing said, Lu Li explained to his family that it was Lingmeng who valued and attracted him.

When the family members heard the words, they were suddenly taken aback.

There was a look of joy on his face.

They didn't doubt the authenticity of what Lu Li said. After all, Lu Li is an awakened person, and he has reached 700 points. It is normal for such a proud talent to be recruited by the Spirit League.

Not only was there no doubt, Lu's mother also urged Lu Li: "If you can join the Spirit League, of course you have to join. There is no reason to hesitate. How many people dream of joining the Spirit League, silly son."

Lu's father gave Lu's mother a blank look, and said, "Xiao Li has his own ideas, so don't be a military advisor. Xiao Li, just do what you think is right according to your own ideas, and the whole family will support it." you."

Hearing what his parents said, Lu Li also nodded with a wry smile, and said, "Dad, Mom, don't worry, I know what to do."

Speaking of this, Lu's father and Lu's mother didn't say anything more.

After all, no matter what, Lu Li has a promising future, and it is a great joy for the family.


After Lu Li finished eating with his family, he went back to his room.

After returning to the room, Lu Li checked everything in his room first.

Check whether the Spirit League or the city guards are in your room, and arrange some cameras to monitor yourself or something.

The result was as Lu carp expected.

There are actually two cameras in my room.

Except for the addition of two cameras in the room, there is no sign of being passive.

It didn't matter that Lu Li was passive in other places, mainly because of the teleportation array under the carpet in his room.

This is a big secret of the land carp and cannot be discovered.

Fortunately, the carpet has not been touched.

After checking his room again and confirming that there was nothing unusual except for the two cameras, Lu Li returned to his desk.

Picking up the book and flipping through a few, I turned off the light and went to bed.

As soon as he got into bed, Lu Li covered himself with a head covering.

Then he took out the red demon crystal he got from the white-skinned man today from his pocket.

Hold it in your hand and observe carefully.

The demon crystal was in the dark bed, emitting a faint red light.

Sometimes bright, sometimes dim.

Like a heartbeat.

It seems that there is a living body in this demon crystal.

Very weird.

However, there is nothing strange about Yin Qi. Lu Li has been practicing in the cemetery for so many days, and his courage has already surpassed before.

Feeling the strong yin energy contained in the demon crystal, Lu Li began to connect to the Tongyou jade pendant.

Try to absorb the yin energy on this demon crystal.

The suction force is activated.

The red yin energy was immediately pulled out, absorbed by the Tongyou jade pendant, and then transformed into waves of pure spiritual energy.


(PS: It’s the end of the month. It seems that there are double monthly tickets. Everyone who has monthly tickets in their hands should vote for the host! Also please recommend tickets!)

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