My Leisurely Life In A Wealthy Family

Chapter 138 This Second Sister Is A Bit Scary!

After sending Qin Xuanxuan safely to the bedroom, Chen Fan returned to his room.

He didn't bring his spare mobile phone when he went out today. When he got back, he checked it immediately and found that the third sister had indeed sent a lot of messages and three folders.

Seeing the time it was sent in the afternoon, Chen Fan was surprised. She had recorded all three of her songs in just one day yesterday afternoon and this afternoon.

Chen Fan did not rush to reply. He clicked on the big fish in the first folder and listened. The familiar melody sounded, as if Chen Fan returned to the earth.

At the end of the prelude, a pleasant and unique sound sounded. Although it was somewhat different from the song "Big Fish" on Earth, it was not a big problem.

The singing made up for everything. After listening to it, Chen Fan murmured: "The sound quality is really good, on par with Zhou Chen's version."

He listened to the other two songs one after another, Yi Shi Tian Xia Wushuang and My Dream. The effect is comparable to the original version, and has its own unique charm.

After all, he is a person who has studied music and singing skills for more than ten years, and he is extraordinary as soon as he opens his mouth.

Chen Fan replied: I listened to it and it was very good. It gave me the feeling I imagined. These three songs are very suitable for you.

Sister 3897: (Happy) The new song conference will be held on the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month the day after tomorrow. No matter how you say it, I have to thank you. Without these three songs of yours, I would not know what to do. Now that I have these three songs, My popularity will grow exponentially!

Chen Fan hesitated for a moment and asked insinuatingly: I heard others say that your family is very rich in Jinghai, why do you still want to be a singer?

Third Sister: Well, a few close friends did ask me if this could be considered a hobby.

Third Sister: I fell in love with it when I was a child. I saw some idols shining brightly on the stage, and I came up with this ideal, so I entered the music industry before I graduated from college.

Chen Fan: I also heard that you and Qin Xuanying are sisters?

Third Sister: This is not a secret within the industry, but few outside the industry know about it. However, some people have revealed it several times through their names and place of origin, but we have not acknowledged it.

Third Sister: My second sister actually didn’t learn acting. Let me tell you the truth, don’t laugh at me. My second sister actually has a paralyzed face!

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched and he was horrified. Is the second sister a facial paralysis?

Damn it, no way?

Look at her, she is quite beautiful. She is not inferior to the eldest sister in her cool temperament. How could she be a person with facial paralysis?

Third Sister: Hahahahaha, you must be scared. In fact, it’s not that I have facial paralysis, or I just don’t hold back on my words and smiles. It’s the same at home. I don’t care about anything. I am a very calm person with excellent psychological quality.

Chen Fan:How to say?

Third Sister: Let me tell you this, my second sister is somewhat interested in acting, but she is most interested in exploring human nature, especially playing villains. Several sisters and I secretly gave our second sister a nickname. Called a cold-blooded animal!

Chen Fan:......!

We can’t accept this, and we don’t dare to accept it either!

Forget it, let’s continue!

Chen Fan: Cold-blooded animals?

Third sister: Yes, we were all afraid of blood when we were children, but she was not afraid. She was also afraid of blood when she was a child. She liked to watch the bloody horror scenes. We were all scared. My second sister made fun of us for being timid.

Chen Fan shivered with excitement.

The second sister is terrible.

Third sister: Actually, it’s okay. Although I’m not very good at expressing it, we all know that the second sister actually loves us very much. When we were young, it was the second sister who protected us. Even if the eldest sister was bullied in school, the second sister would also come to find her. Some people would beat people up and beat them up, and one time they even beat someone so hard that he had a concussion and was hospitalized for a month.

Chen Fan felt a bit bitter when he heard this. Isn't this second sister too scary?

Chen Fan: Like to play a villain? I haven’t seen her movies, so I don’t know for sure.

Third Sister: There are three things my second sister refuses to do when filming. The first is emotional scenes. She is not interested in acting in any love or family scenes. She says it is too low-end and insults her acting skills!

Third Sister: Secondly, I don’t take on good guy roles because my second sister can’t play a good (bhce) guy and thinks it’s too artificial to play a good guy.

Third sister: Third sister doesn’t take on costume dramas. Putting on makeup is too troublesome and a waste of time. She likes to play suspense and thriller genres. Have you ever read a report that my second sister plays a female murderer?

Made several high school girls cry?

Chen Fan: I haven’t seen it. Is it so scary?

Third sister: In short, my second sister is an anomaly among actors. She is the first actress to win the Best Actress award for her role as a villain. She has won various awards, but I can't compare to her anyway.

Chen Fan: Well, let’s stop talking and go watch your second sister’s movie.

Third Sister: Go ahead and recommend a movie called "Once Upon a Time in Iron City". Don't be scared.

Chen Fan searched for Tiecheng Past, starring Qin Xuanying, summary: A murder case fifteen years ago was hastily resolved, and the suspect was at large.

Fifteen years later, a serial murder occurred in the university...

Chen Fan clicked on it and read it with interest. First of all, the narrative method. A five or six-year-old girl hid under the bed and escaped the murder.

The camera shifted to the university campus fifteen years later. The body of a male student was found in the poplar forest outside the school. The death was particularly miserable.

Then there is the core of the story, the investigation, panic in the school, and a similar case happened a few days later, this time it was the body of a female student.

Although the structure of the whole story is simple, the interpretation is full of ups and downs. The acting skills of the second sister Qin Xuanying are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. She played a mentally disturbed female college student vividly. No wonder she won the Best Actress Award that year, and she deserved it. .

She has even received high awards internationally.

The female college student was a survivor of the murder that year. The incident left a shadow in her childhood, and she became insane when she grew up.

Resentment hastily closed the case and allowed the murderer to go free, so he had the urge for revenge. This is a heroine and villain with a very high IQ.

Various means were used to find the children of the murderers, allowing those people to taste the pain of losing their loved ones.

The final outcome surprised Chen Fan. The police did not find the real murderer, but the female devil voluntarily surrendered.

In the final self-narration, it is because everything is over and there is no point in living. Rather than staying in the world and suffering, it is better to end everything.

After watching it, Chen Fan smacked his lips and said, "This acting is amazing."

Chen Fan had the urge to tailor a script for her, like "Seven Deadly Sins", Country H's annual masterpiece "Sister", or a female version of Inception... It will definitely sell well, no, I want to open a company, I can’t let those good things gather dust, I have to carry them forward.


Just when Chen Fan was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door. He saw that it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and he had spent two hours with a movie.

"Who is it?" Chen Fan asked.


Chen Fan was stunned, it turned out to be the fourth sister? It's so late, what is she doing here?

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