My Leisurely Life In A Wealthy Family

Chapter 162 Black Demon And White Demon!

Ye Zi put her elbows on the table to support her chin, bit her lips and let out a heavy sigh!

Twenty seconds later!

She changed her hand again, biting her lip on the other side and exhaled heavily again!

Repeatedly, seven or eight times in a row.

Ye Zicai looked at Chen Fan and said, "Okay, I've already struggled mentally. Just now, two little devils, one black and one white, flew out of my ears."

"They were arguing, and the black devil said: 10 million, how many years can you make so much money? You might as well sell your first life!"

"The white devil said: You have to stick to your principles. You said you wouldn't betray your principles for 100 million. Now you can't control yourself for 10 million?"

"The black devil said again...

Chen Fan couldn't help but burst into laughter. Ye Zi was so funny. This soul was much more humorous than the three sisters.

"Stop it, stop it, don't find a way out for yourself!"

Ye Zi was quite embarrassed and said: "These two guys beat you to death, but Xiao Hei is very cute, and I couldn't bear her being beaten to death, so I gave her my best shot!"

"Hey, in today's world, there are murders and arson, gold belts, bridges and roads, but no corpses. Good people don't live long, and disasters are left for thousands of years. The higher the Tao, the higher the devil!"

"In the end, the white devil lost to the black devil, and the evil forces gained the upper hand. No, my brain has been occupied by the black devil, hehe!"

Ye Zi chuckled to cover up her embarrassment of betraying her integrity!

Chen Fan controlled his cheeks that were about to cramp, nodded a little seriously: "Well, then it's settled, there's no need to make a three-part agreement, right? I can ask you anytime, anywhere...

"Stop it!"

Ye Zi rolled his eyes: "These agreed obligations that make me suffer can only be carried out in front of Xiaoran. You'd better not think about it at other times, otherwise I will confiscate your 10 million and the agreement will end here!"

She shook her phone proudly and sneered: "I have received all the money, and there is no contract, what can you do to me?"

At this moment, Chen Fan felt like he had been deceived!

Right now, nine fifteen!

Chen Fan received a WeChat voice message from Xiao Yueyue, guarding Ye Zi. Chen Fan didn't dare to play so many tricks and didn't even listen.

The reply is a message: sending text is not convenient for listening!

Female Fairy: Husband, I miss you. How about coming to my house today?

Reading the text, it's like hearing this voice message, which is definitely unforgettable.

Chen Fan thought of Mother Lin's words, Xiaofan, don't come back if you don't come back. Don't listen to your dad. If you don't come back, say hello first.

Chen Fan: Okay, just wait and throw it away.

Female Fairy: Well, hubby, please be safe on the road, we are waiting for you!

Hey, coquettish women have the best life!

I was about to send a message to Mother Lin saying that I wouldn’t go back that night, but soon after I said it, Mother Lin’s video had already started.

Ye Zi asked: "Who is it? Do you want me to avoid it?||?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "No, Aunt Lin's video."

"Aunt Lin?" Ye Zi laughed and said, "I haven't seen Aunt Lin for a long time. Please remember to say hello later."


Chen Fan responded, connected to the video, and smiled politely: "Aunt Lin!"

"Xiao Fan, it's already past nine o'clock. Aren't you coming back tonight? If you don't come back, your dad and I won't wait for you and will go upstairs to rest!"

In the picture, Mother Lin and Father Chen are lying on the sofa in the living room on the first floor!

Chen Fan smiled shyly: "Well, Aunt Lin, I won't be going back tonight. You and my dad can rest early. I'll go back for breakfast tomorrow morning."

Mother Lin thought he was with the girl, so she smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, then your dad and I won't wait for you."

Ye Zi whispered strangely: "Aren't you going back? Why are you going?"

"Who is Xiaofan? Who is talking? What are you talking about?" Mother Lin immediately became energetic when she heard a girl's voice.

Ye Zi didn't think too much, and smiled sweetly: "Auntie, it's me [Ye Zi!"

"Ah? Ye Zi? Xiao Zi, how could you and Xiao Fan... Oh oh oh, I know, I know, Xiao Zi, you and Xiao Fan should have fun, Auntie, don't you?" Sorry to bother you, come and play at home when you have time."

Ye Zi quickly grabbed the phone and explained: "Auntie, you misunderstood. I am not Chen Fan's girlfriend. Chen Fan and I are just talking about psychology. We have finished eating and I will go home later."

"Didn't you just come back from Hawaii? I just wanted to say hello to you. I will go home tomorrow to give my aunt a New Year's greeting in advance."

Ye Zi thought for a while and decided to leave the matter of borrowing Chen Fan for tomorrow.

Mother Lin nodded excitedly and said: "Okay, okay, that aunt is waiting for you, waiting for you to come over tomorrow, you and Chen Fan have fun!"

"Well, okay auntie, don't get me wrong. Chen Fan didn't go back because he made an appointment with other friends. We are not the kind of relationship you think!"

"Okay, okay, you are not. Auntie believes in you, so let's do this for now!" Mother Lin hung up the phone as if she understood me very well.

Chen Fan laughed and said: "Aunt Lin must have thought that if I didn't go home, I would go home with you to spend the night. Can't you explain it properly?"

Ye Zi wondered: "."I explain? Didn't I explain it? I said you must have made an appointment with other friends that's why you didn't go home. Don't worry, Aunt Lin and I have known each other for more than ten years. Who am I? She knows very well and will not misunderstand us."

"That's good!" Chen Fan stood up and said, "Let's go our separate ways. I'll go buy the items first. What time will you go to my house to find me tomorrow?"

"It's about eight o'clock. My home is quite far from the city. It takes two hours to drive. Chen Fan, from now on you should be more careful about your private life and don't go home for the night!"

Chen Fan joked: "You've just started fulfilling the contract, and now you start caring about my private life?"

"Tch!" Ye Zi said disgustedly: "Who cares about you? I'm afraid Xiaoran will be sad if she finds out, but you won't be stupid enough to stay out for the night so blatantly, right?"

"Smart!" Chen Fan praised!

The two paid the bill and went downstairs together, put Ye Zi into a taxi, and Chen Fan also drove to the female goblin to spend time together.

In the courtyard of the Tang Palace, Mother Lin put down her mobile phone with a smile from ear to ear, and said with a happy smile: "Oh, no one (Li Zhao) would have thought that Xiao Fan would actually get involved with Xiao Zizi, nor would he Does Xiaoran know about this?"

Chen Hongbin frowned and said, "Little Ye Zi? Which Little Ye Zi?"

Mother Lin smiled and said: "It's one of Xiaoran's classmates and best friend Zhi."

Chen Hongbin started working hard and asked: "Xiaoran's classmate? How old are you? Is the age gap a bit big? It's a bit inappropriate!"

Mother Lin glared and said, "What is appropriate and inappropriate? As long as the child likes it, why do you care so much? Xiao Zizi and I have known each other for more than ten years. He is a top student and an international student. In what way is he not worthy of your son?"

"This Xiaofan is true. Didn't Xiaoran say that he and Xiao Jiajia are in love? Why did he get involved with Xiao Yezi again?"

"No, no, I have to go up to Xiaoran and ask about this matter. We can't let Xiaofan be in trouble and give up on others, like Chen Shimei who kills a thousand people."

Saying that, Mother Lin put on her slippers and ran upstairs quickly to talk to her eldest daughter!

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