My Leisurely Life In A Wealthy Family

Chapter 070 The Second Personality And The Strong Mentality!

Chen Fan turned back and said with a smile, "No, those psychiatrists have given me too much advice. I'm looking for someone else. Excuse me, bye!"

Chen Fan originally wanted to learn more about it, but the other party was so wary that he gave up the idea.

Because she must have a very good relationship with Qin Xuanran, she might report her appearance to Qin Xuanran. Once that happens, there will probably be a grudge between the siblings.

Even the relationship will become cold and hard.

He believed that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.

Qin Xuanran has a high IQ, and the people gathered around him must not be stupid.

Not to mention her personal psychiatrist.

How can you do it without some real talent and practical learning?

And what does true talent and learning depend on? It depends on intelligence and perseverance!

This short-haired girl should fall into this category.

Chen Fan "Zero 50" thinks he doesn't have a very high IQ, but he's not stupid either.

Chen Fan is not in a hurry to go back

Instead, I found a small psychological counseling center in a remote place.

The other party is an uncle in his forties.

"Tell me, young man, what's your condition?"

asked a very clean-cut middle-aged man.

Chen Fan said: "It's not that I have the disease, it's that a female friend of mine does. She was too embarrassed to come, so she asked me to consult."

"Okay." The middle-aged uncle nodded and said, "Let's talk about the situation first."

"It's like this. My female friend is a women's boxing coach, but when she fights with others, she will feel a sense of excitement, especially when she is beaten, but it is not very obvious. This is what's the situation?"

The middle-aged uncle smiled lightly: "This is easy to understand. Different environments can also cause some psychological defects. Your friend's condition is easy to analyze."

"Then please let the doctor analyze it for me. I'll tell her!"

The middle-aged uncle analyzed it carefully and said: "From your description, we can draw the following conclusions, but they are not absolute and are for reference only. The specific cause of the disease needs to be understood by me before I can draw a conclusion."

Chen Fan nodded.

The middle-aged uncle said: "The first conclusion is psychological masochism. The conditions for its formation are very simple. She is a women's boxing coach, so she inevitably has to compete with others."

"Over time, you will like the pleasure of being beaten. This is a very common psychological disorder, and this disorder is divided into the following types."

"The first is behavioral psychological disorder, which is a type of occupational disease in layman's terms. The second is psychological trauma disorder. There are some shadows in the heart, plus the strong anger cannot be vented, and being abused is a way to reduce psychological disorders. "

"The second one is easy to overcome and can be easily solved by healing the psychological trauma. The third one is X's psychological disorder, which is also the most common one."

"The third type of disorder is those who satisfy their inner needs through abnormal behavior. There are many such people and they are very sensitive, but it is also very difficult to cure, with a success rate of less than 50%."

Chen Fan looked at the table with absent-minded eyes.

The middle-aged doctor chuckled and said: "Go back and tell her not to worry her. This type of psychological disorder is very common and can be said to be normal."


"But what?" Chen Fan asked.

The middle-aged doctor frowned and said: "However, there are some special situations that are very complicated. The first one is the mentality of the strong. This type of disease will occur in women.

"Especially those strong women who have strong self-control and strong self-reliance. Such people will behave very coldly and domineeringly."

"Over time, a mentality will develop, which is the mentality of the strong. This kind of woman will generally be lonely, not lonely in life.

"But they choose the loneliness of opposite-sex partners. They don't like anyone, and they will make up for themselves a person of the opposite sex who is superior to themselves in every aspect."

"They will be screened and selected based on the person they imagined. Not only this, they also want to be recruited by this kind of man. The simplest and most direct way is through abnormal behavior."

"But there are very few such people. The patient cannot reach the level of psychological satisfaction, and the condition will become worse and worse. Over time, the abuse will be released."

"This is a sign of adrenaline that has been stored for a long time and cannot be released. I don't think your friend is this kind of person."

Chen Fan pondered for a moment and asked again: "What if this strong woman is cold and domineering at work, but gentle, lively and even naughty in life?"

The middle-aged doctor smiled and said: "There are even fewer people like this. They are rarer than giant pandas. In short, I have never heard of such people in the history..."

"Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of people with a strong mentality are cold and domineering people, whether at work or in life."

"The situation you mentioned is minimal, but there is also a possibility, which is the second strong mentality that I will talk about next."

"However, this second type of strong mentality has only appeared once in history. It appeared in European and American countries. It has been more than sixty years ago, so it is not easy to refer to."

Chen Fan said with interest: "Tell me first, what is the second mentality of a strong person?"

The middle-aged psychiatrist pondered: "There are almost no such people. Even if there are, they will become the research objects of major psychological experts. If there are, they will have been made public long ago.

"This is related to the second split personality. A person is naturally weak. Over time, he will develop a desire for a strong character."

"Those who will imagine themselves as a powerful person have a very slim chance of splitting into a powerful personality. However, this type of person is one in a billion and may not appear among hundreds of millions of people.

"This kind is also divided into active and passive. One is active split personality, and the second is passive split personality. Most are passive and almost none are active."

"And there are many disadvantages after split personality. Just like the lights, they will switch from time to time in an instant. One second they were smiling, and the next second they will become cold. 17

"This kind of people generally live in a complicated life. The two personalities will trouble their normal life. When the weak personality faces the huge pressure of 5.8, the strong personality will appear."

"When a strong and cold personality faces those parents who don't want to face it, another personality will appear. I don't know if you understand after saying so much.

Chen Fan's heart is like a cat scratching his head. The first strong mentality, the eldest sister should not be so lucky, right? It is almost impossible to coexist with a cold and warm personality.

He would never believe that such a radiant woman as his eldest sister could be a patient with schizophrenia.

ps: It’s the Chinese New Year, I’m really tired of typing, I really don’t want to write, I have no idea, there are still three updates, I will write them out in the afternoon and evening, fifteen updates will not be less.

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