My Leisurely Life In A Wealthy Family

Chapter 094 The Sequelae Of The Second Personality!

Oops, I’m about to wake up!

Once Ye Zi wakes up, she can only hypnotize Qin Xuanran. As a younger brother, she is reluctant to hypnotize her elder sister.

If anything goes wrong, the relationship between brother and sister will cease to exist.

Ye Zi said it was okay, she just explained herself and got over it.

While Ye Zi was still in a daze, Chen Fan came to the bedside and gently massaged her head to a very comfortable level.

After all, massage is no joke.

A hundred times more comfortable than regular massage.

Ye Zi felt the pleasure brought to her body and became particularly calm.

Chen Fan asked again: "What is Qin Xuanran's mental illness? Or what is the psychological disorder? What symptoms does she have?"

This time, Ye Zi felt unprecedentedly comfortable, her inner guard was at a minimum, and she seemed to enjoy this feeling.

This time there was no struggle to resist.

Said very quietly: "Second personality sequelae"


Chen Fan took a breath of air and was completely stunned!

Damn it, the sequelae of the second personality?

Just as the middle-aged psychiatrist said yesterday, one of the almost impossible situations is that the perfect combination of personalities is really a second personality?

Chen Fan thought in shock; Could it be that the second personality has merged?

However, the middle-aged psychiatrist said yesterday that this is completely impossible. It is impossible for two personalities to achieve complete tacit understanding.

It is even more impossible to merge into one!

These are not just two personalities, they can be said to be two souls.

They are two different thoughts.

Chen Fan asked excitedly: "How did Qin Xuanran's second personality come into being?"

Ye Zi murmured: "She was very cowardly and timid when she was a child, and some encounters made her very sensitive. When she was nineteen, her second personality appeared."

"What happened to her that formed her second personality?"

"My father died at the age of nine, and the tremendous pressure on my mother and daughter from being forced by shareholders caused a profound childhood shadow. There was no trouble caused by having a boy in the family."

"The mother complained that she was incompetent and could not give birth to a son, and that the Qin Group had no successors, which had a profound impact on her."

"She has envied other people's sibling relationship since she was a child. Her mother trained her to be the successor of the group. However, she has a gentle personality, a soft heart, and is emotional, which always disappoints her mother.

"She fantasized over time that she was a powerful person. When she was eighteen years old, she entered the group to gain experience and suffered heavy blows within a year."

"Her friends betrayed her, her sister was bullied, her colleagues talked behind her back, and her mother secretly cried. All these accumulated over time, causing her to collapse in one night, and a perfect personality was forced to appear.

Chen Fan was shocked when he heard this.

Countless images appear in my mind.

The nine-year-old girl faced the shock of her father's death, which caused severe psychological damage.

The shareholder team led by Tang Yulong was under pressure to hand over the company's management rights.

In addition, Mother Lin was so sad that she shed tears late at night.

Her self-blame, her complaint, why is she not a boy?

Why do women suffer from these pressures?

After becoming an adult at the age of eighteen, she joined a group with dreams to gain experience. The intrigues in the workplace combined with the accumulated pressure finally led her to collapse.

Over time, the second personality was born!

Chen Fan felt inexplicably sad. He finally understood why she was so fond of him and so kind to him on the first day they met.

Because she has been waiting for so many years to have a brother.

She pinned all her fantasies on herself.

Why does she pamper herself so much?

Chen Fan finally understood why, in just a few days, she took great care of herself and couldn't wait to integrate herself into this family.

Because Chen Fan became her imaginary brother.

No wonder she hugged him and cried so depressedly today.

There is too much unhappiness, grievance, sadness, and pressure accumulated in my heart.

Chen Fan finally understood.

Why did she say: I have been waiting for you for seventeen years, why didn't you come earlier? I am really tired... Such words!

Seventeen years...she probably started waiting when she lost her father.

That year, Mother Lin just gave birth to her younger sister Qin Xuanxuan.

At this moment, Chen Fan really couldn't imagine what kind of arduous process it was to form a second personality.

A strong desire for protection arose in his heart.

Qin Xuanran is not as strong as he seems on the surface.


Her heart is fragile.

It's as fragile as a thin piece of paper that will break with just ten pokes.

Chen Fan didn't stop, he was afraid that Ye Zi would wake up.

There were still many things he didn't understand.

"What kind of character is her alter ego? How perfect is it?"

Ye Zi murmured to herself: "That is a very perfect personality, a personality that all women yearn for."

"She is smart, strong, cold, domineering, decisive, and cruel. These are the perfect personalities that combine all her lacking mental states. 11

Chen Fan really couldn't imagine that these things could be integrated into a woman.

He asked again: "Where did her second personality go?"


Although Chen Fan had guessed this situation, he was still shocked.


It's like two complete strangers merging into one.

Qin Xuanran may be the first person in the world to achieve the fusion of two personalities.

This can no longer be described as a giant panda.

It cannot be described as rare.

This is the phoenix, the fusion of personality, which means rebirth.

Chen Fan asked excitedly: "How did it integrate?"

He saw Ye Zi, who was in a subconscious state, showing a hint of pride.

"I made her fuse!"

Chen Fan stared at this delicate face with wide eyes.

A thin body with such a huge energy base?

How can two personalities be merged? Damn it, this is simply 666!

“What is the specific process of fusion?”

Ye Zi murmured: "My grandfather is a psychologist. I started studying psychology from the second grade of junior high school until I graduated from high school, and then went abroad for further study."

"When I was twenty years old, I returned to China and discovered something was wrong with Xiaoran. Her second personality had affected her original personality, and her temperament and charm had changed."

"She drank too much at that party and we lived together. When she woke up the next day, she asked me who I was. From that moment on, I knew she had a split personality."

Chen Fan's expression became strange.

The two had a good time drinking, but after drinking too much, they slept together.

As a result, her good friend asked her the next day: Who are you?

Who can bear this?

Isn't this plot a bit too exciting?


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