My Leisurely Life In A Wealthy Family

Chapter 096 Did You Hypnotize Me?

Ye Zi opened her eyes and sat up suddenly. Her eyes went from confused to clear. The whole process took less than three seconds.

Her expression became extremely shocked, even fearful. She suddenly looked up at Chen Fan and said in horror: "You hypnotized me?"

And Chen Fan brought out the essence of drama.

He looked confused and confused and said: "I don't know. I was talking to you, and then you suddenly lay down. No matter how I tried to wake you up, I couldn't wake you up. I was so anxious!"

"I read in a book that a hypnotist is used to the sound of alarm bells, and will wake up quickly as long as a familiar melody sounds."

"I was just waiting for the alarm to wake you up. If the alarm still doesn't wake you up, I would have called the police. Thank God you woke up. Sister Ye, was it really I who hypnotized you?"

Chen Fan asked somewhat exaggeratedly.

Ye Zi was slightly confused at first, and then his eyes became alert.

She asked warily: "What method did you try to wake me up?"

Chen Fan said seriously: "I told you not to wake up, but I didn't dare to touch you. You are a senior psychological expert. You should know very well that if you are in a dream and I shake you, the world in your dream may collapse." If you fall into a trap, there will be danger.

Chen Fan was not lying about this.

If she really goes deep into the subconscious state, the sky is falling and the earth is falling, which is likely to cause a certain degree of mental damage.

Ye Zi looked at Chen Fan for half a minute, which made Chen Fan feel scared.

Chen Fan lowered his head shyly: "Sister Ye, don't look at me like that, it makes me feel bad.

Ye Zi thought for a moment.

Suddenly I felt cold on my back and started to sweat.

She remembered it clearly.

Chen Fan allowed himself to observe his eyes, but after observing them with concentration for a few seconds, his consciousness became trance-like.

Then he fell into a deep sleep as soon as his eyelids went off and didn't wake up until the alarm went off.

After all, he was hypnotizing himself silently and unconsciously.

Or is it intentional?

It would be terrible if it was done on purpose!

Ye Zi didn't dare to think about it anymore.

But she also thought that she had a very strong psychological defense. Even if she was hypnotized by a master, she would not be able to reveal her innermost secrets. Ye Zi breathed a sigh of relief.

Moreover, Chen Fan is not yet nineteen years old, only eighteen and a half.

How capable can an eighteen-and-a-half-year-old child be?

So Ye Zi thinks.

Just now, the other party silently hypnotized me unconsciously.

Otherwise, there is no more convincing reason.

What's more, she heard Qin Xuanran say what Chen Fan's life was like before. Even if he was extremely talented, he couldn't be able to hypnotize himself in an instant.

Chen Fan said a little strangely: "No, Sister Ye, are you suspecting that I deliberately hypnotized you? I don't even know how you fell asleep just now!"

Ye Zi's expression softened a lot.

He smiled faintly and said: "You probably don't have this ability. Maybe I was too focused just now, and the conscious and subconscious minds suddenly alternated. In a sense, I was forced to self-hypnotize."

What do you mean?" Chen Fan said he didn't know anything.

Ye Zi was completely relieved, and she explained: "It's just that if you focus too much, you will easily get dazzled, and the alternation of two consciousnesses will cause a dizzy state."

Chen Fan nodded in understanding.

Ye Zi laughed at himself: "I was actually hypnotized by myself. If there was no alarm, I don't know how long I would sleep.

"By the way, do you want me to teach you hypnosis?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said: "It's too complicated, I won't learn it anymore."

Ye Zi looked at him and shook his head: "No, it's not complicated at all for you. I find that you seem to be a genius in this area."

"How to say?" Chen Fan asked.

"Because your eyes seem to be very special. There are people who use their eyes to perform hypnosis professionally, but not many. You may have some talent in this area!"

"If you want to learn, I can accept you as a disciple and teach you wholeheartedly. It won't take long to get started. Maybe you will be very accomplished in this area.

Chen Fan nodded and said: "Let me study some books on this subject first. We will leave a contact information later. If I want to learn, how about looking for Sister Ye?"


Ye Zi opened the WeChat QR code and asked Chen Fan to scan it.

Successfully got to the WeChat account of the beautiful and intimate sister.

Ye Zi suddenly thought that he seemed to still have a task to do.

She would really not be willing to let Chen Fan go now.

No, I must hypnotize him.

But how can I get him to cooperate with me?

This kid seems to be very alert!

Chen Fan saw Ye Zi with some complicated emotions and asked in confusion: "Sister Ye, what's wrong? Are you staring at me like this?"

Ye Zi gritted her teeth and said, "Can you let me hypnotize you?"

Chen Fan said in confusion: "I want you to be hypnotized? Sister, your request is a bit too much, isn't it? How can you blatantly want to hypnotize others?"

Ye Zi bit her lip and said: 257 "But what if I really want to hypnotize you? How about you ask your sister to hypnotize you? Don't worry, it won't take long!"

Chen Fan shook his head decisively and said: "If it doesn't work, it won't work. Are you kidding me?"

Ye Zi turned around and got out of bed, grabbed Chen Fan's hand and shook it without hesitation, and took out the woman's nature, coupled with the sheep's voice, the voice was crisp to the bone.

"Can you just let me hypnotize you? Just once!"

Chen Fan shook his head again and said: "No, you are like this, I am really angry."

"Then how can you let me hypnotize you?"

"Nothing will work!"

Ye Zi bit her lip angrily and stared at him fiercely.

Chen Fan nervously took a step back and leaned against the wall, smiling stiffly: "You...what are you looking at? What do you dare to do?"

Ye Zi suddenly smiled rationally, gently brushed her short hair, and asked very gently: "Brother, do you have a girlfriend?"

"This... Yes, I have it!"

"Tch, bragging, your eldest sister said yesterday that you don't have a girlfriend."

Chen Fan rolled his eyes: "Does it matter to you whether I have a girlfriend or not? Regardless of whether I have a girlfriend or not, I will not let you hypnotize me."

Is she a sultry type?

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