My Life Can Be Simulated Infinitely

Chapter 251: Forgetfulness

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Outside Yuzhou City, there is a Qianxing Mountain, and the old house of the Shen family is located here.

This old house has a history of more than a thousand years, and only the direct descendants of the Shen family are qualified to live here.

On this day, the Shen family's old house was extraordinarily lively, and many people stood at the door waiting.

Not long after, a carriage came and stopped at the door.

Shen Baiyi, dressed in white, stepped out of the carriage.

Everyone at the door saluted, "I have seen the prince."

With a proud smile on Shen Baiyi's face, he walked into the gate of Shen's residence.

He is twenty-eight years old, and according to the family's decision, he will officially become the heir of the Shen family and will succeed the head of the family in the future.

While feeling complacent, I suddenly heard someone talking not far away, "I can't even get into the top ten of the Qianlong list, I don't know what to be proud of."

"Yes, the Shen family has never had such a wasteful son."

"Ten years from now, I'll take my place."


The smile on Shen Baiyi's face froze, and anger rose in his heart, but it didn't break out.

The Shen family has its own rules, no matter how the same generation competes, they are never allowed to take action against the younger generation.

He knew the people who were talking about them, and they were all about ten years younger than him. He was from another faction within the Shen family.

Moreover, what people said was the truth, and he couldn't find a reason to attack.

But is it his fault?

More than half a year ago, he was still the third young Junyan on the Qianlong list, second only to Chu Xiyue and Wu Xingyun.

Until Gu Yang was born, pushing him to the fourth place. Since then, all kinds of genius have appeared like a blowout.

First, Pei Qianlan suddenly rose to the first place, then another Wu Lingling appeared, then Xu Ruomei, and finally, even Su Qingzhi climbed onto his head.

There are Han Mengling, Feng Tianci and the like, who have never heard of the name before, have surpassed him.

He was suddenly squeezed out of ten.

What is even more terrifying is that the cultivation of these people is terribly high.

Now the top five of the Qianlong list are all first-grade cultivation.

Sixth to eleventh, all are second-rank.

He's now in 11th place.

This year's martial artist is really too curly.

You must know that before the release, the appearance of a rank one on the Qianlong list was a sensational event. Basically, it would only appear once every 100 years or so.

Now, all of a sudden, there are five first-grade products. This is unprecedented.

Even on the Tianjiao list, there are only two first-rankers.

Shen Baiyi was also very aggrieved. With his cultivation, he would not fall out of the top five in any Qianlong list.

Who would have thought that there would be such a group of perverts?

Speaking of which, it was Gu Yang who caused this situation.

Since Gu Yang ranked first on the Hidden Dragon List, the world has become a little abnormal.

Those who are at the top of the Qianlong list are inseparable from this person.

Pei Qianlan, who was number one, eloped with him.

The second Gu Xiyue and the third Wu Xingyun have a lot to do with him.

The fourth, Han Mengling, was said to be a disciple of Sword Saint Shura, and was entrusted to him later.

Not to mention the fifth Su Qingzhi, who is his concubine.

Counting further down, Xu Ruomei, Feng Tianci and others are all related to Gu Yang.

This is outrageous.

Shen Baiyi was a little jealous, why didn't he know Gu Yang earlier?

If I had met Gu Yang a few months ago and became a close friend, I might have already been a first-class.


He was thinking when suddenly a melodious bell rang in the backyard.

Suddenly, the entire Shen mansion fell silent.

"This is--"

Shen Baiyi was shocked, turned his head to look at the backyard, a little incredible, "That bronze bell actually rang."

Outside the ancestral hall of the Shen family, there is a huge bronze bell. It is said that this bell existed more than a thousand years ago.

However, he has never seen anyone ring this bell since he was a child.

When he was a child, he even went to ask his father.

His father said that this bronze bell has not rang since it was placed here.

If one day, this bell rings, it means that something big has happened.

Shen Baiyi thought that the bell would never ring. Unexpectedly, it suddenly rang.


Another sound.

thump, thump...

After nine consecutive bells, several figures flew from the horizon, and it was the Shen family's supernatural powerhouses.

It was the first time that Shen Baiyi saw so many supernatural powers gathered together.

He didn't even know before that it turned out that the Shen family had so many supernatural powers.

"What's the matter?"



"What the **** happened?"

This question also appeared in Shen Zhou's mind.

He is the third level of the mana realm, and the number two person in the Shen family, so he naturally knows what the ringing of the bell means.

Sanshengmen, a purpose has arrived!

That bronze bell is a magic weapon that requires a special method to ring. And this method, only the people of the Three Saints Gate know.

Back then, the ancestor told him that if one day the bronze bell rings, it means that the messenger of the Three Saints is coming.

For a thousand years, this bronze bell rang for the first time.

"Could it be that the Holy Master already knows about that?"

Thinking of this, Shen Zhou became more and more in awe of the Holy Lord.

Back then, the ancestor was just a servant in the Three Sacred Sect. Because of his neat handling, he was favored by the Holy Master and sent to Da Zhou, where he passed on the mysterious secret method, and this is how the Shen family is today.

It can be said that everything in the Shen family was bestowed by the Holy Master.

Including the cultivation of the ancestors.

After a while, several nearby supernatural powers rushed over and landed in the courtyard.

"Uncle Fifth, why did that bell rang? Could it be..."

It was Shen Zhou's nephew, Shen Yi, who asked the question. He was a mana second-level practitioner, second only to him in strength, and had not appeared for many years.

Shen Yi and Shen Guang are also from the second level of mana. They have been fighting for so many years, and no one knows where they are hiding.

Not long ago, Shen Zhou sent Shen Guang out to assassinate Chu Xiyue, but no news has been returned so far.

Shen Zhou said, "Yes, the Holy Master has a will, and it will be here soon."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several Divine Ability Realm present became solemn.

After a while, Shen Yi asked again, "Where's Shen Guang? Why didn't you come?"

"He's not in Yuzhou."

At this time, a supernatural powerhouse in charge of intelligence said, "The fifth uncle, I just got the intelligence of Shen Guang, and is about to report it to you."


"A few days ago, Shen Guang was in Qizhou and was killed by Gu Yang."


Shen Zhou's face changed greatly, "How is this possible?"

Shen Guang is the second-level mana, and Gu Yang is only the third-level golden body. Even if he learns the sword technique of Shenxiao Liuxie to restrain the "Moon Devouring Art of Taiyou", it is absolutely impossible to kill Shen Guang.

"At that time, Gu Yang had already broken through to the magic realm!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole yard was silent.

The fact that Gu Yang practiced "Feng Dance in Nine Heavens" had already spread throughout the Shen family.

For a thousand years, there have been people in the Shen family who have practiced this practice, but no one has reached the first rank.

As a result, an outsider stealthily learned this practice, and he made a hurricane advance. In half a year, he went from the first rank to the golden body, and now he has entered the realm of mana.

Every Shen family member felt a little embarrassed in their hearts.

The same people, why is the difference so big?



At this moment, Shen Zhou felt something and looked up. When I saw a figure in the air at some I couldn't help being surprised.

When this person appeared, he didn't even notice it!

It was a man wrapped in a black robe, with only one pair of eyes exposed, and his body exuded a strange aura. He took out a token and said in a hoarse voice, "Can you recognize this token?"

When Shen Zhou saw the token, he immediately knelt down, "Shen Zhou pays respect to the messenger of the Holy Gate."

When the rest of the people saw this, they also knelt down and said in unison, "Meet the messenger of the Holy Gate."

The man in black robe said, "This seat is bloody, and the Holy Master has an order to capture the person who has completed the "Feng Dance Nine Heavens" and send it to the Holy Gate."

Shen Zhou said, "The messenger, that person's name is Gu Yang, who is already a mana realm cultivation base. Moreover, he has cultivated the "Six Extinctions of the Gods" sword technique, which is extremely difficult to deal with."

The man in black robe asked, "Where's Shen Yun?"

"The ancestor is not in the family now."

"Notify him immediately, you, and you, follow me to arrest people."

The two men in black robes were referring to Shen Zhou and Shen Yi. Among the people present, they were the two with the highest cultivation.


Shen Zhou and Shen Yi responded and flew away with the man in black robe.



On the other side, Gu Yang, who had just broken through, was about to send Xihuang and Jade Bird away, "I suddenly remembered that I have to do something, you go to Tianzhu Mountain to wait for me first."

The blue bird cried, "Master, don't leave me behind."

Xihuang was also reluctant to part with him.

Gu Yang said with a straight face, "Be obedient. After I finish my work, I will go to you."


Xihuang agreed aggrievedly.

The blue bird wanted to say more, but with a swish from Gu Yang, it had already flown away. It flapped its wings and wanted to chase after it. It didn't fly far before it came back bleak.

He was still muttering, "The master must have gone to see his lover. He thinks we are getting in the way and forgetting justice, bah!"

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