My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 414 The Snake of Changshan

However, at this time, Mingting did not have the energy to pay attention to Huguang's affairs. At this time, all the elites of Mingting were on the Shandong front line.

The long-term strong wall and clearing of the country have indeed blocked the penetration of the southeast into Shandong.

Wang Bengu, the commander of the three towns of the Ming Dynasty in Jeju Prefecture, finally led the army out of Jeju Prefecture after three months of garrison in Jeju Prefecture.

Wang Bengu didn't want to go out to fight in the city, but he couldn't resist the orders from the Ming court that came to Jeju City from time to time to urge him to send troops.

The new army in these three towns has 5,000 people in each town, and the three towns have 15,000 people.

These are just soldiers. In addition, Shandong has also recruited 10,000 civilians to be responsible for the logistics work of the new soldiers in these three towns.

Daily training, gunpowder consumption, and the monthly bills reported to the Ministry of War by the recruits from these three towns can scare the hearts of the Ministry of War and the Minister of Household Affairs out of their chests.

The new army is well paid.

Shandong can provide part of the new army's food and grass, but the money will have to be distributed to the Ministry of Household Affairs in the capital.

Gao Gong would get angry every month because of the salary of the New Army of the Three Towns, spending all his energy to raise it. Now the New Army of the Three Towns has been unable to retreat in Jeju City for a long time. If he doesn't fight a battle in Shandong, even the emperor He also asked the Ministry of War of the Cabinet from time to time when the new army would be able to attack.

Another high-ranking official in Shandong, Governor Chen Yiqin of Shandong, who led other armies and regiment training in Shandong, achieved many "results."

These were obtained by the rural regiments responsible for strengthening the walls and clearing the country. Many heads were sent up as "captures" and sent to the capital as proof of military merit.

Gao Gong was already furious about the military exploits presented to him by Chen Yiqin.

The Ministry of War inspection report stated that all the southeastern bandits that were wiped out by the Shandong regiment had sparse teeth and malnutrition.

There are even heads that are simply old men with white beard and hair.

Of course Gao Gong knew that the elite of the Southeast New Army, even the civilians in charge of logistics, were only young and strong men. There was no way these could be the leaders of the Southeast New Army. This must be Chen Yiqin's regiment training, killing good people and taking credit!

But knowing this, Gao Gong couldn't punish Chen Yiqin at this time.

Chen Yiqin made it clear in his private letter to Gao Gong. Chen Yiqin knew very well how these so-called "gains" came about, but now the Shandong gentry were the main supporters of the Ming court in Shandong. These landlords and gentry were afraid of the new southeastern policy. , he led his servants to recruit troops to support the Ming court. If they were punished at this time, it would chill the hearts of the Shandong gentry.

There are not many senior officials from Shandong in the court, but there are many grassroots officials from Shandong.

The whole of Shandong is already in a state of chaos because of the mining tax. If the court continues to refuse to recognize the contribution of these group trainings, I am afraid that Shandong will really not be able to live in peace.

Chen Yiqin confessed to Gao Gong that practicing for the regiment was not for his own sake. Gao Gong could completely replace him as the governor of Shandong and appoint others to do the job.

Gao Gong could only sigh heavily, and he had no choice but to write his own opinions in Chen Yiqin's memorial.

Confirm the military achievements and rewards of the Shandong Xiangyong regiment. According to Chen Yiqin's suggestion, the promotion should be promoted and the rewards should be rewarded.

However, these regiments organized by the Shandong gentry were ordered to withdraw to the counties where they were located. In the future, they would not be needed to garrison in areas with strong walls and clear wilderness. They would only be responsible for the security and defense of their own townships.

Gao Gong also ordered the three-town New Army in Jeju Prefecture to leave Jeju Prefecture immediately to put pressure on the southeastern New Army in the direction of Xuzhou.

By this time, Wang Bengu, the commander of the three towns, also understood that this battle had reached a point where it had to be fought.

The Ming Dynasty spent so much effort in training and spent so much money every month to support the elites of the three towns. If he continued to stay in Jeju City, I am afraid that the next time he comes to the imperial edict, he will be dismissed from his post and escorted to Beijing.

Wang Bengu had no choice but to lead the three-town Mingting New Army southward along the canal to put pressure on the southeastern New Army in Xuzhou.

The news of the Ming Dynasty's troop dispatch naturally could not be concealed from the intelligence personnel in the southeast.

After receiving the news of the enemy's dispatch, Xu Wei immediately rushed to Xuzhou and met with Chen Lin, the commander of the fifth brigade, to discuss how to deal with the Ming army's attack.

Xu Wei, who was tired of travel, rushed to Xuzhou and walked into Chen Lin's tent. At this time, officers from each battalion of the fifth brigade had gathered in the tent.


Xu Wei is the nominal brigade commander of the Fifth Brigade, but he usually handles the government affairs of Southern Zhili in Nanjing. Chen Lin is responsible for the daily training and operations of the Fifth Brigade.

Chen Lin once served as Qi Jiguang's deputy. The characteristic of his commanding troops in combat was "stability", and it was because of this characteristic that he was reused by Su Ze.

Xu Wei also put on his armor. After he sat down in the main seat, he said to the generals: "The movements of the new Ming army this time were originally expected by the staff."

"The Governor's attitude is still very clear. Now is not the time for a decisive battle with Ming Ting."

Xu Wei looked around and said, "So in the direction of Xuzhou, we have no support."

After saying this, everyone had different expressions.

Chen Lin, a steady general like Chen Lin, was a little worried. The Ming court had three new armies in Shandong, as well as troops from the original garrison, and the fifth brigade in Xuzhou only had 6,000 people. The Ming court had a huge military advantage over Xuzhou.

Some young officers are full of expectations for the upcoming battle.

The Fifth Brigade was established after Su Ze conquered Nanjing. He joined the Southeast New Army when he saw all the devastation and victorious battles in the Southeast.

Since the establishment of the Fifth Brigade, it has been fighting security wars such as suppressing bandits in Huaibei. These young officers are full of expectations for the next battle, hoping to make contributions in this war.

Xu Wei had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and he continued:

"The Governor's prediction is that with the Ming court's supplies and food, the war will continue until winter at most, that is, December, so our goal is to delay these three months."

Chen Lin frowned even more when he heard three months. Without support, the Fifth Brigade had to support the Huaibei defense line alone for three months. This was a very difficult task.

After Xu Wei finished speaking about Nanjing's order, he said to Chen Lin:

"Now let's talk about our arrangement."

Chen Lin stood up and said:

"According to the deduction of the brigade staff office, the main direction of attack of the Ming Dynasty army is to go south along the canal and attack Peixian County."

Xu Wei nodded. The border between South Zhili and Shandong seemed very large, but in fact there were only a few passages suitable for the army to move.

The large area east of Xuzhou is the hilly area of ​​Shandong. It is inconvenient to supply supplies along the way and is not suitable for large-scale marches at all.

What can support the army in fighting is to go south along the canal, attack Peixian and then Xuzhou.

Therefore, to defend Xuzhou, one must defend Peixian County. If the Ming Dynasty army occupied Peixian County, the Ming Dynasty army could enter and threaten the entire northern Xuzhou.

"In addition, the Ming army may also bypass Peixian and attack Xuzhou directly."

"Now that the Yellow River is gradually calming down in autumn, if the Ming Dynasty builds ships from Caoxian County, Shandong Province in the upper reaches, it can enter the upper reaches of Xuzhou along the Yellow River and attack Xuzhou from here."

Xu Wei looked at the map. Chen Lin's analysis was already very comprehensive.

Go south from the direction of the Grand Canal and attack Peixian County.

Go south from the Yellow River and attack Xuzhou.

These are the two directions of attack that the Mingting can choose. With a small number of defenders, the fifth brigade has to divide its troops to guard two cities. This is also the source of pressure for Chen Lin these days.

Xu Wei looked at Chen Lin and asked, "Where is our army's arrangement?"

Chen Lin pointed to the map and said: "Brigadier Commander, my subordinates' idea is to deploy a thousand men each in Peixian and Xuzhou, and the main force of the brigade will be placed in Xiapi."


Xu Wei looked along the map and found that Xiapi was in the southeast of Xuzhou City, even further away from Peixian County.

Chen Lin pointed to the map and said: "Pei County, Xuzhou, and Xiapi, these three cities are each other's horns,"

"Commander, please see, Xiapi can go west along the canal to support Peixian County, or it can go west along the Surabaya River to support Xuzhou."

"Place the main force of the brigade in Xiapi and be able to support the second city at any time."

Xu Wei looked at the map, clapped his hands and praised: ""Sun Tzu's Art of War" said: 'Thus, those who are good at using soldiers are like being straightforward; those who are straightforward are like snakes in Changshan. If you strike at the head, the tail will come; if you strike at the tail, the head will come; if you strike at the middle, the head will come. All here.'"

"This is the formation of the Snake of Changshan!"

"Then according to this arrangement, the command of this battle will be handed over to you."

Chen Lin looked at Xu Wei in confusion. Xu Wei took off his sword and handed the seal he brought to Chen Lin.

"Military order from the Governor's Office, Chen Lin will serve as the brigade commander of the fifth brigade from now on, leading the fifth brigade to resist the new Ming army moving south."

No one expected that at such a critical moment, Su Ze would directly promote Chen Lin to the position of brigade commander of the fifth brigade.

Xu Wei patted Chen Lin on the shoulder and said:

"The Grand Governor said, 'strategically despise the enemy, and tactically attach importance to the enemy.' Mingting's attack this time seems to be menacing, but in fact it is a paper tiger."

"The Governor-General believes that you can defend Xuzhou, so the Governor-General's Office did not deploy troops from other places to defend Xuzhou."

Xu Wei continued: "Commanding operations, it is taboo recently that the commander does not know the general, and the general does not know the commander. For a long time, you have been trained and commanded by Chen Lin. You know the fifth brigade better than me. I am the nominal brigade commander in Xuzhou, but it will hinder You direct the battle."

"So I'm resigning from the Grand Governor and letting you officially serve as brigade commander and command the entire Xuzhou defense operations."

Xu Wei looked at Chen Lin and said, "Are you confident?"

Chen Lin looked at Xu Wei gratefully. He was not the first hero of the uprising in Fujian. He was also Qi Jiguang's deputy in the past. Chen Lin did not participate in several important battles of the Southeast New Army.

But he didn't expect that Su Ze would trust him so much that he would be ordered to serve as brigade commander in such a critical battle.

Xu Wei patted Chen Lin on the shoulder and said: "Don't let down the trust of the Governor, and guard Xuzhou well. I will ask you for credit in the winter!"

After saying this, Xu Wei left the military camp directly and completely handed over the command of the fifth brigade to Chen Lin.

After Chen Lin took over the Fifth Brigade, he no longer had to ask Xu Wei for instructions on everything, and indeed military orders were smoothed out a lot.

Chen Lin presided over the fifth brigade from expansion to training. He was expected to command the fifth brigade. After unifying the command authority, the entire Xuzhou area was quickly mobilized.

People in important military target areas evacuated to the rear, reconnaissance scout troops were distributed, and Shandong's intelligence department began to operate.

Xu Wei, who returned to Nanjing, used Yangzhou as a node to transport supplies to Xuzhou. Various artillery, muskets, ammunition, grain, grass, and military horses were sent to Xuzhou. Relying on the strong logistics supply capabilities of the Southeast, Chen Lin became more confident. .

On the Ming court's side, Wang Bengu's three-town new army delayed its departure from Jeju City, and encountered supply problems as soon as they left the city.

Due to the chaos of the Ming court's command system in Shandong, Wang Bengu, the commander of the three towns, only had the right to lead troops, so the matter of raising grain and grass was left to Han Ji, the governor of Shandong.

Han Ji didn't deal with Wang Bengu in the first place, and he didn't care about supplies along the way. So after Wang Bengu left Jeju City, the army couldn't eat enough.

Wang Bengu believed that Han Ji was deliberately holding him back, and began to write a letter to impeach Han Ji, saying that he delayed military affairs.

And Han Ji is also in a state of distress. Because of the mine supervision incident, the entire Shandong Province is very resentful. This year's autumn grain collection encountered a lot of resistance to taxes and donations.

Originally, the new armies of the three towns were in Jeju City and could barely maintain themselves by relying on canal supplies. But when the army started to move, the logistics could not keep up.

However, Han Ji really did his best and did not deliberately hold back Wang Bengu.

However, Wang Bengu couldn't help but write a letter to impeach himself. This made Han Ji very angry and he also wrote a letter to fight back.

As soon as the Ming Dynasty's new army left Jeju City, two senior officials from Shandong's military and political affairs started a lawsuit, which also made Gao Gong Chuli in the capital angry.

But anger is anger, and the battle must still be fought.

In fact, whether from the Ming court or the southeast, this battle was very hasty.

The new troops in the three towns of the Ming Dynasty had just finished training and had not fought a tough battle at all. Moreover, Gao Gong knew very well that even if Xuzhou was captured, the Ming Dynasty might not be able to defend Xuzhou with its ability.

For the Southeast, this is an important period of development and recuperation. There is no need to compete with the Ming Dynasty for gains and losses for one city and one land. After winning the battle, the Fifth Brigade will not be able to control the entire territory of Shandong.

Therefore, Gao Gong knew very well that this was not a military battle, but a political battle for the emperor and officials.

The reason why Gao Gong supports this battle is because he wants to see the problems contained in the Ming Dynasty's new army and test the strength of the Ming Dynasty's new army.

But Gao Gong never expected that Wang Bengu and Han Ji would start to hold each other back before the new armies of the three towns even left Shandong.

At this time, Li Chengliang, the priest of the Capital Military Academy, submitted a memorial to the Ming court.

Today is Fat Bird’s birthday. The plot has been a bit sluggish recently, so I won’t ask for votes.

I wish you all a birthday wish, thank you all!

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