The night fell, and the night fell.

At night, in the yard, Luffy was practicing boxing, Ace and Sabo were fighting again, and Perona was sitting on a small bench eating snacks.

Ivan, who was lying dead in the room, opened his eyes and seemed to sense something, and he walked out of the house.

Several people asked him where he was going, but he smiled and said nothing.

After leaving the house, Ivan ran all the way and jumped onto the roof.

Following the breath all the way, he saw a green-robed man jumping on the roof in front of him.

The two chased one after the other and stopped in a small forest.

The green-robed man had his back to Ivan, and was about 2.6 meters tall, with no features.

Ivan sneered: "Dragon, are you here to see your son again?"

The green-robed man turned slowly with a smile on his face.

At this time, Dragon was already the world's most vicious criminal and anti-world government revolutionary.

Wearing a dark green coat, with a red square tattoo on the left side of his face. His short black hair was combed back, he had no eyebrows and a stubble on his chin.

Dragon smiled at Ivan and didn't say anything.

Ivan said: "This should be our first meeting, but this shouldn't be your first time seeing me, right?"

"You led me out, do you have anything to say?"

Dragon didn't have any aura on him, like an ordinary person.

Said: "Your senses are very sharp, I care about what kind of person you are."

After a pause, he said, "Hearsay is not credible, seeing it with your own eyes is more reliable."


Ivan laughed and said, "You don't trust your father's vision, you don't trust my character, you care about how I will teach your son, right?"

Doragu didn't comment and didn't speak.

Ivan continued, "To be honest, it's better for me to teach your son than for your father to let him run wild."

"I haven't treated your son badly in terms of living security, you should say thank you to me."

Haha, Dorag actually laughed, shook his head and said, "I only know you superficially."

"As for what you want and what you want to do, I still can't see through it."

You can't see through me, but I see you very clearly.

Ivan said cheerfully, "It's not easy to make a revolution, are you short of money? Do you want me to donate some to you?"

Doragu was speechless, this kid doesn't play by the rules.

Asked: "What's the benefit of doing this? Or what do you want to get?"

Ivan answered seriously: "Not everything needs to be rewarded. If I say that we have a chance to work together in the future, you will definitely not believe it."

"But, if I say that if we are hostile in the future, how about buying a friendship with you in advance without completely falling out?"

"Also, if you want your son to join the Revolutionary Army with you in the future, I won't interfere if he doesn't become a pirate."

Drag really thinks Ivan is not simple. From many things he has done, it can be analyzed that Ivan is quite scheming and skillful.

If Ivan told him that everyone should work together to overthrow the Celestial Dragons, he would definitely not believe it. Ivan has no motive or reason to do so.

On the contrary, he can accept the latter statement. This is a typical way of being smooth, investing everywhere, and showing presence.

To put it bluntly, it is a fence-sitter, leaning to whichever side is stronger.

The two talked secretly for a long time and left separately.

A few days later, the Sea Dragon appeared at the port of Windmill Village.

It was Major Adam, who led the warship to greet them. As for Kuro, he had already gone to another branch base to serve as a major general.

Tina was gone too, and he became the chief and led a warship.

Adam led people to greet them at the port. This time, Ivan took Perona with him, and the three little ones set sail together.

Of course, there were also Ulki, Mateus, Bajes, and Van Oka.

Many villagers came to see them off, and the village chief took the lead.

They were about to go to sea. Seeing the majestic warships, Sabo and Luffy were so excited that they could hardly control themselves.

They had long been fascinated by the various scenery and magical places in the sea, and they had long been fascinated by the various adventure stories on the sea.

Adam ran over to salute Ivan first, and then immediately said: "Major Ulki, Major Mateus, long time no see!"

The two also responded enthusiastically. As for Bajes and Van Oka, Ivan did not arrange for them to join the navy.

The Sea Dragon started sailing, and the three kids played around on the warship, even climbing up the mast and sails to see the scenery.

Everything seemed so new, even Ace, who hadn't been to sea for several years, was excited.

Ivan, however, walked alone on the Sea Dragon, stopping and starting, reminiscing about the glorious days in the past.

And those people.

Back then, he, Smoker, Mason, and Kuro came out of the Navy training camp and started as privates. They worked hard together.

Later, they made many contributions and were promoted quickly. They had their own ships and soldiers. The Sea Dragon was repaired more than once.

But it seems that every part of this ship has the shadows of those people.

It was Ivan himself who sent his brothers and his soldiers out.

But he didn't regret it. It was also for their good. They could train and get promoted.

More importantly, he was confident that he could control those people.

Shimotsuki Village, also known as Nishishima Village.

The kendo dojo of Shimotsuki Koshiro, a descendant of the samurai of Wano Country, is here.

On this day, the dojo welcomed a group of special guests, and the owner of the dojo Koshiro went out to greet them personally.

Koshiro is an elegant man, wearing glasses, long braids, and wearing traditional Wano Country costumes.

He looks more like a scholar than a swordsman.

Seeing Ivan, he was very enthusiastic and caring: "What a distinguished guest, Lieutenant General Ivan, I have heard a lot about you."

"Mr. Koshiro is too polite."

Ivan responded and introduced Perona and the three little ones.

Perona was naturally dressed very beautifully, and the three little ones were also wearing white suits and their own hats.

They all greeted Koshiro very elegantly, and Koshiro praised them generously.

A group of people walked into the dojo, and many disciples were practicing with wooden swords.

Only two children were fighting, which attracted Ivan's attention.

The little girl with short hair and a cute face looked very serious during the fight.

The one fighting against her was a three-sword style, a little boy with green hair, who held the sword with both hands and bit one in his mouth.

Both sides were fighting with wooden swords, and the green-haired boy was attacking the little girl fiercely.

But the little girl was able to move forward and backward freely, and was both offensive and defensive.

Seeing Ivan stop to watch, Koshiro explained: "That's the little girl Kuina, and the little apprentice Zoro."

Ivan smiled and said: "They are both good kendo talents, very malleable."

"No, no, Vice Admiral Ivan is the master of kendo." Koshiro said modestly.

"Well, I don't understand." Perona didn't think it was fun to see the two people fighting each other.

Ace said: "That boy is probably going to lose."

"Ah, why? Isn't he very powerful? He beat the girl back all the time." Luffy asked puzzled.

Sabo explained: "His attack was very fierce, but he didn't hit him at all. You can see that he was so tired that he was panting. If he continued to fight, he would not have enough physical strength."

"Then it's time for the girl to fight back."

Ivan smiled slightly, and was very pleased with the growth of Ace and Sabo.

Ah, on the battlefield, the green-haired Zoro's attack gradually slowed down.

Kuina began to fight back, and Zoro was defeated step by step. Finally, the wooden sword hit him on the head.

Zoro screamed in pain, and a bump appeared on his head.

Kuina said seriously: "You lost."

"Hmph, next time, next time I will definitely win." Zoro was very unconvinced.

Clap, clap, clap, Ivan took the lead in applauding.

Kuina and Zoro looked over at the same time and found that they were strangers.

Koshiro waved his hand, and the two came over together.

He said to his daughter and disciples: "Kuina, Zoro, come and meet Lieutenant General Ivan, he is a master of kendo."

"If I can guide you, you will benefit a lot."

The two greeted Ivan politely, and Ivan also praised them as geniuses.

Kuina was very happy, and Zoro was very direct: "Mr. Ivan, the teacher said you are very strong, can you duel with me?"

Kuina scolded: "Don't be silly, you can't even beat me, do you read the newspaper? Do you know how strong Vice Admiral Ivan is?"

Zoro was like a little angry youth: "You are just older than me, I will be stronger than you sooner or later."

Luffy is always unexpected, he asked Zoro: "Why is your hair so green?"

Zoro's face was flushed, and he didn't know how to answer.

Ace immediately slapped Luffy's straw hat: "Stupid, how can you talk like that, apologize quickly."

Luffy was also very honest: "Psst you masa (sorry)."

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