After listening to Adam's story, Ivan said, "You've worked hard and done a great job."

"Maybe there are some hidden secrets that people don't know about your doubts."

Adam said, "I think so too."

Ivan found Raymond's actions very interesting and admired him. He really has a brain.

"It seems that I should go and see what kind of person he is."

Adam asked, "Should I take the troops there?"

Ivan waved his hand, "No hurry, let's talk about it tomorrow. Perona and the others are shopping. Let's go for a drink. Those big buffaloes are probably half drunk."

In the shipyard office, Raymond had a dark face, and Barry and the cadres were there.

Barry was very angry: "Those unruly people are so bold that they dare to complain. They are tired of living."

"Boss, do you want me to arrange someone to deal with them?"

"What do you want to do? The navy is still here." Raymond said angrily.

"Then what should we do?" Barry asked.

Raymond thought for a moment and said: "Do nothing, just be honest and wait for the navy to leave."

The next morning, Ivan and his team finished breakfast on the Sea Dragon.

Ivan told Adam to take a team with him to meet Raymond.

Ivan and his team led two hundred soldiers and marched straight to the shipyard. The team marched in an orderly manner, and the soldiers with real swords and live ammunition were shocking.

But the residents of the town were very happy and told each other that many people followed behind, ready to watch the show, thinking that Raymond's doomsday had come.

With such a big commotion, the shipyard soon got the news.

Raymond was also in doubt after receiving the news. He immediately made a decision and asked his men to put away all the things that should not be exposed, and then he led people to the door to greet them.

The gates of the shipyard are two huge red gates that can be used by ships to pass through.

When Ivan and his men arrived at the door, Raymond was already waiting with seven or eight people.

Ivan looked at him. Raymond's overall image gave him the feeling of a tough guy with a gangster temperament.

He looked extraordinary and young!

Raymond was also observing Ivan, and the result was a bit beyond his expectations. Such a famous person should be between 30 and 40 years old.

But the other party was only about 20 years old. His handsome and gentle appearance seemed like a pretty boy, but it was not the case.

Ordinary people might not feel it, but Raymond could vaguely feel that the other party exuded an aura that frightened him.

And the rows of marines behind Ivan, the oppression of the elite troops was very strong, and several of his men were panicked.

"I'm Raymond, the owner of the shipyard. I heard yesterday that the righteous navy came to Sicily, and I wanted to visit."

"I didn't expect the navy to come in person. Please come in." Raymond was very enthusiastic and didn't look flustered at all.

Just based on this courage, Ivan felt that he was a big shot.

He smiled and said: "You are indeed a hero. I heard that you are the patron saint of Sicily, and you have done a lot of work for our navy."

"I'm also very curious, so I came to see you and express my gratitude."

Raymond felt that the other party was smiling but hiding a knife, so he greeted him again: "Your Excellency the Navy is too kind. I am originally from Sicily, and I am also doing a small business and doing something for my hometown."

"Welcome to visit, please come in."

Ivan strode in, followed by Adam and the soldiers.

This is indeed a shipyard, and the boatmen are still working hard.

However, Ivan saw luxurious offices and some dormitory buildings, which were far more luxurious than many buildings in the town.

Raymond asked his men to bring a chair, and he personally placed it in front of Ivan, saying flatteringly: "Sir, please sit down."

Raymond stood by himself, and it seemed that he didn't want to invite Ivan into the office.

Ivan thought it was fine, and sat down unceremoniously.

Adam and the soldiers all stood quietly behind him, forming a deterrent.

At the door, many residents also bravely entered and stood near the marines.

Seeing a large number of residents rushing in, Raymond's face turned ugly for a moment.

It was just a moment, and he returned to normal and said to Ivan: "Sir, I don't know if you have any advice, or if you can use me, just speak up."

Is this an attempt to take the initiative to avoid being passive?

Ivan said calmly: "I'm not used to looking up when talking to people."

After hearing this, Raymond sat down on the ground, embarrassed.

He said with a smile: "It's the villain who was rude."

In the crowd, the restaurant owner complained in his heart: a bully who only bullies the weak and fears the strong.

He is flexible and knows how to be patient. Ivan thinks highly of him.

He said: "You are not a criminal, and you shouldn't meddle in other people's business, but the residents of the town have a lot of criticisms about you, and the people are indignant and complaining, accusing you of many crimes."

For a time, the crowd was indignant, and it felt like the highlight was coming.

Raymond pretended to be very aggrieved: "Mr. Navy, this is unjust."

"I, Raymond, am a native of Sicily. I came back eight years ago and opened a shipyard, which allowed passing ships to stay and provide ship repair services."

"It has promoted the development of food and accommodation, trade, and economy in the town, and also allowed external goods to circulate in the town."

This is a fact, but most of the residents' income goes into his pocket.

At this point, he glanced at the residents: "I, Raymond, have led the shipyard workers to repel pirates time and time again in the past eight years."

"The shipyard has defended our homes and provided everyone with a stable living environment."

"Even if there is no credit, there is still hard work. Do you want to deny the contributions of me and my brothers?"

This is a case of turning the tables, and it is also true.

Many people in the crowd immediately refuted: "You are right, but you also asked for compensation, and it has become more and more aggravated, making it impossible for us to survive."

Ivan listened with a smile and did not speak.

Raymond was calm and composed, but very angry. He took out a paper document from his arms.

He scolded the crowd: "How many of my brothers have been killed or injured in the past eight years? You have seen it all."

"Did I, Raymond, take all the money? That was the resettlement fee for the dead and injured brothers."

"Mr. Navy, please take a look." He handed the document to Ivan.

Ivan took it but didn't open it, which made him feel bad.

"You lied."

A woman among the residents was very emotional and shouted loudly.

"It was indeed resettlement fee at the beginning, but later it became protection fee, and you asked for more and more."

The woman cried: "My husband had a dispute with you because he couldn't pay the protection fee, and you broke his leg."

Someone took the lead, and many people joined immediately.

"Raymond, you beast."

A man said hatefully: "Just because I couldn't pay the protection fee, you took my house away by force, and my family is homeless."

A businessman said: "Raymond, you forced me to pay the protection fee, set fire to my shop, and made me bankrupt, do you remember?"

Another woman burst into tears: "It's you, the unforgivable devil. My husband owed you a huge debt because of the protection fee. He chose to commit suicide because he couldn't repay it."

The accusations of the masses...

Ivan only said one sentence: "How do you want to defend yourself?"

"Sir, I will give you an explanation."

Raymond was also very nervous, but he gritted his teeth and straightened his chest, saying to the crowd: "I don't admit the crimes you mentioned, but I did those things with my own hands?"

The crowd was silent for a while, and the restaurant owner said angrily: "Although you didn't do it yourself, your men did it, wasn't it your instruction?"

Okay, that's good.

Raymond sneered in his heart, you are still too naive.

He acted as if he was in deep pain: "Yes, I was wrong."

"I admit that I didn't manage my employees strictly, and they may have had some friction with everyone."

"But when I know about it, I will scold them and ask them to apologize."

"I am only their boss, and I can't control them all the time."

The crowd was angry, and someone yelled: "Shameless, do you still have any shame?"

Raymond didn't care, and shouted to all his men: "Everyone come here."

After a while, 150 to 60 of his men gathered together.

He was righteous and had a way of killing relatives for the sake of justice: "Fellow villagers, please identify who did those things?"

"Find them out, I will definitely punish them severely."

He cleared himself, and the crowd hated him, and of course they also hated the people who had harmed them.

Soon, more than 20 people in very bad situations were identified.

Raymond was indignant: "Come out all of you."

The second-in-command Barry was also among them. He was in a dilemma and was afraid that he would be sold out and beheaded to vent his anger.


Raymond turned around, facing Ivan and the crowd, and glared at his brothers.

He roared righteously: "Come out, all of you, kneel down for me."

Barry gritted his teeth and walked out, and the others followed him out, kneeling in front of the crowd.

Raymond found a whip, walked behind them, and started to whip them.


"I let you do bad things and harm civilians."

Those who knelt down

Many people were beaten to pieces and blood was dripping.

The reaction of the crowd was very complicated. Some people felt very happy, while others could not bear to watch the scene.

After a fierce beating, Raymond threw down the whip, walked to the front, and knelt on his knees.

He cried: "Fellow villagers, it is my fault for not disciplining them strictly. I ask for your forgiveness on their behalf."

"If you have losses, you can ask me for compensation."

He moved his knees to Ivan: "Mr. Navy, they are wrong, but they are also warriors who have fought against pirates many times. Can you spare their lives?"

"Let them slowly atone for their sins, even if they die in the hands of pirates."

The actor, a natural actor!

Ivan was amazed and said helplessly: "It's reasonable."

He asked the crowd: "Do you agree?"

"No, Lord Navy, you can't let him go."

"You can't be deceived by him, he is acting, this is not his true face."

"I beg you to shoot them all."

Ivan raised his hand, motioned them to be quiet, shook his head and said: "It's impossible to shoot so many people."

"I won't stay here forever. If they are gone, what if the pirates come?"

Raymond and his kneeling men confessed on the surface, but sneered in their hearts.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?"

The crowd couldn't accept it and continued to beg.

Ivan ignored it and turned to Raymond and said: "Take care of your men. If they do bad things again, they will be severely punished."

"I will definitely follow your instructions." Raymond was very humble and learned.

"Come here, tie up those twenty or so people, send them to the center of the town and kneel down, let them kneel down for a day and a night to atone their sins."

At Ivan's command, the soldiers tied up and took away all the twenty or so people except Raymond.

Originally, they were very nervous about whether they would be shot, but they relaxed after hearing the following text.

Ivan said: "The villagers who need compensation should pay it, and those who don't need compensation can disperse. We are leaving too."

"You can't leave, Lord Navy."

The people wailed, and they had offended Raymond so badly. What would they do if Ivan left.

Adam couldn't help but say: "Sir..."

"Let's go." Ivan said.

As the navy left, the people didn't dare to stay, and some people chased all the way, persuading Ivan not to leave, but he was unmoved.

Ivan left, and Raymond stood up and patted the dust on his knees, but didn't do anything.


Adam couldn't help asking: "Sir, if we leave, won't the civilians suffer? Raymond will definitely not give up."

Ivan said calmly: "That's true, that man is a complete villain, and he is also very smart."

He sneered: "Evil people need to be dealt with by evil people, and sometimes I am also an evil person."

Adam's eyes lit up: "Sir, do you have an idea?"

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