The old man was so angry that he was almost losing his mind.

Facing Raymond, who was almost losing his mind and furious.

Ivan just sighed: "If God wants to destroy him, he must first make him crazy. People are crazy."

Viya was very worried and persuaded: "Raymond, calm down and sober up, okay?"

Dada, Granny Hua came over with a cane and looked at Raymond. There was no anger in her eyes, only sympathy and pity.

"Silly child, you have been pretending for a long time, but your nature has never changed. Turn back!"

Raymond seemed to be broken, and almost roared and cried: "Turn back? How to turn back?"

He pointed at Ivan, Viya, Granny Hua, the navy, and the residents.

"You, you people, do you know what despair is?"

"Have you ever experienced being abandoned by the whole world? Ah?"

"You haven't experienced dying, covered in wounds, hungry and cold, but no one saves you, no one gives you a bite to eat."

"You have never experienced betrayal, and you don't know what it feels like to have your trust betrayed and to be tortured to a point where you would rather die than live."

As if venting the emotions that had been suppressed in his heart for many years, Raymond roared completely: "You haven't felt anything, why do you blame me? Why?"

Ivan didn't understand what his story was, and gave him a cold answer: "Because I am better than you, is this reason okay?"

"You, you."

Raymond seemed to be deflated in front of him. He lay on the ground and pounded the ground with his fists: "Why, why?"

"My fate was so miserable when I was a good person, and I can't live even if I am a bad person now!"


Many years ago, Cecilia.

Raymond was eight years old, and his parents were still alive.

He had a warm home, and that day was his birthday.

He wore the birthday crown, and his parents lit candles on the birthday cake.

The family of three happily gathered around the dining table. They made a wish together and then blew out the candles.

Before the cake was cut, people shouted noisily outside the door.

The father opened the door and was immediately shocked: "Oh no, pirates are coming."

The father locked the door, and the family hugged each other and prayed that the pirates would not come in.

But things did not go as planned!

There was a bang bang bang sound outside the door, and soon the door was destroyed.

Two pirates with knives broke in violently with cruel smiles.

The father immediately stood in front of his family and said to the pirates: "Take whatever you like, but don't hurt us."

The two pirates ignored him and searched for money and rummaged through the house.

One pirate walked to the table, grabbed the intact cake with his hand and ate a few bites, and caught a glimpse of his mother out of the corner of his eye.

"Haha, this woman is pretty."

That day, what happened cast a shadow on Raymond's life.

"No, bastard, let me go."

The mother was pressed to the ground and beaten by the pirates. The father tried to stop him, but was knocked to the ground by the pirates.

The young Raymond was frightened and just cried and shouted: "Bad guy, don't hurt my mom and dad."

During the struggle between his father and the pirates, the pirates stabbed his chest with a knife, and blood was dripping.

"Don't hurt my family."

This was the first sentence his father said after being stabbed. He held the pirate's hand holding the knife tightly and didn't let go.

Ah, when she found that her father was dying, her mother also risked her life: "You demons, I will fight you."

The face of the violent pirate was scratched by his mother and bleeding, and he was completely angry: "Damn woman."

"Ah!" Raymond saw with his own eyes that his mother was also stabbed in the chest with a knife, and she kept spitting blood from her mouth.

"Go, Raymond, go, live."

At the last moment of his parents' lives, they were still using all their strength to stop the pirates and let him escape.

Raymond's eyes were bloodshot and he ran out of the house in tears.

But it was not safe outside. There were pirates everywhere, flames were shooting up into the sky, the town was burning, and the residents were slaughtered.

Raymond kept running and running, hiding in the grass of the grove and shivering.

After an unknown period of time, the navy arrived, and the pirates had already left.

It was pouring rain, and Raymond rushed home desperately, but his warm home had been burned to ruins by the fire.

He kept digging the ruins with his hands, but he only dug up the charred bodies of his parents. He cried in the rain, his eyes lost all the light, and his heart was dead.

The heavy rain gradually stopped, and Raymond seemed to have lost his soul. He hugged his knees and curled up beside his parents' bodies, refusing to leave the ruins of his home.

After one night, the grieving town began to rebuild their homes and mourn their dead relatives.

Someone found poor Raymond, a kind and amiable old man with gray hair and a hunched back, carrying a bowl of hot oden.

Later, the old man took Raymond home, gave him food and shelter, and cared for him.

The old man also had a lovely granddaughter named Weiya, and Raymond became good friends with her.

The enthusiasm and affection given by the old and the young slowly healed Raymond's heart.

In the days that followed, the old man sold oden at a stall, and Raymond and Weiya always followed him, helping him with his work and helping to sell.

Next to the old man's stall was an old woman selling fried rice cakes. She was not as old as the old man, and they were good neighbors.

The old woman was kind-hearted and always fried rice cakes for the two greedy children.

Because he was helped, Raymond became a very enthusiastic and helpful child, and everyone liked him very much.

After three years of happy and stable days, the pirates came again.

The old man was setting up his stall that day, and Raymond and Weiya were there too.

The pirates were rampant, burning, killing, looting and smashing.

No one had time to clean up their stalls and businesses, so the old man asked Granny Hua to take Raymond and Weiya to escape.

The old man himself, at his age, was still helping others.

Granny Hua took the two children to hide in the grove, but Raymond was worried about the old man's safety and insisted on picking him up.

When he ran back to the town, he saw the old man helping a man who had fallen to the ground, and the two of them ran away one after the other.

Raymond breathed a sigh of relief that the old man was still alive.

"This way, come here quickly." He waved at the old man.

Puff, Raymond's voice stopped abruptly, and a knife pierced the old man's chest.

The person who was rescued by the old man, but didn't care about the old man's life or death, just wanted to escape for himself.

At the last moment of his life, the old man actually smiled and said to Raymond: "Run, live."

"Ah!" Raymond's eyes instantly turned red, and he was extremely heartbroken.

With a swish, as the pirate's knife was pulled out, the old man spurted blood and fell to the ground, never to wake up again.

The old man died in front of Raymond, and the scene of his parents' tragic death also appeared in his mind, with blood and tears in his eyes.

This time, he did not escape again. With the anger that could not be vented in his heart, he ran towards the murderer, shouting and punching and kicking wildly.

The pirate was stunned by him for a while, and when he reacted, he was furious: "Is this kid crazy?"

He knocked Raymond to the ground with one punch. Raymond was about to get up, but he was stepped on by his big foot on his chest.

Raymond did not give in, opened his mouth and bit the pirate's shoes fiercely.

He used a lot of force, and the pirate felt pain. He looked at his eyes, which were not timid at all, but full of hatred, like a vengeful beast.

The pirate was afraid. This kid must be killed. The pirate held the knife in both hands and stabbed his head.

"Wait a minute."

A tall man wearing a captain's hat came over and stopped the pirate.

"Leave this kid here. I admire his fierceness just now. Take him back and train him as a trainee crew member."

The pirate hesitated a little: "Captain, this is not good. We are his enemies."

The captain sneered: "It doesn't matter. I have a hundred ways to train him."

In this way, Raymond, who was only eleven years old, was kidnapped by pirates.

The life of pirates is very cruel and bloody. There are many women on the ship, all of whom are playthings, and their end is miserable.

There are also many children, some older than Raymond, some younger than him, all used to be sold.

Raymond was assigned to deliver food to women and children. He often comforted and encouraged them, and gave them more food when he saw someone who was particularly pitiful.

Raymond behaved very well, but he was still often beaten and scolded by the pirates.

Half a month later, Raymond escaped for the first time and was caught as expected.

He was locked up for two days and two nights, and the pirates did not give him any food or water.

After he was released, the captain let him eat and drink as much as he wanted, but warned him that if he escaped again, he would go to Sicily and kill everyone in his hometown.

Raymond was frightened and worried about his hometown.

Two years later, when he was 13 years old, he realized that the captain's threats were just nonsense.

The pirates' looting was mainly for profit, and the captain was no longer interested in places like Sicily that were often visited by pirates.

He started to escape for the second time, and this time he ran far away, but was caught by the captain himself.

The captain no longer cared whether Raymond would be loyal to him or not, and always treated him as a chores idler who worked hard without complaint.

However, his escape made the captain feel ashamed.

He was hung up and beaten for a long time, and he was unrecognizable.

The captain let him down, but replaced him with a navy who was also tortured and tied to a pillar.

The captain handed Raymond a whip

, pointed a gun at his head and asked him to whip the navy.

He did a cruel thing with tears in his eyes.

But the captain still didn't let him go, handed him a dagger, and asked him to kill the navy.

He refused, and the captain personally held his hand and stabbed the dagger into the navy's chest.

The navy died, and the captain brainwashed him, saying that he was now a murderer and had no choice but to be a pirate.

That night, Raymond cried for a long time and was awakened by nightmares several times. He lived in guilt for many years.

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