After a sincere conversation with Kulik, the other party told Ivan that the sky-high current would not appear within three months. Ivan left with Ace and said that he would come back in three months. Half a month later, Donghai Windmill Village. When the Hailong warship slowly approached the port, people had gathered on the dock and cheered. The villagers got the news and spontaneously organized to welcome it. In Windmill Village, Ivan's reputation is louder than Garp. With Garp's reputation as a naval hero, basically no pirates dared to rob Windmill Village. Of course, there is another reason, which is that they are too poor. After Ivan rose to power, he donated a lot of money to Windmill Village to build his hometown. Although he seldom came back, the villagers often saw him in the newspapers.

Many girls held flowers in their hands to welcome Ivan's triumphant return, and the scene was warm and high-spirited.

As Ivan walked out of the cabin, his appearance alone caused crazy screams and cheers from all the girls on the scene.

He wore a white shirt and a black suit, with a delicate face and slender figure, so that he only needed to smile to make people's hearts move.

"Lord Ivan."

"Lord Ivan, so handsome."

"I really want to give birth to a baby for Lord Ivan."

Ace came to Ivan, and watching the villagers cheering, he had a desire in his heart.

I really want to become like Onisan in the future and be loved by everyone.

In the crowd, Marit, who was dressed simply, was holding a three-year-old boy.

Marit was the nanny who took care of Ace at the beginning. Later, after Luffy was born, Ivan asked her to take care of Luffy.

Without a considerate person to take care of him, Ivan was really afraid that Luffy would be raised in a mess by Garp.

The little boy was wearing white clothes, blue shorts, slippers, messy hair, and a runny nose.

He said in a baby voice: "Auntie Matli, that's Ivanisan and Ace."

"Yes, they have grown up." Matli smiled gently. Ivan and Ace really grew up under her watch.

Luffy put his hands on his mouth and shouted at the warship: "Ivanisan, Ace..."

Unfortunately, the sound was too noisy and his shouting could not be heard at all.

On the warship, Mason and Kuro were both there, and Smoker had returned to Rogue Town.

After Ivan explained the specific matters, he got off the ship with Ace.

"Lord Ivan gives it to you." Suddenly, a girl ran up to give Ivan a flower with a shy expression on her face.

"Thank you." Ivan smiled gently.

Then, the second, the third...

Ivan had so many flowers that he couldn't hold them all, so a girl came up and handed the flowers to Ace.

Little Ace was so excited that he raised his head and chest, feeling proud.

"Make way, make way." Little Luffy squeezed out of the crowd, and his snot was wiped on other people's clothes.

"Ivan Nisan, Ace." He ran over excitedly.

Marit also came over and took the flowers from Ivan.

"Marit, thank you for your hard work." Ivan thanked.

Marit smiled and said: "I should thank Mr. Garp and you for saving me from the pirates and arranging a job for me so that I can survive."

"Nisan, Nisan, I'm here." Little Luffy seemed to feel that he was ignored and emphasized his existence again.

"Oh, Luffy, I haven't seen you for almost half a year, and you've grown taller." Ivan squatted down and touched Luffy's head.

I laughed secretly in my heart: The three little ones are still missing one. I can live in the windmill village for a while, create an encounter, and then start brainwashing.

Ah, bah, bah, it's teaching, not brainwashing, it's imparting positive energy knowledge to each other.

"Ace." Luffy greeted.

But Ace turned away proudly. He has never been interested in this crying slug. This guy is competing with him for Nissan's favor.

Ivan found that little Luffy was staring at Ace's hat with envy, which made Ace even more proud.

Ivan bought the hat for Ace based on his orange cowboy hat in the anime, and he liked it very much.

In the restaurant, two adults and two big children were eating.

Ace imitated Ivan's elegant movements, chewing slowly, eating one bite at a time with a knife and fork.

On the other hand, Luffy just grabbed the meat with his hands and ate it, and his hands, mouth, and even white clothes were all greasy.

Marit quickly wiped Luffy with a napkin, and Ace despised Luffy for being so vulgar in his heart.

Bulu Bulu, the Den Den Mushi rang, gradually turning into the appearance of Garp, the old man.

After Ivan answered the call, the old frivolous voice sounded: "Ivan, I heard you went back to the East China Sea?"

"Grandpa, Grandpa." Luffy shouted quickly. He hadn't seen Garp for a long time.

"Oh, it's Luffy. Have you been good recently?" The other end of the chat bug said.

"I'm very good, but I'm usually alone. I miss you, Ivan, and Ace." Luffy pouted, as if a little aggrieved.

"Grandpa." Ace also greeted him.

"Oh, Ace is here too. You have to take good care of Luffy."

Ace pouted. He didn't have that much free time. He had to use time to practice and become as strong as big brother Ivan.

Ivan talked about business: "Grandpa, I have something to do, which will take about three or four months, but I didn't ask for leave from the headquarters."

"If Marshal Sengoku asks, you have to help me explain it."

The voice of Garp laughing came from the other end of the conversation: "Don't worry, this matter is up to me. If Sengoku dares to talk too much, I will beat him up."

This is really a big boast. Ivan knows that if Sengoku loses his temper, Garp will be as timid as a grandson.

After dinner, Ivan went out and bought Luffy a hat.

The style is also a straw hat, but the decorative cloth strip on the brim is black, not red.

When I returned to the restaurant, I saw Luffy crying, and Marit couldn't coax him.

The reason is that he wants to play with Ace, and Ace dislikes him.

(In the original work, when Ace first met Luffy, he also hated Luffy for a long time.)

"Luffy, what's wrong?" Ivan asked gently.

"Nisan, Ace bullied me." Luffy immediately ran to Ivan for comfort.

Seeing Ivan coming back, Ace felt a little guilty.

Ivan squatted down and coaxed Luffy: "Okay, Luffy is a man, don't cry."

Then, he put a straw hat with black cloth strips on Luffy's head.

Luffy stopped crying immediately, holding the hat with both hands and smiling.

"Nisan, I didn't bully him, I just ignored him, and he cried by himself." Ace defended.

Ivan was not angry or scolding, and said earnestly: "Ace, you are the elder brother, you should take care of your younger brother, just like I take care of you."

"You are also brothers, you should love each other"

"You also know that I am a brother with Smoker, Mason, and Kuro, and we catch pirates together."

"I can achieve today's achievements and status, and they can't do without their help. When I am in danger, they will save me without hesitation."

"This is a brother, do you understand?"

Ace nodded, not quite understanding, but he remembered these words.

Bulu Bulu, Ivan's Den Den Mushi rang again.


The other end of the phone answered: "Report to the adults, the target appeared at the waste terminal outside Gao Town."

"Got it." Ivan's face curled up with a smile.

Windmill Village, belonging to the Kingdom of Goa, is basically a village with no sense of existence.

Outside the Windmill Village, there is a mountain called Gorpo, and further ahead is a forest, which is also the secret base of Ace and Sabo in the original plot.

Further ahead of the forest is the waste terminal of Gao Town, which handles garbage and waste.

Outside the high wall fence of the town of Goa Kingdom is the waste terminal.

Ivan values ​​Sabo very much, not only for his military strength, but also for his military mind and leadership.

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