The forest between Mount Gorpo and the waste terminal!

Ivan was sitting on a stone, humming a little tune out of boredom.

Things were constantly being thrown down from a big tree.

Gold, silver, jewelry and other things fell to the ground, and Sabo jumped down from the tree with his agility.

"Is this all the belongings you have accumulated?" Ivan asked.

"Yes, I have saved for a long time!" Sabo said as he put things into the sack.

"What are you going to do with these things?" Ivan asked again.

"Of course, go to sea and be a pirate..." Sabo answered excitedly, but immediately realized that something was wrong, because Ivan was a navy man.

"It doesn't matter." Ivan smiled gently and asked: "What will you do after you go out to sea as a pirate?"

Seeing that he really didn't mind, Sabo breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Of course, I will look for treasures and adventures."

His little eyes were full of yearning.

You are destined not to have the opportunity to become a pirate, Ivan laughed in his heart.

Said: "Bluejem is also a pirate, do you think you hate such people?"

"No, even if I become a pirate, I will not be like him, I will not harm civilians." Sabo explained.

"I think you should have better goals and pursuits." Ivan began to fool around.

Little Sabo seemed to be lost in thought, wondering what better goals and pursuits meant?

After a while, he asked: "Then Ivan, what are your goals and pursuits?"

Undoubtedly, after saving his life and beating Bluejem, Ivan's image is very noble in Sabo's mind.

Ivan stood up, looked at the sky, and sighed: "I have always felt that the values ​​and systems of this world are deformed and distorted."

Turning around, he looked at Sabo and asked: "Why do you say that there are Celestial Dragons in the world? Why can kings and nobles wantonly kill the lives of ordinary people?"

"Why do many people take pride in being pirates?"

"Even if there are good people among pirates, what is the ratio of good to bad people?"

Sabo was stunned, and he found that he could not answer any of these questions.

Ivan turned his back to him again and said with a faint smile.

"As for me, I have never thought of becoming king, but I just hope to use my own power to make the world a better and more peaceful place."

"With greater ability comes greater responsibility!"

These words seemed to rush straight into Sabo's soul, especially the last sentence, which kept echoing in his mind after hearing it.

Staring at Ivan's back, he felt that the other party became more brilliant.

"Brother Ivan, I, I also want to have the same goals and pursuits as you." Sabo clenched his fists, breathing a little hurriedly, but his expression was very firm.

Very good, Ivan had a deep smile on his face.

Sabo, I am not fooling you, but conveying positive energy.

Although you can't be a revolutionary army, at least you don't have to be disfigured by the Celestial Dragons.

In Windmill Village, Ace walked on the street in a low mood.

Ivan replaced Sabo's belongings with Bailey, otherwise it would be too weird to run around with a sack on his back. They soon met Ace.

When Ace and Sabo met for the first time, both sides looked at each other for a long time, as if there was some inexplicable attraction between the two.

However, after greeting each other, Ace stood quietly beside Ivan, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Ace, Ace." Luffy's childish voice also appeared, wearing the straw hat given to him by Ivan, with a runny nose, chasing Ace.

"That's right, let's go eat first." Ivan said to the three little ones with a smile.


Luffy was eating, and Sabo was very cautious, observing everyone while eating.

Ace seemed to be in a bad mood and had no appetite.

Ivan knew that it must be because others were discussing Roger, and said some unpleasant things about whether Roger had a son or not.


"Nissan." Ace looked up at Ivan.

Ivan tapped the table lightly with his fingers and said seriously: "Ace, you are a man."

"You always have to find the goal and meaning of your life. Don't you want to become stronger, become a navy like me, conquer evil and promote good, and become a hero admired by others?"

After a pause, Ivan raised his voice.

"Then you have to do it, take action, when you achieve your goal."

"You don't need to deliberately prove anything or avoid anything, because you have already achieved great success.


"The existence of any fact will not be affected by anyone's will."

"You are the real Ace, and the things you will succeed in will also be real."

Ace's eyes suddenly lit up: "Nissan, are you telling the truth?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

"Nissan, I understand." Ace seemed to have untied the knot in his heart, and he was motivated to eat.

"Nani, what are you talking about?" Luffy asked with his mouth full.

No one was interested in answering Luffy's question, but Luffy, who was careless, didn't care.

He said with expectation: "Nissan, Nissan, tell me a story about the sea. "

If you want to talk about this, I'm not sleepy anymore, haha.

Ivan also became energetic and started talking nonstop.

Now is the time to cultivate values. He almost always talked about how pirates harmed civilians on the sea, how cruel they were, and how he caught the pirates.

The three children's eyes were full of colors when they heard it. Ivan's words always made people full of conviction, even if Ace was always with him.

Ivan actually analyzed why Luffy wanted to be a pirate, and Shanks' influence was only secondary.

The deeper reason lies in the expectations of the future in the minds of children.

You tell him a story, he will make up his mind, fantasize, have expectations, and set goals for himself.

The key is to tell him a story, establish values, and guide his judgment of right and wrong.

Ivan ordered a bottle of wine, took four bowls, and filled them with wine.

He said to the three children: "After drinking this bowl of wine, we are brothers, we must love each other and support each other. "

The three little ones had stars in their eyes and said in unison: "Cheers, brothers." "

For the next half month, Ivan established values ​​for the three little ones and taught them how to practice.

Ivan was very strict. In terms of physical training, Ace and Sabo could persevere, but Luffy was too young to keep up.

As for actual combat training, in the original plot, Ace and Sabo were basically evenly matched.

But now Ace grew up with Ivan, was trained by him, and was influenced by Smoker and Mason. He has completely defeated Sabo in combat.

Luffy was excluded because he was young and more delicate. He often clamored to participate, but cried when Ace punched him.

Late at night, there were three small beds in the bedroom.

Ace and Luffy slept on their backs in a bed, and Marit covered them with blankets.

Sabo climbed up to the roof secretly, and Ivan was waiting for him while admiring the night sky.

"Brother Ivan, what do you want to say here?" Sabo asked.

"Sit with me." "The two sat in a row and looked at the stars for a while.

Ivan said: "Sabo, do you know about devil fruits?"

He was still young, and devil fruits were obviously not within his knowledge.

Ivan took out a box, which contained a devil fruit.

The healing fruit was obtained by him in a trade with Doflamingo.

The healing fruit has the ability to heal "biological injuries"!

It can activate the ability to heal all injuries of living creatures, and even its own tears have a healing effect.

And the ultimate ability is to restore everything to its original state (regardless of organic or inorganic) at the cost of reducing lifespan.

The highest level of use is to implement the recovery ability by reducing lifespan. This ability has a limited number of uses, which should be in terms of lifespan.

The owner of this fruit in the original play is Mansherry, the princess of the Dwarf Kingdom.

Of course, Ivan has no intention of harming Sabo or using him as a tool.

He has studied that the size, vitality, potential, and endurance of the Dwarfs are different from those of normal humans.

Humans have infinite potential, and their physique and vitality are tenacious. The strength of the fruit can be improved through continuous training.

Maybe the sequelae of human beings using this fruit are not so serious, and the fruit has a higher level of awakening ability!

Think about it, if you blow up a house, the ability of this fruit can immediately restore the house.

If you cut off someone's arm, the ability of this fruit can restore the arm of the other person. How amazing is this ability?

It has already involved time and cause and effect!

Especially for a genius like Sabo, when fighting with others, he recovers immediately after being injured, and can also heal others. How terrifying is this?

Ivan considered it carefully. He also thought about giving this fruit to Ace, but finally felt that it was not particularly suitable.

On the one hand, Ace has a hot temper and is too serious. The development of the ability of the healing fruit requires a meticulous person.

There is also a more important reason. Ivan knows that what he is going to do in the future is very dangerous.

No matter what happens in the future, Sabo is his designated successor

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