Although many people know that Ivan is very powerful, they don't have a specific concept in their minds.

When Ivan cut the big vine with a sword and let the golden bell fall, they finally had an idea.

When Ulki saw it, he was also scared. Fortunately, Ivan subdued him and just beat him up.

If he had given him a sword, he would have been split into two halves.

The golden bell fell from the sky, just like the original book, breaking a beam, and Ivan also had a smile on his face.

It turned out that Perona smiled more brilliantly than her. She had only one thought, her brother was going to get rich, and she was going to buy a lot of things.

At night, everyone had a bonfire party. Robin was absent-minded and looked at Ivan, wanting to say something but stopping.

Ivan knew what she was thinking. Seeing Perona running away and going crazy, he took Robin's hand and left.

"Ivan-san, where are you taking me?" Robin had already made a judgment in her heart.

Hush! He made a gesture of silence: "Don't make a sound, I'll take you to see the historical text."

Robin felt a little sweet in her heart as he held her hand and ran all the way to see the historical text.

Arriving at the location of the golden bell, Ivan groped along the bell body for a while. After he seemed to have touched the target, he tore off the vines and moss on the surface.

What was revealed was a square black historical text, and Robin excitedly approached immediately.

The flame in Ivan's palm rose, illuminating the historical text for her.

After a while, Robin finished reading the historical text, but she was not very happy and a little depressed.

"What's wrong, no harvest?" Ivan asked.

Robin was slightly disappointed: "It only records a weapon named Poseidon, and there is no intelligence information."

I knew it long ago, but I didn't know the location, but now that you know it, I know it. Ivan thought her disappointed look was a little funny.

He immediately pulled open the moss next to the historical text, and a line of words was written on the golden surface.

Robin immediately became interested again, read the line of text, and fell into thought.

Pirate King Roger visited here, why would he write such words?

After a while, she relaxed her tense brows, as if she had figured out something, grasped the key point, and smiled on her face.

Ivan put his hands on her shoulders and whispered: "Don't be discouraged, I still know where several historical texts are."

"Really? How did you master the locations of so many historical texts?" Robin was surprised and happy.

Suddenly, a discordant voice interrupted their conversation.

"Brother, Robin, what are you doing, are you having an affair?" Perona said angrily, with her hands on her waist.

Puff, Ivan coughed violently, choking himself: "Little girl, don't talk nonsense, or I will sue you for defamation, you are defaming."

Robin was also embarrassed and ran away directly.

Soon it was dawn, many people slept soundly around the campfire, and some couldn't sleep.

Ivan and his friends were ready to leave Sky Island. Before leaving, he said to Gan. Forer: In the future, a powerful enemy will appear on Sky Island, and he is stronger than everyone on Sky Island.

He warned the old man to take care of himself and not make the mistake of underestimating the enemy.

Ivan took the golden pillar with him. Perona was laughing happily all the time, but she kept staring at Ivan or Robin's movements to prevent the two from doing anything else.

Ivan really made a fortune. The golden pillar was as big as a house, and it was solid.

In order to take the golden pillar away, Ivan cut it into many pieces and asked Sky Island people to change a large ship to fit it.

Before leaving, he took a lot of Sky Island specialties, especially wind shells.

Led by Pagya and his daughter, the ship came to the end of the sea of ​​clouds.

Conis was reluctant to leave Ivan and the others, and said, "Mr. Ivan, you can return to the blue sea after passing the end of the sea of ​​clouds. Take care of yourself. If you have time, you can come to Sky Island again. We welcome you at any time."

Ivan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely come again in the future."

"Take care!" Pagya waved at them.

The ship began to pass through the gate of the sea of ​​clouds, retracted the sails and glided along the ladder, and finally the whole ship flew out.

Ah, everyone experienced the feeling of weightlessness again.

Conis, who was watching the trajectory of the ship, blew a whistle, and the octopus Baron, a specialty of Sky Island, flew out of the sea of ​​clouds and wrapped the hull with eight tentacles.

The octopus's big head turned into a round balloon, which helped the hull to slow down.


But their ship was filled with gold, so heavy that the big octopus' forehead was sweating.

"Boss, the speed of falling is still a bit fast, the ship is too heavy." Ulki laughed.

"According to my experience, the big octopus will shrink smaller and smaller. Our ship is so heavy that I'm afraid it will sink to the bottom of the sea, hahahaha."

"Ah, what should we do? Big guy, you're still laughing." Perona kicked Ulki's feet dissatisfiedly.

Robin was very calm and told everyone not to panic: "Ivan-san brought a lot of wind-discharging shells, so he should have thought of this!"

"You are still smart." Ivan said, he did prepare an emergency plan.

The descent was not very fast. When the big octopus shrank by half and the ship fell straight down, Ivan took the wind-discharging shells and flashed under the hull, and directly installed thirty wind-discharging shells to slow down.

After a while, it was dark, and the octopus was completely done with work, turning into a small octopus flying into the sky.

"It's about to land, but the speed is still too fast. Mr. Ivan, please think of a way." Kulikai had already observed the sea water with his binoculars.

Ivan couldn't throw anything to reduce the weight of the ship, so he had to go up by himself and ducked to the bottom of the ship again. He took a deep breath.

With his hands against the bottom of the ship, his lower body became elementalized, and he shouted: "Big Flame Pillar, double."

His legs turned into two huge pillars of fire, extending down for hundreds of meters and hitting the sea.

The force of the wind shell blowing down, plus Ivan's support, finally slowed down the speed of the ship.

Ivan's forehead was bulging with veins, and he relied on shouting to output. He kept gritting his teeth and kept spitting fire with his legs. When the ship was still five or six meters away from the sea.

He completely became elementalized, took off the bottom of the ship, floated in the air, and flew back to the ship.

He shot left and right, grabbed Kulikai and Ulki, and threw them directly to the mast to hang.

He immediately appeared in front of Perona and Robin, holding them and jumping into the air.

Boom, the ship hit the sea with a loud bang, the sea surface was violently churning, and a large amount of seawater flew onto the ship.

The seawater that was boiled by his flames would definitely burn the skin if it splashed on people.

Huh, finally safe.

"Boss is really ruthless. He just threw me and Mr. Kulikai away without saying hello. We will climb up by ourselves." Ulki teased.

Kulikai's face was a little dark. This was the second time he had experienced such a thing. He seemed to mind a little: "Mr. Ivan, you are really a gentleman with two girls on your left and right."

Ivan, who was still suspended in the air and holding one girl in each hand, was embarrassed when he heard this, and hurried down to put the two girls down.

Then he pretended to look around to divert everyone's attention.

The place where they were now was surrounded by bare mountains, with many fortifications, and many cannons on the mountains.

The G8 base, the iron fortress of the navy, was the only geographical location that fit Ivan's impression.

Thump, thump, thump...

Suddenly, several searchlights crisscrossed and focused on their ship, stimulating them so much that they couldn't open their eyes.

"Hate, what is this?" Perona said dissatisfiedly, covering her eyes.

Ivan was also angry, jumped onto the sail, and yelled: "What are you shooting? Turn it off for me, otherwise I will beat you all into pig heads. I am the colonel of the navy headquarters, Emperor Yan Ivan."

His voice was loud and spread far away.

Long before they landed, the navy of the G8 base noticed something unusual when they saw the two pillars of fire and took action.

As soon as the ship landed, searchlights, cannons, and muskets were all aimed at them.

While the navy didn't see their faces clearly, Robin had already quietly run back to the cabin.

On the patrol post, a marine heard Ivan claiming to be a colonel of the Navy Headquarters and immediately called his superior.

After checking Ivan's appearance and his fire ability, a major came to pick Ivan up in person and invited him to rest at the G8 base.

But Ivan didn't let him get on the ship, and told his companions not to get off the ship, and asked Ulki to guard the ship and not allow anyone to come on board.

Anyone who dared to come on board would be beaten, after all, there was a huge amount of gold on the ship, as well as Nico Robin.

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