The fireballs were so big that they were almost dead.

Facing the attack of three fire dragons, Katakuri reacted quickly.

His arms turned into countless sticky rice, quickly forming three black shields covered with armed colors, and raised them high to let the three fire dragons hit them.

It was a perfect response, but it's not over yet, Katakuri, what are you going to do next?

Ivan was still condensing flames in the air, and above his head, three fireballs as big as the ship had also completed charging.

"Pyroblast, three consecutive bullets."

Damn, the range is too large, Katakuri looked solemn.

This is the difficulty of the natural system. The fireballs are not a big threat to him, but if he wants to save three ships, it will be a big trouble.

"Hahaha, Katakuri, goodbye." Ivan waved his arm, and three big fireballs covered their three ships.

"Wild D. Ivan, if you dare to hurt my brother, I will definitely kill you."

Katakuri's roar came, and Ivan was no longer interested in seeing what happened to them, and asked people to drive the boat away quickly.

After the three fireballs exploded, there were only two cake boats left, and they were all rescuing people who fell into the water and extinguishing the flames on the two ships.

Katakuri folded his hands in front of his chest, and he could not see his joy or anger. He calmly ordered: "Call for support and let the peripheral affiliated forces intercept him. Don't let him run away with Owen."

"Yes, Lord Katakuri." The subordinates hurried to execute the order.

The ship of the Basher Pirates sailed smoothly for half an hour without encountering any obstacles.

The crew was overjoyed and thought they had escaped.

Ivan thought it would not be that simple, but he didn't care. He should talk to Mateus first.

Seeing him squatting in the corner like a lost dog, Ivan slapped him on the head.

"What?" Mateus seemed very angry.

Well, he got bolder. After playing badly, he looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

Ivan was helpless. He was not the kind of person who wanted to kill him. Isn't this giving him a way out!

"Do you want to live? Do you want to push the city?"

Uh, if you say this, I won't be sleepy. Mateus seemed to come back to his soul and asked: "What are the conditions? If you ask me to trick another Four Emperors, I won't do it."

Ivan was angry and amused. You have to have the ability and conditions to do it.

This guy is thirty-one or thirty-two years old. He is not a devil fruit ability user. He can have a bounty of 270 million, which means he has some ability.

"Come with me to join the navy and join the arms of justice, my justice."

Mateus didn't seem surprised, and asked: "How can you guarantee that if I go to the navy headquarters with you, I won't be arrested and shot?"

"Does it make any difference whether I lie to you or not?" Ivan also asked.

Mateus was playing badly, and there was some brilliance in his eyes: "That's a big difference. If you can survive, you don't have to push the city, and it doesn't matter if the conditions are harsh."

"If there is no hope, you can kill or cut me now."

Okay, Ivan also showed his sincerity and said: "Publish in the newspaper and use public opinion."

"Just say that you and I have captured the son of the Four Emperors together, and you want to turn from darkness to light."

"It's not without precedent for pirates to become navy, and this is also a good example."

Mateus' eyes turned a few times, and he felt that it was feasible, and immediately recovered his lively appearance.

Ivan was about to contact the newspaper to ask Morgans to do an interview, but two pirate ships appeared in front of him and opened fire without saying a word.

Boom, boom, although they didn't hit, the shells exploded in the sea water, causing the ship to shake.

"Captain, Lord Ivan, enemy attack."

Mateus was angry, damn it, I haven't escaped from the new world yet, whoever intercepts me will cut off my life.

"Brothers, fight back hard."

The two pirate ships both hung two flags, the first one was their own pirate flag, and the second one was the BIG MOM affiliated flag.

Mateus personally commanded, with a ferocious look on his face, as if he had a blood feud with them.

"You can keep the ship moving at full speed. As for the flying shells and the two small fish boats, I'll do it." Ivan looked forward and drew his knife.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, two flying slashes immediately scrapped the two ships.

Ivan did this deliberately, using force to intimidate them, leaving his powerful mark in their hearts, increasing their fear and loyalty.

After Katakuri waited for support, he immediately started chasing Ivan again.

This time their lineup

It was luxurious, with six ships, including the eldest son of Big Mom, Charlotte Perospero, the third son, Charlotte Daifuku, and the general Charlotte Smoothie.

Including Katakuri himself, there are two generals among the four. If Ivan is caught up, he will probably have no other way out except to escape.

Katakuri said: "Perosnisan (big brother), I just received news from the affiliated pirate group that three pirate groups intercepted Ivan."

"But those trash are vulnerable, and he is very strong. If this goes on, he may run away. What do you think we should do?"

As the only woman, Smoothie said: "We must not let him run away, otherwise it will damage my mother's dignity and we will not be able to do our job well."

"Damn, that little navy thief, if he dares to hurt Owen, I will definitely cut him into pieces." Daifuku has the best relationship with Owen, and said indignantly.

Perospero said: "The New World is so big, how can he run out so quickly."

Katakuri shook his head: "I'm not worried that he will run out of the New World immediately, but don't forget, he is a navy and can call for navy support."

Hearing this, Perospero was a little panicked. As the eldest brother, if Ivan ran away with Owen, he would show off to his mother.

Just thinking about his mother's anger and blaming him, he trembled all over: "Then, what should I do?"

This eldest brother was still unreliable at the critical moment. Katakuri was tired and said: "Send a reward and spread the news. As long as he is stopped by someone, we will catch up and everything will be over."

"No, no, we have to rely on others for our own affairs in Wan Guo. What kind of words is this." Perospero immediately rejected this request.

"Then what should we do?" Daifuku asked anxiously.

Katakuri, as the second brother, took the lead: "Send a bounty. As long as we are the ones who catch or kill that guy in the end, Mom's face will be saved."

Dafuku and Smoothie both agreed, and Perospero was overjoyed: "Katakuri, this is your suggestion. If it happens..."

"I'll take responsibility." Katakuri said firmly.

Soon, the New World caused another turmoil. Wan Guo issued a 1 billion Bailey bounty for Ivan's head through a special channel, and the news spread quickly.

The amount was huge, and many people took action immediately, searching for Ivan's figure in the New World.

And Ivan and his team had just sent off the employees of Morgans, and tomorrow's newspaper would be very interesting.

Bulu Bulu, the Den Den Mushi rang, and after Ivan answered the call, Robin's anxious voice came.

"Ivan-san, are you in the New World now?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"The BIG MOM Pirates have issued a bounty of 1 billion Baileys for you, and now most of the pirates in the New World are looking for you."

"Fuck, the bounty is so high? I want to exchange myself for the bounty."

"Don't be ridiculous, are you safe now?" Robin's voice sounded very caring.

After the call with Robin ended, Ivan also felt that something was wrong, and immediately called Sengoku: "Old man, help me!"

Sengoku felt bad when he heard it: "What did you do again?"

"Ah, nothing, I just went to Wan Guo to capture BIG MOM's son. Now he is being hunted by most of the pirates in the New World. Send someone here quickly."

"No, I have a hunch that this time is very dangerous, send a big man here." Ivan said.

"What did you say?..." A deafening question came from the other end of the phone, which made Ivan's eardrums hurt.

At the Navy Headquarters and the Marshal's Office, Zhan Guo was stunned for a few seconds.

It was really worrying. He didn't know whether to praise or criticize. It was a good thing.


Behind the hull of the Basher Pirates, a pirate ship with a blood-red axe pirate flag was spotted with a telescope.

"Captain, good news. We found the Basher Pirates. I saw Entei Ivan on it."

The leader of the Blood Axe Pirates has a bounty of 420 million berries, and the bounty of the entire pirate group exceeds 600 million.

The leader laughed: "I'm really lucky to be the first to find them."

"Chase them, kill, kill, kill, that's 1 billion berries."

The two ships chased each other for less than ten minutes, and another large pirate ship appeared in front of Ivan and his men.

Its captain stood on the bow and laughed: "Hahahaha, the head of Entei Ivan belongs to our Storm Pirates."

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