The situation was very delicate. Six pirate families and eight ships all aimed their guns at the Bashe Pirates, but they did not fire. Some of the six families knew each other, and the leaders of the six families were holding a telephone bug conference to distribute benefits. The Bashe Pirates did not dare to move, otherwise they would be struck by thunder. Owen woke up, and he seemed to have discovered the predicament of Ivan and the others, and could not help laughing. "Ivan, you can't run away. You are destined to die today. This is the price you pay for provoking the Four Emperors."

He seemed to be getting more and more addicted: "Do you regret it now? I tell you, regret is useless. I hope you won't be so stupid after you go to hell."

"Also, you little pirates, do you want to die with him?"

After a pause, he said arrogantly: "Why don't I give you a chance? Untie my seastone handcuffs immediately and kill him. I will give you a chance to live."

Such words are very bewitching when life is at stake. Many people swallowed their saliva and had this idea.

However, Mateus is a smart man. When he thought of Ivan's strength, he didn't have this idea.

If he betrayed, Ivan could kill all of them first.

"Shut your stinky mouth, is the son of the Four Emperors so powerful? Now you are still like a dog." Mateus mocked.


Mateus interrupted him immediately: "What do you mean by 'me'? What's the point of being angry? If I'm going to die, I'll kill you first and take you with me."

Honest people are afraid of ruthless people, and ruthless people are afraid of those who don't care about their lives.

Although Owen is used to being arrogant, he is really afraid that he will be taken with him at this time.

Ivan admired Mateus's actions. He has a trump card that he hasn't used yet. He can fly.

It can be said that even if everyone on this ship will die today, he will be safe.

However, first, he doesn't want to catch Owen and not be able to take him back.

Second, since he promised to protect Mateus and others' lives, he will not give up on them until the last moment.

After all, this is more than a hundred lives!

On the sea level, the outlines of six BIG MOM family ships slowly appeared.

The six pirates seemed to have quickly reached a tacit understanding. The overall strength of the six ships of the BIG MOM family must be stronger than them.

In order to prevent getting nothing, they decided to open fire and kill Ivan first.

Then the Ten Thousand Nations would not refuse to pay, and the six families would not get nothing.





Eight ships fired shells that covered the sky and the sun. The sound of the artillery was earth-shaking and could be heard for several miles. The density blocked every angle. No ship could survive in this situation.

Katakuri in the distance was bloodshot: "Don't fire, my brother is still on it."

But it was too late, the shells had been fired.

"It's over, I'm going to die."

"Is this the end of the world? I don't want to die!"

On the ship of the Basher Pirates, some people were incoherent, some sat on the deck, and some cried loudly.

Mateus clenched his hands tightly and stared at Ivan.

"Hey, those bastards, they deserve to die, do you want to kill me too?" The arrogant Owen was also terrified.

In such a predicament, Ivan showed a wild and unrestrained smile: "Do you know why I am called the Flame Emperor?"

The next moment, Ivan moved, and his figure flashed above the hull.

The raging flames burst out from his body, and with him as the center point, the flames spread rapidly downwards 360° without dead angles, forming a conical flame barrier.

It wrapped the hull in all directions, but did not damage the hull.

"The Great Flame Realm - Barrier."

Boom boom boom boom boom...

Countless shells exploded on the flame barrier, a series of loud noises accompanied by terrifying flames, and the whole air seemed to be torn apart.

The continuous explosions roared, releasing strong air pressure, smoke and dust filled the air, and the hot breath burned the air out.

The outer area was exploding, and the people in the flame barrier area were lucky. They were just dizzy and had severe tinnitus.

Everyone saw that Ivan, like a god, protected the entire ship with his own strength.

They couldn't speak at all, and even if they shouted, no one could hear them.

They also saw from the inside that after the flame barrier was bombarded by artillery shells, it would deform like ripples on the water, as if it would crack if it was bombed a few more times.

Hold on

Ah, we must cheer up, everyone was praying silently.

Even Owen was no exception: Navy, come on, hold on, I don't want to die.

The explosion lasted for a few minutes. When the sound of the shells and the smoke gradually dissipated, the six pirates were frightened.

The conical flame barrier was still intact. Is that guy still a human?

Can they really kill this monster?

When Ivan dispersed the flame barrier and returned to the ship.

Everyone on the ship was still tinnitus and deaf, but their faces were full of joy and excitement after surviving the disaster.

They hugged each other, wiped each other's tears, and saw familiar faces, as if they were relieved.

Everyone looked at Ivan, cheers, applause, deafening, some people shouted until their throats were hoarse, just to vent their emotions and express gratitude.

Ivan raised his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet. The real danger has not been lifted yet.

Sure enough, the aunt's children also surrounded them in six boats.

Katakuri shouted with a loudspeaker: "No one is allowed to fire, my brother Owen is on that guy's ship."

"If you hurt Owen, you will all pay the price."

A person's name is like a tree's shadow, and the six pirates all recognize Katakuri, the strongest star of the Big Mom Group.

They all said they would cooperate and would not continue to fire.

Then someone asked, the six families chased Ivan for so long and trapped Ivan, and now the Wan Guo has sent people, how will they be paid?

Perospero was very angry: "These little pirates who are unknown have only done a little insignificant thing, and they didn't even hurt the other party, and now they dare to ask for money."

"You can let them go."

Katakuri didn't think so. He said: "Since the other party has played a role, the money will be paid. We can't let them go around saying that we Wan Guo don't keep our word because of this money."

On the ship of the Basher Pirates, Owen was very proud. The eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother, and the sister Smoothie were all there.

Ivan was doomed, and would die miserably. He wanted to mock him and see the fear on his face.

But no, Ivan was calm and did not say a word. He had learned his lesson.

Big Mom's four children, plus six pirates with a bounty of 300-500 million, the lineup was really luxurious.

Ivan felt that the situation was very dangerous, but he did not need to flee. Isn't Owen, this big fool, a good card?

So he walked to the bow, looked at the four Perospero brothers and sisters from a distance, and then looked around at the captains of the six pirate groups.

"It might be a life-or-death situation, haha."

Katakuri stared at Ivan's figure, without any contempt in his eyes, and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Ivan, hand over Owen, I can let you die with dignity."

Da Fu shouted: "Navy, where is Owen, what have you done with him?"

Smoothie looked at Ivan several times and said: "He is very young and handsome."

"Smoothie, don't forget that we are here to save Owen, kill that guy quickly, and save Owen is the real thing." Perospero now has the demeanor of a big brother.

Hahahaha, Ivan laughed up to the sky, and everyone was puzzled.

Ivan dragged Owen, who was tied up, to the bow and shouted: "Katakuri, you said you wanted to kill me?"

"You can do it. If I die today, I will kill him first."

"He just told me arrogantly that I was dead, but after he escaped, he would not let me die so easily. He would torture me to death."

This is indeed in line with Owen's temperament, but Owen thought to himself: I think so, but I didn't say it.

Ivan continued: "Why don't I make him live a life worse than death first."

"You dare?" Katakuri roared.

"Haha, I don't dare? Who do you think you are, and what about your perverted mother?" Ivan punched Owen and made him suffer.

"Damn it, you dare to hurt Owen."

"This guy dared to insult his mother when he was about to die. He is unforgivable."

The four children of the aunt were on the verge of attack and ready to fight.

Ivan shouted: "I will blow up anyone's head if they dare to move or approach this boat."

Owen's mouth was bleeding, and Ivan grabbed his hair and pressed his head against the board.

Katakuri instantly became nervous: "What do you want? Make a condition."

"Or if you hand over Owen, I can promise to let you go."

Perospero was a little dissatisfied with Katakuri's self-willed decision. He is the eldest brother.

He said: "We can't let him go. We must kill him. Otherwise, how can we explain to our mother?"

"Perosni, but what about Owen?" Daifuku was anxious.

Slowly pulling out the knife, Smoothie said confidently: "Owen Nissan

We need to save them, and we need to kill that guy, we can't let him lead us by the nose."

"You actually threatened my brothers with me, aren't you a righteous navy? How can you be so despicable?" Owen questioned.

Ivan didn't bother to answer, he didn't care what others thought, he only cared about what he thought, anyway, he didn't think he was despicable.

"You should be glad that Big Mom didn't come, I can use you to threaten them, so you can survive."

"If it was your perverted mother who came, I don't think she would be threatened by me for a son who is not important in her mind."

"She would kill me without caring about your life."

Owen instantly retorted: "No, mom won't, mom values ​​me very much, and loves other brothers and sisters very much, do you think it's useful for you to sow discord?"

"Do you have a sister named Brulee, who lost a lot of her life because of her mistakes? "Ivan is just trying to sow discord." He continued: "You are like a waste now. Even if you are rescued, you will lose face for your mother. Do you think she will still value you so much?" "If you were not rescued today and I sent you to Push City and reported in the newspapers, would your heartless mother want to slap you to death?" "No, you are talking nonsense. I don't believe it." Owen retorted. He didn't even realize that he was not so confident.

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