The fruit of the explosion is so powerful that it can be used as a weapon.

Why is the explosion fruit regarded as a powerful trump card fruit by Ivan?

Let's first introduce the ability of this devil fruit, which is roughly as follows.

The explosion fruit can turn the whole body into a bomb, and can trigger an explosion from anywhere in the body without gunpowder and bombs.

It makes the explosion attack on itself ineffective, and even if the explosion is triggered in the stomach, the internal organs will not be harmed.

The ability will also affect the taste, making it possible to identify the properties of gunpowder through taste.

The real value of the explosion ability is that a part of the body (such as hair), sweat, and saliva separated from the body can also explode.

Even "exhaled breath" can become an explosive. It is an ability that can be effectively used, such as being able to attack from a distance and increase the power of weapons.

The above abilities also derive a hidden ability, that is, anything touched by the fruit ability can explode.

Think about it, Mason grabs a handful of soil, and the soil is sticky with his sweat. When he throws it out, it can explode. It is hard to defend against.

Mason only knows physical skills and domineering. He has a relatively high defense and lacks offensive means.

The explosion fruit is a perfect match for him. It is an attack and defense. If someone punches him, he will be fine. If someone's palm touches his body, he can be used to explode. Who can defend against it?

In addition to the application of some moves, the core point of the ability development direction set by Ivan for him is the power of the explosion.

Ivan divides the development of the explosion power into five levels.

The first level explosion is more powerful than the artillery shell.

The second level is several times more powerful than the first level.

Finally, the fifth level will be the humanoid nuclear bomb level. As long as the ability is activated, it can blow up a hill or even a town.

Assuming that Mason is engaged in a battle with the enemy, he can use his armed color domineering to defend himself, and use his ability to self-destruct at the fifth level of power to the opponent.

He himself is not affected by the explosion, but the opponent is miserable. Even if he is a natural type, he will die if he does not defend well.

Of course, this is just Ivan's plan for Mason. Whether he can reach that level depends on his own efforts.

As the sky gradually darkened, Ivan invited everyone to eat and drink. Marinford also has places for consumption and entertainment.

The next day, on the parade ground.

More than 600 veterans and non-commissioned officers on the Sea Dragon to which Ivan belongs lined up neatly. This team is heroic and high-spirited. They are all elite soldiers who have experienced many life-and-death battles.

Smoker and Mason, two colonels, also stood in the front row of the team, listening to the instructions of the highest commander.

Ivan was dressed in a white suit and formal dress today, with a cloak of justice on his back.

His eyes swept through the neatly-formed ranks. Everyone stood straight in military posture. They were all strong and familiar faces to Ivan.

He really couldn't bear to let go. The soldiers he led were excellent in both military exploits and other comprehensive evaluations.

After being promoted to lieutenant general, Zhan Guo asked Ivan to take over a group of recruits who had just graduated from the naval training camp.

He was originally unwilling and thought it was troublesome, but after careful consideration, he agreed.

There were more than 600 people, and many people looked at their most respected commander. He didn't seem very happy and a little sad. They didn't understand why.

They were good soldiers who followed the military orders. Some people wanted to ask, but no one spoke.

Taking a deep breath, Ivan forced a smile: "I haven't had a meeting with you for a long time. Today I have two good news to tell you."

As the two people who knew Ivan best, Smoker and Mason felt something was wrong. According to Ivan's style, if there was really good news, he would not be like this.

Ivan said: "Lieutenant Kuro, step out."

"Yes, sir." Kuro stepped out and saluted Ivan.

"Congratulations, you will be promoted to captain from today." Ivan said.

Kuro's face was full of joy: "I am very grateful to the admiral for his cultivation."

Then, Ivan announced that after the assessment of the Navy Headquarters, Smoker, Mason, and many other non-commissioned officers were promoted to the next level.

Suddenly, everyone was very happy, and the applause was thunderous and lasted for a long time.

Ivan raised his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet: "Now I will announce to everyone the first good news. I have to say goodbye to you. Are you happy?"

The crowd suddenly became restless. They all suspected that they had heard it wrong. Under the self-discipline of the soldiers, they soon became quiet.

Their inner doubts became stronger and stronger, but Mason couldn't help it:

"Boss, you are not kidding, right? Where are you going?"

Ivan said seriously: "Lieutenant Colonel Mason, please call me Lieutenant General. It's not that I'm going somewhere, but that you are leaving the headquarters and leaving my command."

"Lieutenant General, what's going on?" Mason asked again.

Ivan said: "This is the second good news I want to tell you. I will lead a team of new recruits again."

"You will always be my soldiers and my sergeant, but I will not lead you again."

"You will all be assigned to various branch bases and branches. I fully trust you. Maybe you will be able to thrive and be promoted faster."

"If there is a chance in the future, you can return to my command."

"No, boss, I just want to follow you." Mason shouted.

"Yes, sir, don't you want us anymore?"

A second lieutenant said with red eyes: "Lieutenant General, I want to follow you. I was a private when I graduated from the training camp. I have no talent and have been looked down upon."

"But I have grown a lot following you. Your teachings have allowed me to rise from a private to a second lieutenant. You are my belief. I want to be under your command!"

Another non-commissioned officer, who was nearly two meters tall and had a strong back and waist, cried loudly: "Sir, you can't abandon us. I have long made up my mind to pursue you in this life."

"Two years ago, during an operation to capture pirates, I was greedy for merit and reckless. I was stabbed more than a dozen times and I felt like I was going to die."

"You saved me. You didn't give up on me and pulled me back from hell."

More and more people were unwilling to tell stories one by one. Ivan didn't know when he had become their spiritual pillar.

Although Smoker didn't say a word, he was stunned on the spot. He was promoted to colonel and could control an independent naval branch.

Logically, he should be very happy, but he couldn't be happy.

Why did his nose feel a little sour? Ivan felt that he couldn't stay any longer: "Okay, okay, I'm busy. Everyone should pursue their own careers. I wish you good luck in military affairs."

After Ivan finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left, still secretly wiping the corners of his eyes with his sleeves.

It's good to send these guys away. I hope they can become big bosses in their own areas, and then I can respond to them.

At the port of Marinford, 800 new recruits carried guns and lined up under Tina's command.

Ulki and Mateus also wore ordinary marines' clothes and stood in the team.

Seeing Ivan's figure coming out from the inside, Tina hurriedly stepped forward, and Kuro followed behind Ivan.

The two came to the front of the new recruits, and Tina said: "The team has been assembled. Please ask the lieutenant general to give a lecture. Tina is looking forward to it."

Seeing that the highest officer was Ivan, many new recruits showed admiration and fanaticism on their faces.

"How lucky, it's the new hero of the navy, Vice Admiral Ivan."

"Yes, I've heard too many legends about Vice Admiral Ivan."

"I heard that the soldiers of Vice Admiral Ivan have very good welfare."

Listening to the whispers, Ivan showed a stern look: "Quiet, have you read the military discipline?"

The voices of conversation disappeared immediately, and they became honest one by one.

Ivan looked at their young faces. They were just newcomers, without the blood and murderous aura of the veterans he led.

His training was very serious: "You are all newcomers, please remember what I will say next. The work of the navy and the sea are not as beautiful as you think."

"Fighting with pirates is very dangerous, and military merits are not as easy to obtain as you think. This requires you to fight with your life, and you may even die."

"If anyone quits now, please stand up."

Although the enthusiasm of the recruits was hit, no one chose to quit.

"Very good, please remember your choice today, your fate will change from today." Ivan said this in a serious tone.

The brand new Hailong was docked on the sea, which had been repaired recently because of serious damage.

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