The battle was over, and the battle was over.

On the Sea Dragon, Ivan ordered to return to the Navy Headquarters immediately.

Because Sengoku sent an imperial decree that the headquarters would hold an important meeting and could not be absent.

In the newspaper, the World Government has announced that Doflamingo has become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Ivan is not sure what kind of meeting Sengoku is going to hold.

It won't be against the Seven Warlords of the Sea, but Sengoku doesn't tell him and asks him to go back immediately. The content of the meeting is kept secret for the time being.

At the port of Marinford, Admiral Sakaski walked down the warship with a cigar in his mouth and cursed.

"Really, that old man Zhan Guo is so mysterious, I haven't finished my work yet."

"If the matter is not important enough, it's really a waste of my time."

The adjutant next to him was ashamed: "General, you can't say this to the marshal in public. Such an urgent summons may be really important."

Sakaski exhaled a puff of smoke, his face still unhappy.

At the port, patrol soldiers came up immediately.

"Admiral Akainu, welcome back."

One after another, many vice admirals of the headquarters came back.

After Kizaru came back, he saw Akainu's ship and many vice admirals' ships parked at the port.

Uncle Kizaru sighed: "It's a big scene, things may be very bad."

It's really melancholy, how can I fish in that way?

The Sea Dragon was also on the way back, and it was still a little far from Marinford.

A soldier came to report in a hurry, looking very panicked: "General, it's bad, the sea behind is freezing."

"And the freezing speed is very fast, it will catch up with our ship within a minute."

Ivan followed the soldiers from the office to the stern outside, and many soldiers were panicked.

Ivan said loudly: "Don't panic, it should be that person, stop the boat and wait for him."

Kuro had a guess: "Boss, is it him?"

Ivan smiled: "Who else but him."

Sure enough, Ivan and the non-commissioned officers stayed at the stern to watch, and a male figure on a bicycle appeared in the distance.

Oh, is that General Kuzan?

Many recruits were also curious and excited to look forward.

Tall, wearing a white suit vest and dark blue shirt, wearing a navy coat.

Aokiji, with a cauliflower head and a green eye mask on his forehead, pedaled slowly on his bicycle and also found the warship in front.

After getting closer, Aokiji stopped his bike, stepped on the ice, looked up and greeted: "Oh, it's Ivan, it's been a long time."

"Kuzan, quickly untie the ice, otherwise the ship can't move, and you can't catch a ride." Ivan responded.

Aokiji touched the back of his head: "Oh, I'm so sorry, I've caused you trouble."

Ivan smiled and said: "We are so familiar with each other, why are you being polite, put away your bike, come up and sleep, and I'll provide food."

Aokiji was immediately very interested: "After eating so many meals on warships, the food on your ship is still delicious!"

At night, Ivan and Aokiji returned to Marinford together.

They received a notice that the meeting would be held tomorrow morning.

The next day, naval generals walked into the meeting room one after another, and none of them had a rank lower than that of major general.

Ivan and Garp walked in while chatting.

There are many seats in the meeting room of Norda. In the front row, the three admirals Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru are already sitting in the center.

Aokiji saw Ivan and his grandson coming and greeted them enthusiastically: "Mr. Garp, long time no see, you are still so majestic and majestic."

"Haha, I am old and can't compare to you young people in the middle of your prime." Garp laughed.

Nodding and greeting Aokiji, Ivan took the initiative to say: "Uncle Kizaru, Uncle Akainu, you are here so early."

"Oh, it's incredible, the new and old heroes of our navy are here together." Kizaru joked a little indecently.

Hum, Akainu snorted coldly without replying. He still didn't like Ivan, a junior who didn't strictly abide by military discipline.

At the same time, he was a little dissatisfied in his heart. Akainu didn't even have this honor of the new title of navy hero. What virtue did Ivan have?

In terms of force, he is confident that he can suppress Ivan within 100 moves and kill him within 200 moves.

In terms of merit, this guy is indeed very powerful, but it is impossible for him to have more merit than himself in all these years, right?

Ivan sat next to Aokiji, and Garp sat next to Ivan. Seeing Vice Admiral Tsuru, Garp patted the seat next to him: "Little Tsuru, come here, there is a seat next to me."

Vice Admiral Tsuru glared at him unhappily, but he was still next to him.

Sit down.

Taotu, who came later, also sat in the first row.

Although there were still empty seats in the first row, Lieutenant Generals like Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider chose to sit in the second row.

Including the major generals, there were more than 50 people in the meeting room.

A few minutes before the meeting started, Zhan Guo came late in his marshal's uniform, glasses, and seagull military cap.

He first asked his secretary to report the number of people and confirm that everyone who should come had come.

Cleared his throat and officially started.

Zhan Guo said: "I convened everyone for today's meeting in my busy schedule because it is really a matter of great importance."

After a pause, Zhan Guo's expression became serious and rigorous: "Because, this time we are going to call a demon-killing order."

Oh, a stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Everyone was shocked and talked about it.

The demon-killing order, it has been too long since the O'Hara incident.

Who is it this time, or what force?

Moreover, the World Government has not recently informed the Navy that any extremely evil people will be punished immediately.

Vice Admiral Tsuru looked anxious and worried: "Zhan Guo, what is the reason this time?"

"Haha, things are finally getting interesting. Since we have to kill demons, it must be evil that is not allowed to exist." Akainu changed his previous unhappiness and became in a good mood.

Demon Killing Order, O'Hara, Aokiji looked complicated, and prayed in his heart that it must not be the same thing as O'Hara again, otherwise he would not participate.

Aokiji looked at Akainu's excitement and was a little unhappy: "Hey, Sakaski, are you too happy? The target is not clear now."

Akainu looked as if it was a matter of course: "Huh, what nonsense, shouldn't justice be maintained?"

Garp also frowned and stared at his old friend: Zhan Guo, don't do any more massacres, don't be an executioner again.

Ivan was also thoughtful, he should have guessed the truth.

Huang Yuan looked at everyone's reaction and felt a headache. The Demon Slayer Order, this mission is not easy to handle.

Zhan Guo raised his hand to stop the noisy discussion: "Be quiet."

"Yes, it is the Demon Slayer Order, and this time the Demon Slayer Order will be larger in scale and extremely dangerous!"

Wow, Zhan Guo's words caused another hot topic in the discussion.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief. Since it is extremely dangerous, it must not be a pure massacre.

Some people are nervous. The marshal said it is extremely dangerous, and the mission may be really dangerous to the point of unimaginable.

A vice admiral in the back row asked in surprise: "Marshal, are we going to attack the Four Emperors?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Sengoku, and Garp was impatient: "Sengoku, don't keep us in suspense."

Sengoku was about to announce the answer: "I know everyone is curious. He is not the Four Emperors, but that guy is as threatening as the Four Emperors."

"In fact, what he is going to do will be more harmful than the Four Emperors."

"The target of this demon slayer is Shiki the Golden Lion, one of the three legendary pirates."

It's him, it's him.

The legendary pirate who is as famous as Roger the Pirate King and Whitebeard the Four Emperors.

Shiki the Golden Lion, he really has too many legendary colors.

He once chased Roger and forced Roger into a desperate situation, asking him to become his subordinate, if it wasn't for God's disapproval.

A storm destroyed the Golden Lion's fleet, and Roger was surrounded by heavy enemies, and he really didn't know what the result would be.

After Roger's death, he made a big fuss at the Marine Headquarters in Marinford, causing heavy casualties in Marinford.

After being defeated by Sengoku and Garp, he unexpectedly became the first person to escape from Impel Down.

Garp said: "Sengoku, hasn't there been any news about Shiki in these years?"

Sengoku shook his head: "No, he is just lurking. He has never been a quiet person. He has made an extremely evil plan."

"He is going to destroy the entire East China Sea."

What? Destroy the entire sea area with one person's strength?

How many lives are there in the entire East China Sea? This is really inhumane!

However, no one doubts that the Golden Lion has such ability.

"Humph, it's just a remnant of the old era. It's time to eliminate him. When will we act?" Akainu was old-fashioned and seemed a little impatient.

Sengoku said: "Sakaski, don't worry, there is still a lot of information to tell you, and as long as we take action, we must take a foolproof plan."

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