The two of them were in a state of panic, but the situation was not good.

Ivan and Garp did not participate in the war simulation exercise.

Since they were going to face the Golden Lion Shiki directly, Garp went to a deserted island to train Ivan during the preparation stage of the headquarters.

In the forest, Garp and Ivan stood face to face, both of them took off their coats and only wore a shirt.

Garp changed his usual hip-hop and became very serious: "Ivan, be mentally prepared, I will hit you hard."

Ivan smiled: "It's not like I haven't experienced it before, it's just a matter of lying down for a day or two, come on."

Ivan's fists and arms were covered with armed colors, and the color gradually changed from light black to dark black with a black glow.

"You've trained your Haki well. Keep working on it." Garp smiled faintly, and his pair of iron fists as big as casseroles were also covered with armed colors.

With a roar, Ivan launched an attack, his feet crushed the ground with great force, his fists tore through the air with thunder, and rolled up the whistling wind, and the black iron fists hit hard.

"Good momentum, come on, kid." Garp bent his waist and hit forward with his iron fist.

Boom, the void exploded, the earth trembled, the ground cracked, and the gravel and soil rolled.

Black dots of electricity flashed on the fists of the two people, and both of them withstood the domineering and huge force generated by the collision.

They relied on their strong bodies to bear it, and condensed their own strength in their fists to wrestle with each other.

Now they are evenly matched. If one of them can't hold on, the strength of both sides will be added together to blow that person away.

At the least, he will vomit blood, and at the worst, all his internal organs will be injured.

The wrestling was fruitless, and the two separated. Ivan punched out with both fists, and the speed became faster and faster. He used all his strength from the beginning.

The two fists kept clashing at a speed that was too fast for people to keep up with. The earth shook violently, and deafening roars continued to explode.

And it became more and more intense. Their figures kept flashing. Wherever they hit, dust flew, trees broke, and wood chips flew all over the sky.

"Ivan, I'm going to be serious."

Garp roared, and hit Ivan's face with an iron fist, knocking him back at a high speed.

Bang bang bang, Ivan's body smashed three trees in a row, and he was still flying backwards, and he stopped when he hit a big rock.

It was really cruel. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his body rushed like a cheetah, and immediately jumped out.

"Flame Double Lion Fist." While running, his fists were burning with flames, and he added armed color domineering, and the two fire clouds on his fists turned black and red.

A punch was thrown, with great momentum and flashes of fire.

Garp also rushed towards him and kicked out suddenly, fast and accurate.

At the moment when the fists and feet intersected, the strong wind shook, and the ground sank one circle, two circles, and the soil that sank within a few meters around the feet of the two people was all blown into powder.

The two men stopped where they were, and in a short period of time, they fought hundreds of times with fists, kicks, knees, and elbows.

The ground around them had sunk half a meter and cracked in all directions, and the soil and gravel were constantly blown into the air.

Whoosh, the two men flashed into the air to fight again, running around with moon steps, Ivan's feet, and his hands kept slashing out transparent air blades to attack.

But it was useless to Garp. He was armed with domineering aura all over his body. Those air blades would be shattered before they even touched his clothes.

"Fist bone impact." Garp, with his domineering iron fist wrapped around him, did not touch Ivan at all.

Ivan was hit in the chest by a huge force like a meteor collision, and suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body accelerated to fall to the ground.

This force knocked his body into a crescent shape and fell downwards, and the condensed power in his body seemed to be dispersed, causing unstable breath.

Ah, no, if he fell to the ground like this, the injury would definitely be more serious.

This thought flashed through Ivan's mind quickly.

Ah!!! He gritted his teeth and tried to break through himself. Although he had just been hit by the domineering power, he wanted to transform into a fire element.

Ah... The speed of falling was very fast, but no one's thinking and will were faster.

Ivan roared as if he had turned into a Saiyan explosion, and flames began to emerge from his body, but it still didn't come, and his body fell to the ground with a loud bang.

The dust and smoke in the deep pit dissipated, and Ivan was lying in it, with a large piece of flame burning on his body, and only half of the element was completely transformed.

He must have been injured again, but not seriously.

Karp came over, stared at Ivan who still refused to get up, and asked: "Boy, can you still hold on?"

Hearing this, Ivan immediately jumped up, still in a lively state: "Who are you looking down on?"

"Haha, then continue." Karp said.

Both of them are monsters with abundant physical strength,

They fought from day to night, but this deserted island was harmed.

Ivan had bruises and swelling all over his body except his face. He emphasized many times that he was not allowed to hit his face.

Although he didn't make a living by his face, what if he was beaten and no one loved him?

On the other hand, Garp was not injured at all except that his clothes were a little dirty.

Their dinner was simple, roasting a wild boar on the fire rack.

The grandfather and grandson ate and talked while summarizing the gains and losses of the battle, where Ivan needed to improve, what moves everyone used, and how to crack it.

Garp also focused on sharing his battle with the golden lion Shiki, explaining Shiki's fighting style and moves to Ivan.

On the second day, after a sleep, Ivan's injuries seemed to have healed and did not affect his condition.

This time, Ivan used the ability of the Flame-Flame Fruit to fight Garp.

During the battle, flames shot up everywhere, burning countless vegetation.

Ivan was beaten, but he burned a corner of Karp's beard.

The old man was so angry that he hit him harder, and he was hurt more than yesterday.

On the third day, Ivan only used swordsmanship.

Large tracts of forests and rocks were broken, and the ground was also split into gullies.

On the fourth day, they rested for a day.

The two were fishing on the beach, and Karp said: "Ivan, your fighting style is too diverse. Although you are proficient in each one, you have not reached the peak."

Ivan also admitted that this was true.

Garp continued: "I don't know much about swordsmanship and fruit abilities."

"But fighting is fighting, and any ability can be used for fighting. You can specialize in one, which will help you improve your concentration."

After a pause, Garp said: "If you don't want to give up any of them, you must learn to combine them, switch them freely, and even use them in combination."

"If you want to take the second path, then your main focus should be on domineering."

Ivan asked: "Grandpa, do you think domineering is above everything?"

Garp laughed: "I can't say for sure about this kind of thing."

"But using domineering swordsmanship, physical skills, and fruit abilities is the kingly way."

"I have encountered many enemies, and their abilities are also different."

"For so many years, I have always insisted on taking the path of domineering physical skills and breaking all laws with one force, and the effect is not bad."

In the following time, Garp no longer focused on beating Ivan, but more like feeding him moves so that he could integrate several combat abilities.

At night, he will be explained how to practice when the domineering state reaches a high level.

On the tenth day, Ivan faced the sea, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

He was adjusting to the best state, and Garp stood aside.

Ivan suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils flashed red, and the domineering color quickly spread around. In an instant, the terrifying sense of oppression and the domineering impact caused the air flow in the void to be turbulent.

The strong wind blew the sea water surging, the leaves in the forest rustled, and the small trees bent down.

Ivan concentrated all his attention and gathered the domineering color in his right fist. Suddenly, two or three black and red arc lightning appeared on his fist, crackling, as if to split the space.

Domineering color entanglement, Ivan learned it a year ago, but he was not familiar with the effect.

Garp said: "Not enough, not enough power."

"High Haki can penetrate the surface of a living organism and enter the interior to cause damage."

"Haki is a kind of energy and potential that comes from a person, and the Haki is the symbol of the king."

"Whether you are strong or weak depends on your personal potential and level of cultivation, but more importantly, how high your heart is and how strong your spiritual power is."

Garp shouted: "How big is your heart? Whether it is strong enough is the key."

Ivan laughed. How high is my heart? I have never told anyone.

Ziziziziz, several black and red lightnings grew a little stronger and became more terrifying.

Garp also laughed happily: "Ivan, your Haki is excellent. When I was your age, I had just mastered Haki not long ago."

"The disciple is better than the master, which really makes me happy!"

On the eleventh day, a warship came and took away the grandfather and grandson.

Soon, it's time to start the war!

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