The first half of the Grand Line was sunny.

Three pirate ships flying black skull flags encountered patrolling naval warships, and a fierce chase began.

Neither the pirates nor the navy launched the attack without negotiation.

The cannons of both sides roared continuously, and the sea was filled with smoke and waves.

The G2.17 patrol ship, the marines were very busy, loading shells, adjusting the muzzles, and then firing.

Beside the helmsman, the soldier who observed the pirate intelligence with a telescope immediately trotted to the commander to report.

"Major, the other side is the Hyena Pirates, with more than 2,000 members."

Major Green immediately searched for detailed information about the Hyena Pirates in his mind after hearing this.

Hyena Lloyd, with a bounty of 60 million Baileys, is a natural mud fruit ability user.

It is impossible to fight against them. The patrol ship is originally a small warship, and the other side is a large sailing ship. Whether in terms of speed, firepower, or number of people, the gap is too big.

Major Green immediately made a decision: "Fight while retreating, and call for support immediately."

"Yes, Major." The soldier saluted and immediately went to execute the order.

The navy patrol ship was at a disadvantage in speed, and soon the distance between the two sides was shortened little by little.

After suppressing the navy with firepower, the three pirate ships, the main ship chased head-on, and the remaining two ships spread out to the left and right to encircle and surround the warship.

As the distance was shortened, the pirates' range became more accurate, and multiple shells were fired, and the warship was hit.

Boom, ahhhh, a shell landed on the deck and exploded, killing and wounding several people instantly.

"Damn pirates, let the medical soldiers come to treat the wounded." Major Green was angry and powerless.

"Prepare the muskets, aim and then fire."

The distance between the two sides has now entered the range of the muskets. Both sides have set up their weapons and are waiting for the commander's order to open fire.

At this time, somewhere in the Grand Line, there is a warship with a golden dragon head on the bow sailing.

And it is a large warship of the Navy Headquarters, with 800 marines on board.

Every soldier on the ship performs his duties in an orderly manner.

The messenger suddenly received a distress message from the G2.17 patrol ship and hurried to report.

However, when he went out of the cabin, he first saw a black-haired man with a short hair doing weightlifting training in the training area, and he did not speak.

Then he saw a blond man lying on a sun lounger with a book covering his face, and he did not speak either.

Finally, he walked towards the man standing on the golden dragon head, with white hair, smoking two cigars, wearing a black down collar and a gray-white coat.

"Report to Lieutenant Colonel Smoker, the friendly G2.17 patrol ship was attacked by the Hyena Pirates, and we are requested to support us."

"Lieutenant Colonel, please give instructions."

Smoker is now 18 years old, nearly 1.9 meters tall, and has been smoking a cigar.

He has always been very serious and stern, as if others owe him money.

Smoker turned his back to the signalman, did not turn around, exhaled smoke, and said slowly: "Change the route and rush to rescue immediately."

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel." The signalman's answer was powerful.

On the other end,,,

"Hahaha, brothers, beat them hard for me, let these navy cry for us." The pirate hyena Lloyd was in a good mood.

The warship opposite had become dilapidated under their attack.

On the warship, Major Green was also wounded, with blood on his forehead. He grabbed his musket, dodging the bullets from the opposite side and firing back.

He asked his adjutant loudly: "Has the support message been sent out?"

"Friendly troops have received the message and are on their way."

Major Green was under too much pressure. The warship was on fire everywhere, and there were heavy casualties.

If there was no rescue, all of them would die in the hands of pirates or be eaten by fish.

Half an hour later, the three ships of the Hyena Pirates had surrounded the half-sunken patrol ship.

Hyena Lloyd squinted his eyes, showing his big yellow teeth, and smiled brightly. He was about to order the landing to capture the navy.

"Major, look, the reinforcements are coming." The deputy pointed to the warship with a golden dragon head and said excitedly.

"It's the Sea Dragon, is it that person?" Major Green was a little surprised at first, and then became happy.

"Reload, adjust the angle, and fire." On the Sea Dragon, the soldiers began to act without any orders.

Seeing the newcomers, the deputy captain of the Hyena Pirates turned pale: "Captain, that ship is the Flame Emperor Ivan, Bai

Hunter Smoker, and Iron Tower Mason, are we going to retreat? "

Lloyd looked solemn, but still calm: "Why panic, they are just two devil fruit users, I am one too, and I am a natural mud man."

"Even if we can't beat them, we can retreat. If we are scared away by the other party when we meet, how can I survive in the Grand Line in the future?"

"Yes, yes, the captain is mighty." The vice captain encouraged morale.

The younger brothers also shouted: "Captain is mighty. "

Ivan, known as the Flame Emperor, has made a name for himself by capturing more than 800 pirates with a bounty of more than 10 million since his debut three years ago.

His position has also been promoted from an ordinary marine to a colonel like a roller coaster.

On the Sea Dragon, hearing the sound of gunfire, the man lying on the sun lounger moved the book away from his face, revealing his handsome face.

He turned into a ball of fiery red flame and flew to Smoker standing on the bow.

Ivan yawned after turning into a human form again, floating in the air with moon steps.

He is now 16 years old, 183 cm tall, wearing a white suit and long blond hair half-curled and casually falling.

In the training area, the black-haired muscular man with a short haircut also stopped training.

The guards on the side quickly handed him a towel to wipe his sweat and put on the cloak of justice for him.

Mason said in a loud voice with full energy: "I haven't beaten pirates with my fists for a long time, it's time to exercise. "

Ivan stared at Smoker and said: "Mason, you are too slow, don't go. The friendly forces have been beaten badly. Saving people is important."

The Hailong is still quite far away from the patrol ship.

Ivan glanced at Smoker again and said unhappily: "Smoking, smoking, smoking, no wonder others call you a smoker."

"Get to work, old man with white hair, I have two ships and you have one."

"Mason, you are responsible for saving friendly forces and commanding your subordinates to catch people. Don't miss any of them."

Smoker's eyebrows were twisted into a "川" shape, and he was unhappy. Looking at Ivan's mean face, he wanted to beat him into a pig's head.

But he held back because he couldn't beat him.

"You can also take two ships and you take one. "Smoker was not convinced, and he didn't waste any words. He turned into smoke and flew towards the battlefield.

Ivan also moved, his body bent in the air, his legs stomped into the air, and flew out like a bullet.

Then, he stepped on the moon step in the air, faster than Smoker.

When passing by the other party, he sneered: "Don't you know what your strength is? You still fight two ships?"

"Asshole, do you look down on me?" Smoker held the cross weapon in his hand tightly, and really wanted to hit him from behind.

In fact, it's not that Smoker can't beat him, Ivan just doesn't allow him to pretend in front of him.

"Captain, two people are flying over, Ivan and Smoker." Someone exclaimed.

"So strong, both jumping in the air. "

Lloyd was lying when he said he wasn't nervous, but he still didn't give the order to retreat, and pretended to be so:

"Don't panic, how strong can these two kids who just debuted not long ago be? How many navy soldiers who know the six-style of the navy have we killed?"

"Their reputation is probably exaggerated."

"Today I will teach them how to be a man. If we take them down, my bounty will definitely skyrocket."

The deputy captain flattered: "You are worthy of being the captain."

The younger brothers also flattered: "I wish the captain a victory."

Ivan first came to the sky above the pirate ship on the left, the elements turned into flames, and the bullets below passed through his body.

He smiled, put his hands on his mouth, and shouted to the people below: "Everyone, I have a piece of advice for you, jump into the sea quickly, otherwise it will be too late. "

His smile was very sunny, but in the eyes of the pirates, he was like a devil.

He raised one hand high, and a fireball condensed in his palm, which became bigger and bigger, and the temperature became higher and higher, and the heat waves emitted were distorted.

The fireball was like the sun, round and red, and it became hot when the sea breeze blew.

"Run away." The pirates rushed to jump into the sea.

"Fire explosion." Ivan smashed the big fireball fiercely.

Boom, under the impact of the high-temperature fireball, the pirate ship instantly turned into fragments, leaving only the wreckage burning on the sea.

Roar, the morale of the patrol ship increased greatly.

"It's the colonel of the Navy Headquarters, Emperor Ivan, too strong."

"And the White Hunter Lieutenant Colonel Smoker. "

Smoker boarded the pirate ship on the right, where the battle was also going on.

Countless bullets and swords passed through his body, but every punch and kick he made would make a pirate lose his fighting power.

Seeing that Ivan had already blown up a ship, and only the pirates emerged from the sea to breathe, he seemed to think he was too slow.

Smoker used his ultimate move, and under the elemental transformation, smoke stretched out from his body, wrapped around several pirates, and lifted them to

Smashed down again in mid-air.

Suddenly, screams continued.

In the main ship of the Hyena Pirates, the vice-captain wanted to run away, but he still asked patiently: "Captain, the enemy is too strong, what should we do?"

Lloyd also broke out in a cold sweat, but chose to be tough for the sake of face: "Don't worry, they are all natural-type, I am also a natural-type, and the fight will be a draw at most."

The vice-captain greeted his whole family in his heart: Damn it, you are a natural-type, we don't have a natural-type devil fruit.

We can't transform into elements, that would really kill us, I won't accompany you.

The vice-captain quietly retreated, ready to find an opportunity to launch a small boat to escape.

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