The two of them were shocked and discussed.

No matter how shocked and discussed the audience was, the two people on the battlefield only had each other in their eyes.

"Flame Twin Lion Fist." Ivan's whole body was covered with ryuuko domineering, and two huge purple-red lion heads emerged from his fists, looking majestic and lifelike.

Roaring, the two huge lion heads flew out of his hands, carrying the power of thunder and lightning, and rushed out fiercely.

Katakuri's eyes glared, and a strange red light flashed. He had seen the future scene and was ready to resist.

"Cannon-roasted rice cake."

Half of his arms swelled into rice cakes, using compression to generate heat, and burning flames, spraying out like a rocket launcher.

Colliding with the two huge lion heads, the void thunder exploded, and the heat wave and shock wave spread all around.

Swoosh, a purple-red tentacle passed through the center of the explosion and stabbed towards Katakuri's body.

After Katakuri dodged, he was a little surprised. He saw that Ivan seemed to have become very strange.

"What kind of move is this?"

Ivan's body was burning with raging fire, and ten fiery red tentacles grew out of his back.

He laughed and said: "I learned this from you."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh...

Ivan stood still, but all ten flame tentacles flew out, and the heads of the tentacles were black spikes covered with armed color.

Katakuri covered his hands with armed color and kept hitting the stabbing flame tentacles away.

The picture of the future flashed in his mind, and his body immediately left the original position, and then a tentacle broke out of the ground.

He used his hands and feet to continuously strike the flame tentacles, but his waist was still cut with a bloody mark.

"Mingli rice cake, hit quickly."

Katakuri's arm was divided into ten rice cake strips, and he struck at lightning speed. Two flame tentacles that broke out of the ground and attacked were also caught by his rice cake strips.

The scene of predicting the future flashed through his mind again, and he suddenly retreated, and the flame tentacles chased him closely.

After being pulled away for a distance, the ten flame tentacles were suspended in the air and could no longer move forward.

He said: "It seems that the limit of the extended distance is twenty meters."

Ivan said helplessly: "The ability to predict the future is really troublesome!"

All the flame tentacles dispersed, and the flames on his body also disappeared, and his palm pressed on the handle of the knife.

He said: "Have you ever heard that only speed can not be broken?"

"If you are not fast enough, it will be in vain even if you know how I will attack."

Katakuri looked solemn, holding the weapon Earth Dragon in his hand, and remembered the last fight.

Is he going to use that weird sword skill again?

Ivan held the demon sword Moko in his hand and walked towards him slowly at first, then his speed became faster and faster.

Katakuri also waved the earth dragon and stared at the opponent's sword.

Hawkeye, who was watching the battle, smiled: Ivan, let me see your growth.

As Ivan's body accelerated, he left a shadow behind him, and the attack was in front of him in an instant.

Here it comes, so fast.

Katakuri waved the earth dragon to counterattack. Compared with the last time, Ivan's sword skills became more fierce, and every move was murderous.

In the process of change, there are still many false moves and feints hidden in it, because he has such capital.

Fierceness is not the biggest feature of his swordsmanship. The most troublesome and tricky thing is-fast.

That is, Katakuri can rely on the color of observation to predict the future, and he can also parry.

The two kept moving in the battle, and the golden swords rang in the void, and sparks flew.

Strange, Shanks was confused, why did he see some familiar shadows in Ivan's sword skills, but he couldn't tell.

In a short time, the two had exchanged nearly a hundred moves.

A future scene flashed in Katakuri's mind, and he shouted loudly, "Not good!", and his whole body was immediately covered with Armament Haki.

Ding! Ivan appeared behind him, and the long sword in his hand was still covered with Ryusakura Haki.

A white scratch appeared on the black metal skin of Katakuri's right arm, and he felt a slight tearing pain in the muscle at the scratch.

It turned out that Haki penetrated the surface muscles and entered the inside to cause damage.

Ivan backhanded a knife, but was blocked by him, and kicked him in the chest, but was blocked by his arm, and retreated with the help of his strength, pulling away again.

Ivan stared at him coldly and said: "It's useless. One or two swords may not hurt you, but what about ten swords, twenty swords, or even a hundred swords?"

"Haki defense is not impeccable."

Katakuri was also very calm: "It may not be able to stop you, but I still want to use your hand to hone my newly broken through observation Haki."

Ivan was quite surprised: "Really? Then I'll make it happen.


"Secret, God Speed ​​Flow."

The edge of his blade became more and more dangerous, flames rose from his feet, and tiny lightning flashed.

Then he launched an attack, so fast that his figure became blurred in Katakuri's eyes.

Katakuri, who did not dare to be careless, had high-level Ryusakura Haki flowing through his body to defend, and used his observation Haki to sense the opponent's attack when he hit.

In just a few breaths, he experienced Ivan's violent and destructive blows, and the weapon in his hand collided with Ivan's long sword with thunderous sound.

At the same time, his body was also ringing and sparks were flying.

"So fast, my vision can't keep up with his speed." Smoothie, a fellow swordsman, was surprised.

"Katakuri brother was actually completely suppressed, am I dazzled? "Brulee said in disbelief.

Another round of non-stop attacks, Ivan actually knocked the opponent's weapon away.

Ha, he kicked Katakuri hard on the cheek.

The force was no less than that of a beast's collision, causing Katakuri's face covered with domineering to be deformed, and his body was uncontrollably flying backwards.

Don't even think about it, Katakuri had this thought in his mind.

He was a man who was known for never falling on his back, and he roared and burst out all his potential.

His feet were deeply inserted into the ground, or his calves broke through the soil, and his body was pushed and slid for half a meter before stopping.

His body was bent to 90 degrees, but his back did not touch the ground.

"Crescent Moon Sky Rush." ​​Ivan swung his sword and slashed out a huge half-moon red slash.

The distance between the two was less than two meters, and Katakuri's pupils widened instantly, sensing a magical crisis.

"Katakuri brother."

"Katakuri brother, be careful."

"Danger. "

On the Wanguo side, the people watching the battle were scared and sweating, their hearts were in a knot.

Katakuri roared wildly, and his arms were firmly against the red crescent slash.

He was pushed back by the slash, and in a hurry, he couldn't use much strength at all.

At the same time, Ivan's figure appeared on his left side. He clearly saw Ivan move, and the demon sword Moko was raised and slashed towards his neck.

It's too late, too late. Katakuri's whole body was cold, and he freed his left hand that blocked the red crescent slash and was about to catch the knife.

But it was really too late, his speed Not as fast as Ivan, the long sword with domineering power was about to touch his neck.

At that moment, it seemed as if time had stopped.

Was he going to die?

This thought flashed through Katakuri's mind quickly. If he died in his hands, it would not be considered aggrieved.

No, who would be willing to die like this? Don't joke, he was almost madly roaring in his heart.

Suddenly, he lowered his body, and Ivan chopped him in vain.

It turned out that Katakuri's legs turned into glutinous rice balls and stuck to the ground.

He knelt on the ground, and used both hands to send the slashing top flying into the air and exploding.

"Is this okay? "Ivan did not swing his knife at the first time, but hesitated for a moment.

This gave Katakuri time to react. He smashed the ground with his palm and tried to get out of Ivan's attack range.

Ivan quickly swung his knife. As he got out of the way, a knife wound burst out on his chest and blood splattered all over.

In order not to be splashed by blood, Ivan took a few steps back.

The aunt's clenched fist loosened, and her heart was relaxed, and so were her children.

After standing steadily, Katakuri's long knife wounds were still bleeding, but he didn't seem to care, and his face didn't show much pain.

He asked Ivan: "I was almost killed by you, why did you hesitate just now?"

He cared about this question very much.

"You almost died." Ivan thought.

"Maybe I admire you very much, or maybe this is not your strongest posture, and I will regret it if I win. "

Ah, the cold area in Katakuri's heart seemed to be surrounded by warmth and gradually melted.

He smiled gently, and then there was an apology on his face: "If we were not on different sides, I really want to be friends with you."

"I'm sorry, I overestimated myself and underestimated you."

"It is true that I owe you a life, but I can't lose today."

"Well, I understand." Ivan responded.

Katakuri treated him like an old friend and said: "My trump card, my strongest posture, you will see it soon."

"Okay." Ivan gripped the long sword tightly and became very serious.

Katakuri touched the ground with one hand, and then a magical change occurred. The ground seemed to be given life by him and began to wriggle.

His glutinous rice fruit had been awakened long ago. With the awakened ability, the material touched can be assimilated with the fruit ability.

The whole ground wriggled and was assimilated into a glutinous rice ball.

"Flowing glutinous rice

"The large glutinous rice balls rolled quickly, like a mudslide, rolling towards Ivan, trying to drown him. "It appeared. Katakuri's strongest fruit awakening ability appeared." Smoothie said. Other viewers who had never seen the awakening of fruit abilities also said that they were amazed. It was not appropriate to get close to Katakuri at this time. Ivan swung a slash at the ground, breaking a path and slashing in front of Katakuri. He easily dealt with it. From the flowing glutinous rice balls, an arm hardened by armed color stretched out, wrapped around the slash, and crushed it. The glutinous rice balls flowing on the ground stood up like snakes and surged towards Ivan. Ivan ran of course. A dozen glutinous rice arms chased him, and he turned around and swung his sword to cut them off. "It seems that not using armed color is ineffective against you. "Katakuri said.

"Nine-headed rice cake"

He instantly created nine donuts, and from the donuts stretched out nine giant arms strengthened by glutinous rice balls, attacking Ivan from all directions.

The attack came instantly, and Ivan dodged it with his body skills, and the long sword in his hand kept swinging out to cut off the attack.

At the same time, he also noticed that the flowing glutinous rice balls chasing him were diverted and attacked him from both sides.

As Katakuri clenched his palm, the glutinous rice balls wrapped around him from all directions.

Swish, swish, swish, Ivan swung his sword suddenly and chopped them all into pieces.

Then he found himself covered by a huge shadow, and he looked up: "Hey, hey, it's almost exaggerated, right? "

A black rice cake fist as big as a small mountain fell down from above his head.

Ivan had no choice, his domineering spirit gathered at the tip of the knife, and he pushed with the knife.

Clang, under the heavy impact, Ivan's whole body shook violently, his muscles were shaking, and his legs below the knees were all stuck in the mud.

Swish, the glutinous rice balls flowing around him stuck to him like sharks smelling blood.

Oh no, it would be a big trouble if he was trapped.

Ivan's whole body burst into flames, and the glutinous rice balls melted.

Crisis Sense Immediately, Katakuri appeared again, and he was already on top of him, punching him hard in the chest.

In a hurry, Ivan raised his hand to his chest, but he was like a bull being hit from a distance, and flew out horizontally.

As soon as Katakuri raised his hand, a dozen glutinous rice tentacles around him immediately caught Ivan and tied him up tightly.

There were also several glutinous rice balls that wrapped around the long sword in his hand, trying to take it away.

Ivan's sword burst out with domineering power, cutting the glutinous rice balls into pieces, and his body became elemental, slipping out from the gap between the bindings.

"Can't run away. "Katakuri didn't know when he started waving a black rice cake in his hand and circling it in the air.

After throwing it out, it caught Ivan's right foot.

Ah, as Katakuri swung the black rice cake, Ivan was thrown by him and spun in circles in the air.

After accumulating enough power, Katakuri slammed Ivan to the ground, creating a human-shaped deep pit.

His attack was not over yet: "Raining glutinous rice stabs."

In the awakened state, dozens of glutinous rice turned into rice cakes, and the sharp heads were all hardened with black armed color, hitting the place where Ivan fell.

Boom boom boom...

The ground was as fragile as paper, constantly breaking, and smoke and dust flew all over the sky.

The attack stopped only after the ground within a radius of five or six meters was shattered beyond recognition.

"Did you win?"

"Will Yan Di Ivan die?"

"With such an attack, there is no chance of survival. "Many people started talking again.

Katakuri did not relax at all, staring at the attack range, waiting for the smoke and dust to dissipate.

After the flying dust no longer blocked the view, the ground was in a mess, and Ivan was nowhere to be seen.

Hancock covered her mouth with tears in her eyes.

Sengoku, Aokiji, Kizaru and others were very nervous, and the morale of the navy camp began to decline.

Katakuri shouted dissatisfiedly: "Ivan, are you still pretending to be dead?"

Not long after, a figure pushed aside the thick dust and walked out.

It was Ivan, his whole body was still covered with armed color domineering, but his clothes were tattered.

He held a knife in one hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the other hand.

Katakuri smiled: "I know you can't die."

Ivan sneered: "Your awakening ability is really powerful, let's experience my unique skills. "

Ivan's whole body was filled with flowing domineering aura, and the purple-red domineering aura was like a burning flame. He waved his long sword and then held it horizontally in front of his chest.

The ground under his feet began to tremble, and the tiny sand and gravel were jumping.

It was very dangerous. Katakuri sensed the crisis and waved his hand. The flowing glutinous rice balls rolled violently, spreading like waves.

"God flashes, and nothing can be cut." Ivan moved.

His figure rushed like lightning, and the ground he stepped on exploded all the way. Facing the surging glutinous rice balls, he exploded all the way in the middle, leaving a charred mark.

It was so fast that I couldn't see clearly. The speed difference was too big and I couldn't dodge it.

Katakuri raised shields in front of him and crossed his arms in Armament Haki in front of his chest.

In an instant, the sticky rice shields exploded bit by bit, and Katakuri was like being hit by a thunderous train.

The whole person was pushed away by Ivan all the way out of control, and his body soared into the air. The speed of both of them couldn't stop at all, and the ground exploded all the way.

Boom, Katakuri, who was uncontrollable under the huge force, was pushed by Ivan to explode a stone mountain, and their whole bodies passed through the stone mountain.

Ivan's remaining strength was not exhausted yet, and he pushed him to explode another stone mountain, and then ran a distance, completely pushing him out, and letting his body smash into a stone mountain before stopping.

The whole audience was silent!

Shanks exclaimed: "It's a dangerous move, but I'm afraid, I'm afraid he won't feel well either."

Mihawk stared at Ivan with his eagle-like sharp eyes: He has grown so much, and that move of God Flash has become even more dangerous.

Ivan's right arm fell limply, and he couldn't even hold the knife steadily. This move was indeed very stressful for him.

Crack, he used his left hand to straighten his almost dislocated right shoulder.

He also felt that one or two of his ribs should be broken, but Katakuri was definitely not much better.

Boom, Katakuri crashed into the stone mountain and shattered.

After a while, he climbed out in a mess, with bloody scars all over his body.

He stared at Ivan with complicated eyes: "Wild D. Ivan, you are the only one who made me fall on my back, but I haven't lost yet..."

Puff, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

His face turned extremely pale, and after spitting out blood, he seemed to be a little better.

Ivan felt a sharp pain under his ribs, and forced a smile: "If we continue to fight, I don't know if you will die or I will die, so why should we continue to fight?"

Katakuri's eyes were extremely fanatical: "If we meet an opponent like you, it would be very confusing if we can't decide the winner?"

Ivan was thinking about a question. Ten years later, it was ridiculous that Luffy could beat Katakuri, who was so strong in the original plot.

He was simply killed by blood lock, but I don't have the blood lock skill.

However, I haven't played the last trump card yet.

"Come on, Katakuri, one move will decide the winner." Ivan said.

"Come on." Katakuri shouted, and a large piece of glutinous rice ball on the ground was transformed.

Fists hardened by armed color appeared one by one, ten, twenty, thirty, forty.

Ivan, holding a long sword in his hand, appeared black and red lightning wrapped in domineering color around his body, the blade was wrapped in domineering color, and his body was filled with endless flames.

As he swung the long sword, all the flames wrapped around the blade and turned into a dancing dragon of fire.

"God-avoid, Flame Dragon Break."

Ah, Shanks was confused.

God-avoid? After the captain died, only the deputy captain Rayleigh and himself could do it. Why did he do it?

God-avoid, that posture is indeed very similar to God-avoid.

"Roger." Sengoku murmured.

Roger, Big Mom also remembered that man.

In the lobby of the Navy Headquarters, Garp: "Roger."

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard remembered the man's moves and was lost in thought.

God-avoid is not an unstoppable attack. People like Katakuri will definitely not be without any resistance.

Ivan swung the Conqueror's Lightning and Flame Dragon on the long sword and chopped it out, and Katakuri fired all his armed fists at the same time.

The blade and the Flame Dragon were blessed by the Conqueror's Color, as if an invisible barrier was created to block all the fists.

At that moment, the wind and clouds changed color, lightning and fire exploded, and a black energy shield gradually formed at the center of the collision, covering the two people.

And the energy shield was still expanding, and the covered ground exploded directly.

In the center of the battlefield, the sky and the earth seemed to have lost color and sound.

The invisible energy shield exploded, and the shock wave directly lifted a layer of the battlefield surface, and the aftermath spread outward, and everything was broken.

The figures of the two fighting people appeared in the public's vision. Ivan stood with a knife, and Katakuri lay on the ground covered in blood, with wounds cut by the knife.

"Stand up if you are not dead, Katakuri." The aunt shouted with fire in her eyes.

The navy camp burst into cheers, it seems that Ivan won.

Puff, Ivan spit out a mouthful of blood, his body could not stand, and he squatted with the knife in both hands.

He gasped for breath, his body was too burdened.

Brother Katakuri, Brother Katakuri.

Ah, Katakuri's mind was filled with shouts.

He opened his eyes tiredly and murmured: "The voices of my younger brother and sister."

He supported his body with his arms and climbed up despite the pain.

Seeing that Ivan was not in good condition, he staggered over and said apologetically: "You are still too young. If it were you a few years later."

"I guess I'm dead from the attack just now

, I'm sorry, I must win. "

Ivan looked up at him, but his body was unable to move.

"You are indeed a very gentle person. What belief supports you to get up?"

Kataku answered with a heavy breath: "Everyone has something to protect."

After that, he kicked Ivan fiercely.

Bang, the long sword Moko was kicked away, and Ivan fell to the ground.

Ivan lay on the ground for a while, recovered a little strength, and he slowly got up.

Bang, he was immediately knocked down by Katakuri's punch.

Ivan tried to get up again, but Katakuri shook his body and shouted: "Don't get up again, lie quietly."

Ivan spit out blood and laughed: "Well, that won't work, I don't want to be your brother-in-law."

"Don't force me to do it. "Katakuri threw Ivan down, waving his fists, trying to knock him out.

As a result, Ivan turned his head, dodged the fists, and kicked him away.

He shouted angrily: "I haven't lost yet, why don't you admit defeat?"

Katakuri was also annoyed and got up again: "I said I can't lose."

"Then can I?" Ivan questioned.

Then the two started fighting again. There were no powerful moves, just punching and kicking each other, and rolling on the ground.

Ten minutes, half an hour, the two were still fighting, their faces were in a mess, and they were covered in blood.

Everyone's scalp was numb, this scene was too creepy, the blood was splashed by the punches, even the cruelest pirates felt unbearable.

Zhan Guo was anxious, those two people would not really plan to fight to the death, right?

He couldn't help shouting to the aunt: "Truce, tie, exchange hostages. ”

The aunt looked at her bruised son and agreed: “Okay.”

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