The two sides of the river were in chaos, and the two sides were in chaos.

When he arrived at the Seven Waters City, Ivan waited for the judicial island personnel to come by sea train and tried the slave traders and imprisoned them for twenty years.

He arranged to send the human slaves home and release the six fishmen, because they would swim back to the fishman island by themselves anyway.

Ivan originally wanted to visit Tom's shipyard, but changed his mind.

Because he received a call from Robin: "Hello, Ivan."

"Robin baby, what's wrong?" Ivan said with a smirk.

In Den Den Mushi, Robin said: "Ivan, Marshall D. Teach, whom you asked me to pay attention to, has had a conflict with Red-haired Shanks in the New World, and the two sides are fighting now."

Ivan was immediately excited: "Where are they, tell me quickly."

After getting the location, Ivan ordered all members to assemble and head to the New World immediately. It is better to deal with Teach, the scourge, as soon as possible.

On the sea, the Sea Dragon was sailing at full speed. Ivan found a Den Den Mushi number in his office notebook.

After dialing it, no one answered. He dialed it a second time and still no one answered.

He thought: This is a good opportunity to find out Teach's background. Shanks didn't answer the phone. Would he still be fighting with Teach?

Will Teach leave a scar on Shanks' face this time?

Ivan wanted to remind Shanks, but there was no way to contact him.

In a certain sea area in the New World, on the ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, Teach, wearing a captain's hat, a coat and an open chest, has begun to grow a beard of medium length.

At this time, he sat on the deck with a pale face, sweat on his forehead, and a bleeding sword wound on his chest. The crew was bandaging his wound.

Boom boom boom, the shells exploded on the sea, causing Teach's ship to be violently shaken by the sea water.

Behind them was the warship led by Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel chasing, and Teach and his crew were fleeing.

The vice-captain, who was also injured, ran over to report: "Captain Teach, the navy is like a piece of taffy that can't be shaken off. Should we fight back?"

Teach's expression was solemn, showing his usual caution: "Ignore them, keep running, and try to shake them off."

"We just fought with the Red Hair Pirates, and suffered heavy casualties. It is not appropriate to confront the navy again."

Teach was very touched. The Red Hair was still strong. They had confronted each other in their youth, but the opponent has become stronger now.

He also lamented that he was unlucky and got out of Whitebeard's ship too early.

First, his strength was not strong enough, and second, the fruit he dreamed of did not come.

The most important thing is that the Grand Line is very stable, whether it is Paradise or the New World, and the forces are clearly divided.

The Paradise Navy is as immovable as a mountain, and there are also the Seven Warlords of the Sea to assist, and the Three Emperors of the New World dominate (Shanks has not yet ascended the throne of the Sea Emperor.)

Now is not a good time for him to rise at all. Teach also figured out that it must be the World Government and the Navy that have pitted him.

But he couldn't find out who it was, and although he had a secret, it shouldn't be known to others.

He racked his brains to figure out why he was so badly deceived?

On an island in the New World, Red-haired Shanks had two fresh, hideous wounds from the left forehead to the bottom of his eyelid.

He held a Den Den Mushi in one hand and a knife in the other, resisting the attack of the navy.

The cadres of the Red Hair Corps, Vice Captain Beckman, Sniper Jesus Bu, Chef Lachi Lu, etc., were all fighting with the navy.

Shanks secretly thought that his luck was really bad. He had just finished fighting with Teach, leaving corpses all over the battlefield, and he hadn't rested for a while, and he met the ghost spider again.

He knocked down a few marines, jumped to an open space, and made a call.

Bulu Bulu, a few hours later, the Den Den Mushi on Ivan's desk rang.

"Hello, is this Shanks?"

Shanks was stunned for a moment, then came over: "Oh, it's Ivan, why did you think of me?"

Ivan asked: "Why is it so noisy over there? Are you still fighting with Teach?"

Shanks sighed: "Now we are fighting with the navy, this is the second game, it's a headache."

After asking about the situation, Ivan was surprised that Shanks was still injured, but this time there were two scars. Does it count as the butterfly effect that changed history?

Ivan said: "Shanks, give me a favor and save Ghost Spider's life."

"I don't want the lives of those navy, they are just too annoying." Shanks said.

After hanging up the phone, Ivan thought carefully.

The situation is clear. If the flying squirrel chases Teach, it will probably be fruitless. Ghost Spider will definitely be completely defeated by Shanks.

If I bring people to the scene, I will have to

For several days, Teach has been moving, and it is difficult to catch up.

There is no problem for him to chase Teach to death, but the risk is also great.

Ivan has said that he will punch the four emperors, and his current strength is not enough to walk sideways in the New World.

It is unclear whether Whitebeard and Kaido will do something to him, but Big Mom will definitely do it.

What if he is tied up by Big Mom to be her son-in-law, where can he go to complain?

Ivan walked out of the cabin and ordered: "Change the sailing route and go to Nine Snake Island."


"Dear Hancock, Ivan who misses you called." Ivan called the empress.

In the Nine Snake Island martial arts field, the empress Hancock stood in the center, and the ground was full of potholes and cracks.

Hancock is a talented and hardworking woman, which is also acknowledged by the Warring States in the original book.

She worked hard to practice the Ryusakura Haki and Domineering Color Entanglement taught by Ivan. The second and third sisters were amazed that the elder sister was getting stronger and stronger.

The female soldiers of Nine Snake Island also felt that the majesty and domineering of Lady Snake Princess became more and more heavy.

Bulu Bulu, the second sister asked Hancock in the martial arts field: "Sister, do you want to answer?"

Hancock was wearing a white cheongsam with red stripes today, and she was sweating all over after intense exercise.

A little impatiently, she said: "I am in the process of enlightenment, don't disturb me."

The second sister had nothing to say, and answered the phone. After hearing the voice and content from the Den Den Mushi, she was stunned.

It was too corny and embarrassing. The second sister responded: "Brother-in-law, I am Sanda Sonia."

Fuck, Ivan in the office of the Sea Dragon couldn't hold it anymore, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem, where is your sister?"

Swoosh, Hancock ran over at a high speed, snatched the Den Den Mushi, and the cold and majestic image of the empress immediately changed.

"Dear Ivan, I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

The second sister shuddered and got goosebumps, and stopped listening to the call.

How come the two people said the same thing? Are they in sync?

It was confirmed by the person himself, and Ivan was relieved: "Hancock, we have been apart for a long time, and I miss you so much. I think about your figure day and night, and your smile that makes me intoxicated."

Oh, Hancock hugged the Den Den Mushi to her chest, completely intoxicated.

"I miss you day and night too."

"Then I will go find you." Ivan said.

Hancock was overjoyed: "Ah, Ivan, are you coming to marry me?"

The picture has already appeared in her mind, how exciting it is.

Marriage is definitely going to happen, but not now. Ivan said: "Hancock, we will definitely get married. I brought you a gift this time, wait for me."

Hancock couldn't practice anymore, so she went back to the bedroom to wash up.

Half a day later, Hancock dressed sexy and beautifully, and waited at the port with people.

The Sea Dragon crossed the doldrums and came in a dusty state.

On the deck, Ivan held the hands of Shirley and Xueying, and explained something to the officer.

Tina sighed: "Sir, you have changed."

I have changed? What has changed?

Kuro smiled evilly: "Boss, how long will you stay this time? You must be restrained!"

The other soldiers on the ship couldn't help laughing. They were so bold that they even teased themselves.

Ivan pretended to be unhappy: "What are you laughing at? I warn you, if anyone dares to talk nonsense outside, I will break your legs and throw you into the sea to feed the fish."

The soldiers immediately shuddered, and no one knew what they were thinking.

The cute Xueying asked weakly: "Brother Ivan, why did you throw them into the sea to feed the fish?"

Children's words are innocent, and the little girl actually took it seriously.

At the port of Nine Snake Island, Hancock and everyone were waiting.

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