My Little Country

Chapter 198: The enemy army has Gundam!

At the beginning, Xiao Yu did not want to let the newly purchased electric car go to the battlefield.

Even he didn't plan to do it himself so quickly.

It's not just laziness.

What's more, Xiao Yu has a heart to be a general and a general.

From a very young age, when Xiao Yu played the villain war game, he often used himself as a general, not as a general who charged.

The idol that Xiao Yu started as a child is that:

Chen Qingzhi, a white robe general who can make thousands of troops and horses avoid white robe by weak scholars, is the governor Zhou Yu, who is a fan fan, but can talk and laugh.

Xiao Yu intends to allow the army to fight a good battle this time, practice in practice, and let himself see their combat effectiveness.

Not thinking...

As soon as the battle started, the undead side, under the leadership of Lich Ogmar, showed enough power to threaten him.

Fireworks projectiles fired from a distance were frozen, and the fire attack also encountered enemies with anti-fire attributes.

Especially the commando led by the death knight on the flank, at the moment it gathered a lot of undead power, the surging aura of extraordinary aura, but Xiao Yu and Enodian Wizard were aware of the danger!

There has always been a Xiao Yu who always has a diaomin want to hurt my psychology, and decided to overthrow the original plan!

Not having fun with this group of prepared enemies.

He walked towards the electric car, just opened the door, and noticed that a black shadow with a robe with a torn image ripped the air and came quickly.

With Xiao Yu's current vision, he quickly saw the attacking people.

"According to the information, is this the prince of the crypt? The abyss depraved who has been wanted by the Qianyu Empire for many years!"

Xiao Yu condensed the extraordinary aura, and when he was afraid of the enemy, he tried his strength and smashed it with an explosion-proof shield.


The prince of the crypt glowed with red light in his hands and hit the explosion-proof shield. When he was bounced off, it also caused an explosion of red light on the shield.


The Grand Duke flying upside down in the middle of the air saw that the explosion-proof shield had been corroded by his own tricks for almost two or thirty centimeters.

"The giant's armor is so thick!" The Crypt Grandpa couldn't help grunting at the giant. Suddenly his body was cold, but he saw a green light flying sword split towards himself.

He quickly lifted his strength in the air to gather his hands, blocking the blade of the forty-meter-long flying sword.

The blade failed to split the opponent's hands, but he still shot him down on the ground with great force, forming a half-meter deep pit!

Xiao Yu did not continue to pursue, but after getting on the electric car, because there was no flameout, Xiao Yu simply pulled down the handbrake and stepped on the accelerator.

Suddenly, the electric car shuddered and rushed forward!


The crypt prince looked at the metal chariot that was larger and larger than the 180-meter-high giant.

Where does he have the courage to dare to resist?

Immediately turned into a ball of red light and fled away.

Boom Boom Boom!

The electric car continued to bump on the uneven ground, rolling out two car marks on the battlefield covered with the bones of the dead army.

"Block him!"

Seeing that the target was obviously his lich Augmar, he raised his staff, and after condensing the mana of hundreds of undead wizards, he successfully released a black barrier in front of the undead mammoth beast.

This black barrier is called the Wall of Sighs, and it is a very advanced dark magic. It is said that it was created by a morning star wizard before he became a god.

And became the famed witchcraft of that morning star wizard until he advanced to the realm of morning star!

"Your Highness, that's more than two levels of protective witchcraft!" Wizard Enodia sensed the breath of this witchcraft and couldn't help but remind.

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, keeping the speed constant, and he turned to an extraordinary aura, covering the front of the electric car.

"Undeads, eat me 60 yards!"

Xiao Yu glanced at the speedometer, shouted and drove into the shield.


The wheels and the front guardrail of the vehicle head are in close contact with the shield first.

The loud noise knocked down the surrounding army of undead, and the huge impact instantly made countless fine spider webs appear on that black barrier.

A second!

It only took a second!

Facing the accelerating electric car, Lich Ogma's sighing wall was broken! All turned to ashes.

"Atto~ hoarse!" The blue flame beneath Lich Ogmar's eyes fluttered, and he read an ancient tonal spell, and launched a witchcraft. The whole person teleported to the sky.

It's just that the undead mammoth behemoth couldn't hide, and was directly knocked over by the electric car.

Then it was just about to get up and was pushed over it by the electric car!


The body of the undead mammoth beast was almost deformed, but he could barely live by his physique.

It's just that it just struggled to get up.

Xiao Yu has rushed out and turned around again!


Once again, this undead mammoth beast was knocked down and pressed by the wheel.

This time, its head was unfortunately crushed... The fire of the soul also dissipated, and it couldn't happen again!

The Lich Ogma distressed his mount for a second, and then released a red beam of light that hit the roof of the electric car.

In an instant, the aluminum alloy on the roof was melted, and a lot of heat came out.

Lich Ogma did not expect that the other car's body was not resistant to witchcraft, the effect of witchcraft would be so good, and he continued to release witchcraft in a hurry. After playing Xiao Yu electric car three times, the surface of the roof was not intact. The place.

Fortunately, there are surface scars. You can still fight for a while by pulling it back to repair it.

Xiao Yu returned to the starting point for the third time, and was planning to continue to turn around. Suddenly, the car window snapped.

But the lizard warrior jumped over and hit the weak point of the glass that was hit many times, and actually broke the window glass!

It's so cold!

As soon as the Lizard Warrior jumped in, he felt that the temperature inside this metal tank was so much lower than the outside world.

And there was a strong wind blowing in the right hand direction, so that the sharp arrow it shot out of the way also deviated from the direction and hit the pillow on the back of the giant's head.

The arrow immediately melted to corrode the venom and began to corrode the pillow.

Xiao Yu reacted at the same time, instinctively slammed a fist, the fist of such a large size of the house with extraordinary aura hit the sneak attacked lizard warrior, and flew it out!


The flying lizard warrior spouted a mouthful of blood and visceral fragments.

The giant just punched and broke the Lizard Warrior's extraordinary aura defense, and also hit his internal organs!

However, the Lizard Warrior is more regrettable than he himself, because he did not understand the internal structure of the tank and failed to hit the giant, wasting the time of the arrow of death made by the great Hydra King himself.

Suddenly, the lizard warrior felt his eyes dim!

But the Andean Condor, like the Big Mac, fell from a high altitude and grabbed it, the seriously injured strong man!

Immediately flew high again, disappeared in front of everyone.

Xiao Yu did not continue to start the electric car at this time, because he was surprised to find that his pillow was actually corroded by more than half!

The whole car was filled with an unpleasant corrosive smell.

"What a powerful weapon!"

To be cautious, Xiao Yu stepped out, saw the sadness of the pillow, and gained a new understanding of the powerful of the villain.

It's just that for me, a small arrow like a feather, even eroded most of the pillow in just a few seconds!

This is to be placed in the real world, just as someone shoots an arrow, and then the corrosive fluid that the arrow turns into corrodes most of the residential buildings in a few seconds, right?

"If I were an ordinary, then the archer would be able to sneak away himself?"

Xiao Yu whispered: "Fortunately, Xiao An has seized it and will know what the weapon of this lizardman is until the end of the war!"

Xiao Yu praised his opponent at the same time.

The tired Lich Ogma also found that his allies seemed to be weak.

The crypt prince was missing.

The Lizard Warriors have been captured.

As for the dwarf king... This guy popped out of the ground and knocked a few times when the tank just stopped.

Then I found that my own Thunder Hammer couldn't break the strange wheels of the tank.

The dignity of the king, the glory of the dwarves...has been abandoned by him.

The bearded dwarf, without any greetings from his companions, sneaked into the ground and wondered where he had escaped!

"There is no way."

The Lich Ogma sighed and found out the positioning witchcraft wonder given by the Qianyu Empire.


The Lich Ogma, instilled with mana, immediately realized what he was doing. He quickly released the singularity, and immediately cast a spell to spread his black wings and escaped from the undead formation.

As the Lich Ogmar retreated, the dark clouds also dispersed, allowing the light of nature to reappear.


The guards who thought it was His Royal Highness cheered loudly and were fighting forward to kill the enemy.

A banging noise came from above!

A huge figure is getting bigger and bigger!

Xiao Yu looked up and looked up.

The face under the helmet became very strange.

"I wipe!"

"The enemy army has Gundam!") Download the free reader!!

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