My Little Country

Chapter 820: not simple

The old deacon is a large deacon in charge of the Quartet who is the ruler of the Holy Lord, the ruler behind the saint mainland.

In recent years, he discovered some abnormal behavior of King Wood through the file.

But he just thought that the King Jinmu was an indifferent generation with different appearances, and he planned to accumulate power secretly to suppress those nobles.

Only one or two ordinary men were sent to follow up the matter.

Unexpectedly, one day ago, a subordinate suddenly reported to Jin Muguo that an evil spirit invasion had occurred.

Shortly afterwards, some men caught traces of abyss monsters.

The old deacon could no longer sit still, and ran over voluntarily.

These old people who have followed the morning star wizard, it is the most terrible but abyss!

Especially the understanding of the word abyss is much clearer than that of many great wizards.

Seeing the space-time door open, the abyss lord appeared, and then the endless army of abyss monsters poured out like a tide.

The old deacon wailed, and at the same time, the long-distance communication rune also delivered a message.

So, for a while, several secret realms of the continent of the Holy One, and the elders who had hidden in it for a long time, learned about it.

And immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.


"Time is too late!"

"Our holy Lord family has no high-level power in the Golden Wood Kingdom!"

"How to do how to do!"

"Enough! Quickly notify the patriarch!"

"Quick, let all the deacons of the court of justice gather!"

"Abyssalization is unstoppable, at least we still have time to limit his scope and growth rate!"

Facing the crisis news brought by the old deacon.

After the initial panic, the Saint Lords calmed down quickly and came out as many experienced elders ended their retreat.

The hearts of the people were gradually appeased, and the subsequent orders were promulgated.

Just as they prepared to go all out as if they had encountered a cataclysm.

He was desperately looking out of the valley ahead, where a large amount of abyssal monsters had occupied a lot of flat ground.

In the high altitude, there is a black cloud composed of tens of thousands of abyssal raptors, which is closely following the monster army on the ground to maintain a consistent speed.

"The army of monsters of the abyss lord has been dispatched. Are they trying to attack other densely populated areas to gain the souls of those poor people?"

The old deacon had some sympathy for those poor people, but he was helpless.

Watching the army of abyss monsters getting closer and closer to their location.

The old deacon sighed and threw away the rune used to escape.

He eased the two large white cloth bags on his back and took out two large swords that were about one and a half meters long.

With the battle posture in place, the old deacon is ready to burn all his potential, in order to stop the footsteps of these abyss monsters.

"Too many, count at least one hundred thousand monsters in the air!"

"It's much harder than the battle that I used to become a famous one-hundred-hundred-year-old battle~ I hope to delay it for a while."

Slowly spit out heat, the old deacon raised his sword high in both hands, and screamed at the army of monsters in the abyss!



The old deacon's mouth was wide open, and he shouted, but saw a roar of tearing air and then blew by the eardrum.

Within the army of abyss monsters, several huge fireballs bloomed, and with a loud noise, the roar of the old deacon was completely submerged.


The old deacon was blown by the shock wave to stand unsteadily, and had to squat on the ground leaning on the extraordinary aura before flying.

"No, such a large-scale explosion ~ there is no witchcraft fluctuation of corresponding intensity, this is the effect of alchemy weapons!"

"When will our continent have..."

"Such an army?"

The old deacon was unable to speak for a while, he felt the violent shaking of the ground behind him.

He jumped up curiously and climbed to the top of a hillside.

Then he witnessed that under the shining of the newborn sun, hundreds of calculated steel giant beasts with many wheels were approaching at an incredible speed.

They ran, and kept making booming roars.

The old deacon who first sees such a wonder always feels like he has seen countless steel castles moving.


Soon, a three-wheeled electric car wrapped tightly and solidly jumped out of the hillside where the old deacon was located.

Then there was a crackling sound.

Since a group of abyss monsters could not escape, they were crushed by the wheel and exploded into the deep wheel ditch.

A more tracked armored vehicle, under the control of the undead giant, directly hit the queue of a group of abyssal monsters.

Suddenly, those abyssal beasts with a height of more than ten meters or even more than twenty meters were hit on the ground in front of absolute power, and then they were directly caught in by the crawler and died without corpses.

Of course, their counterattacks also hit these armored vehicles and produced many gravures.

There is even a lion-like appearance, and an abyssal monster that looks as big as a mini dog pounces up and its teeth pierce the entire armored vehicle's armor plate.

There are also spellcasters, talented witchcraft, fire and frost, venom thunder, all greeted on the armored car, hitting the body blue and white for a while.

It's just this bite, witchcraft attack.

It is okay to deal with the toy car brought by Xiao Yu, and it can also make the electric car malfunction after hitting the key position.

It was not enough to deal with armored vehicles and even the dragon tanks that Xiao Yu had deliberately used to equip them.

These abyss beasts are not weak, but paws and teeth are too short to break the armor.

The strength is also a bit sad compared to the diesel engine.

Everyone who is confident and wants to stop the steel monsters from relying on their talent skills will be defeated by one touch~ There are almost no exceptions!

However, in tens of seconds, the ground army of the abyss monster has become scattered.

Although the Air Force continued to provide support, they also encountered trouble.

From time to time, a high-explosive shell was shelled from a far away place that they could not see, and fell into the air and was detonated by the wizards hiding in the tank.

Suddenly a lot of flames covered the sky, reducing the number of these abyss monster air force.

"It's that giant!"

An abyss flame demon walked out of the valley and saw a familiar tank, a familiar armored vehicle, and the familiar ultra-long-range artillery, unconsciously...the skin twitched.

In retrospect, it is lost in the continent ~ the horror dominated by the giant...

"Step aside!"

With a height of 30 meters, it looks like black charcoal, without a piece of thread. Every inch of the body is like an abyssal crocodile with reinforced iron bones. It slowly came out of the valley.

This is an abyssal leader who has reached the pinnacle of extraordinary level three.

And it is clear that he has not participated in the war with the giant.

After dissatisfied, he glanced at the abyss flame demon who didn't make the first shot.

It roared, and wrapped up its body with a black supernatural aura, and ran down with bare hands like a gorilla.

The Abyss Flame Demon saw this crocodile actually standing directly in front of the largest and most majestic tracked steel tank.

Can't help but worry: "I'm impulsive, a fallen crocodile hero, it has the talent of doubled strength and reinforced iron bones...maybe winning may not be necessary!"

The Abyss Flame Demon remembers that although this crocodile has no witchcraft ability and can't let out the fireball, he can play!

"It's fist, even the lord is quite praised!"

"Perhaps, it can penetrate the opponent's armor!"

The Abyss Flame Devil thought so.

The crocodile man had already stood on the battlefield, and his whole body was transcendent with aura and condensed on a pair of fists.

It saw a dragon-style tank that was rolling at a speed as it crushed a large number of abyss monsters that it could not escape.

After roaring, he jumped up.

But it wasn't that the people who watched the battles around all thought it was hard.

Instead, he jumped to the turret of the dragon tank.

Faced with this round head, it was a punch!

This punch attracted thunder from the sky and a lot of black light in the space.

It also attracted the alligator's talent ability, reaching ten times the strength of his full blow!

The great coercion generated at the moment of punching fists made the old deacon feel that the sky was dark, and he was so shocked!

"Good momentum, terrible punch!"

"There can be such fighting spirit in the holy Lord family, no more than one hand!"

"And it was easily occupied by the opponent's head weakness, alas, this alchemy chariot is more and less fierce!"

"I don't know which party owns it, don't you know to send a strong man to protect the head?"

The old deacon was worried about the dragon tank.

The crocodile's fist hit the round fort.

Then with a loud bang!

For the first time, the dragon tank, which had been galloping, had a clear pause.

Let the old deacon sigh, and then opened his eyes to see, but saw with amazement.

The steel tank's swollen head seemed... all right?

Um... it's really fine!

Although there are huge punches in some places, it stopped there.

After all, it is different from the tradition that the head of the villain thinks it is the weakness.

Tank stuff, the rounded fort is the hardest place!


While the crocodile man whose hands were so painful that he could not breathe was enlightened, the barrel turned and shot the crocodile man.

Then under the long-distance control of Xiao Yu, the dragon-type tank accelerated at full speed, and after successfully pressing the body of the abyss monster all the way, finally successfully suppressed the crocodile man.

It's just... Xiao Yu soon found out that the crocodile couldn't be crushed by the dragon tank.

But it didn't hurt much.

Reinforced iron bones, really... strong enough!

"Damn it!"

"A piece of alchemy is daring to bully me!"


The crocodile keeps supporting the ground with both hands and wants to climb.

However, even if the power multiplied tenfold.

It still has a trench that is difficult to cross from the force required to lift the dragon tank.

There is no way... as a tank that is much larger than Xiao Yu's, it still has its own weight.

The dragon tank stopped, the other tanks did not stop, and continued to rip through the abyss army.

At the same time, Xiao Yu, who resolved the crisis in the mining area after the whitening of the sky, allocated manpower to take over, and found that there were so many abyss reactions that the Secret Wizard Tower suddenly appeared here.

Also hurriedly, while remotely controlling the armored unit that was supposed to convince people to assault in advance, he rushed over with all his strength.

Not only him, the Great Saint also moved across the mountains at a faster speed near the secret wizard tower.

"The strong abyss, but that's it."

In the distance, the wizards guarding the twelve mortar positions operated by the undead giants watched the battlefield live with the eyes of surveillance, and were proud of the wonders of the Son of God.

An old wizard shook his head: "That crocodile monster is very strong."

"If we meet, it will be spiked."

"It is an ordinary steel tank, and it is also likely that it will directly punch through the steel plate and punch into the interior."

"It...just bad luck met the armored forces of the Son of God and chose the wrong opponent."

"It seems to be a fallen man of the crocodile race. No wonder he won't teleport and wait for life-saving witchcraft when he falls."

At this time, the wizard of Enodia also came to see this scene and said softly:

"In this case, it is different from those of the Balrog, and we have a chance to stay in its flesh."

"Maybe I can use this to summon the crocodile god."

The Enodian wizard remembered that Xiao Yu had always been thinking about Godhead, so he told the wizard to remember it all around.

After all, according to the means of the current miracle city, it is completely possible to actively capture and hunt some small gods.

The crocodile god, whether it is an old **** or a new god, meets the selection criteria.


"Front... There is a high-intensity witchcraft reaction!"

"Morning Star Power!"

The Enodian Wizard was talking and laughing with ease, and suddenly he and his companions noticed the energy reaction in the valley.

And this... naturally the abyss lord of the morning star shot.

Although such a shot is not good for the subsequent abyss.

After all, he was not summoned completely.

Abyssal Lord Saruman could no longer look down.

It feels that if you wait any longer, you will have fewer and fewer cards!

Judging from previous experience, when enemies with giants become more deadly!

Lord Abyss pronounced a short spell.

Suddenly the mud around the dragon tank softened and fell into a deep pit.

Suddenly let the huge body of the dragon tank fall into it.

The next moment, before the dragon-type tank barrels lifted up, the surrounding soil rushed over as if alive.

In the blink of an eye, the strongest steel tank on the battlefield was buried alive!

Looking at the ground again, I can see that the Crocodile has been thrown on the ground sometime.

In an instant, the strength and weakness were changed, in one move, buried in the car, to save people actually did it all!

This method looks like flowing clouds and flowing water, and it seems simple to analyze. Every wizard who learns earth magic can do it.

But in fact, even a great wizard, it is impossible to soften a mud pit that is no smaller than the castle footprint for them in one second, and the pit can not be small, and there are several in the eyes of the villain. One hundred meters deep!

The mana requirements and control involved are unheard of for most wizards!

Xiao Yu, who saw this scene, also sighed.

The morning star is not easy!

Even if it’s not the Morning Star even if there is no blessing from the power of the mainland.

It's not that you can be reckless now.

Fortunately... I never play heads-up.

It is backed by resources and knowledge from the entire real world!

If you can't win, you can use energy to win each other!

"Great Saint!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were firm, and there was a roar in his heart.

Suddenly, the crocodile man who had just been freed by the abyss lord was sent out of the pit and was about to climb up.


The Great Saint landed on its side from the sky, and it shocked him immediately to lie down again.

The iron rod hit the center of the crocodile's chest and nailed it to the ground.

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