Liang Guodong looked at Xiao Li with a blank expression. It was really difficult for them to understand the truth. Xiao Li looked at Director Liang helplessly, and didn't know how to make him understand.

Sitting in front of the computer, Liu Xia's hands are like electric motors, staring at the screen with ten fingers on the keyboard to precisely hit the letters she wants. Lines of garbled characters on the interface opened by Luxia on the military computer appeared.

Liu Xia frowned and stared at the screen in front of her as if she was in some trouble. While hitting the keyboard with her fingers, she inadvertently pulled the hair from her forehead behind her ears.

Every time Ryuxia encountered such challenging difficulties, she would inadvertently make this action. In the network field, Lucia can be said to be an out-and-out high-level hacker.

When she was still in junior high school, she used an old desktop computer to decipher the confidential documents of some multinational companies, but the security consultants hired by those companies could not track her.

It is precisely because of being so young and ignorant that she broke through the central system of the National Defense Military Building and stole an important military document after being provoked by others.

Just as Liuxia was complacent, the spy still focused on her. Fortunately, Professor Liu from the National Defense Information Security Center of China noticed her first, and after helping her block the pursuit of spies from M country, he sent her to the military academy.

And erase all her information in China. Only then can Lucia always graduate safely from the military academy. That confidential document was also handed over to the country by Liu Xia.

After graduation, Liu Xia joined the Spike Special Forces and stayed by Yang Lingjun as a scout. She is an expert in network information. Professor Liu also counted on waiting for Liuxia to take his seat after he retired.

The situation seems to be gradually getting into white-hot, and there is a progress bar under the computer interface that shows the progress. More and more commands are being typed on the computer by Lucia, and the progress bar below has displayed 97%!

There was also a little sweat on Liuxia's forehead, and Xiao Li, who stood by, looked at this female special soldier in amazement. Her hand speed is really amazing, Xiao Li has been controlling in front of the computer for a long time, and it is impossible to hit the keyboard at such a fast speed.

Firstly, Xiao Li's hand speed is not enough to make so many commands in such a short time. Secondly, the computer in the Suzhou Police Station simply does not allow sending commands to the computer at such a speed. It is easy to cause the computer to crash and become paralyzed.

However, this military computer in Liuxia's hands will not have such problems. This computer was specially made for Liuxia by the Academy of Science and Technology, which was commissioned by Professor Liu. The high-level chip inside can execute the commands of the operator in the shortest time.

And to achieve continuous work for several hours without paralysis and other situations. Everyone unconsciously held their breath and looked at the gradually saturated progress bar on the big screen. Ninety-eight percent... Ninety-nine percent...

"Ding!" A clear sound rang in Lucia's headset, and a red English letter appeared on the computer screen. Everyone present silently translated, "Login is forbidden!" Liuxia burst out with an ugly face.

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