My Little Mom Is The Richest Man

Chapter 1052 Fuzzy Memory

And took out a photo to ask passers-by if they saw the person in the photo. After receiving the call from Lao Zhou, Wang Fuqu buried the smartphone in his hand in a rice field on the side of the road. Then drove to the next location.

Wang Fuqu was not found on the national highway, but the superintendent was covered on the national highway behind. Sitting in the car, Wang Fu frowned and didn't know what he was thinking. Asked the bodyguard who was driving next to him.

"Boss, don't we have to go around the path? I think there should be a superintendent in the road behind." Silent Wang Fuqu turned his head and looked out the window. Outside was a large paddy field. The rice field in July was already half a person tall. .

A gust of wind blew on the flat rice, and the rice waved like a girl's skirt. Wang Fuqu opened the window to let the July wind blow into the car, not knowing why he always felt that this mission would be his last.

Grandpa and father had already died in prison, and he was the only one left in the family. He didn't leave a seed for the Wang family for so many years. It's not that he didn't want to do it. There were as many women around as the rice in the paddy field.

It's just that he didn't want his child to be cultivated as a pawn as soon as he was born. He had already lived as a puppet for more than ten years, and along the way he found that he was just like the lost youth who had nothing.

The relatives died one by one, and those relatives who didn't know each other could hide as far as they could. Maybe they have forgotten such a person for more than ten years. Wang Fuqu will always be in the shadow of that person. He has to do whatever he asks him to do.

There is no reason, no excuse, it is he who gave Wang Fuqu a life that seems to be prosperous and wealthy, so that he can make waves in this feasting city. But this is not what he wants, all he wants is the warm home when he was a child.

The grandfather was looking at himself sternly, his father was busy with business affairs, going in and out of the living room. As for that woman, it was blurred in Wang Fuqu's memory, he couldn't remember exactly what she looked like.

I just remember the constant clamor every night. At that time, he always hid in the room and dared not go out. That woman would run out of the house crying and crying every time after arguing with her father. It was this woman who sent him abroad after he was seven years old.

For twelve years, from then on, grandpa's face of anger and prestige became a memory. My father would often call himself at noon and ask how he was doing recently.

He didn't understand when he was a child, always wondering why his father always called himself at noon. When I grew up, I realized that my noon was already late at night on my father's side. He always had time to call himself after he was busy with business matters.

After he was nineteen years old, he returned home for the first time from a place outside the ocean. He did not see the woman, and only his father was in the house. My father's business is getting bigger and bigger, and he is considered the richest man in his hometown. The most important thing is that his father, whom he has not seen for so many years, treats him well.

Grandpa was still serving in the army at that time, and vaguely remembered that he was a senior general in a certain military district. Although grandpa always had a straight face when he was young, he was not very afraid, and even dared to climb on his body and grab his beard.

Although Grandpa always stared at him angrily, he never scolded himself or beat him. At the age of 22, Wang Fuqu, who graduated from school, returned to Suzhou to help in his father's company.

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