Although Mu Qiu cared in his heart, the current first task was to complete the task. After all, he could leave here only after completing the task.

Along the way, they encountered several waves of haunting ghosts, and they didn't solve them easily.

Fortunately, they finally inquired about the grandfather and son.

Following the guidance of the evil spirits, under a thick tree, they saw a few withered bones.

"Master, this is the person you are looking for, can you let me go?"

He was frightened along the way as the wronged soul was cleaned up. Now that he finally completed the task, he just wanted to run away quickly.

The person has been found, and Mu Qiu and others would naturally not be holding him, waved his hand and let him leave.

After the unjust soul left, Mu Qiu squatted in front of the corpses, trying to find out if any of them was carrying a black jade pendant.

Just as he stretched out his hand, Duan Tiantian grabbed him, and Mu Qiu looked at Duan Tiantian with a little bewilderment.

I saw Duan Tiantian handing over a branch and said: "Brother Mu Qiu, these corpses have been here for a long time, you still don't touch them with your hands, use the branches!"

After hearing Duan Tiantian's words, Mu Qiu thought about it, she was right.

These bones have been here for such a long time, and some bacteria will inevitably be derived from them. Besides, it is in the forest. Who knows if there are any snakes, insects, rats and ants who treat the bones as a nest.

Nodded, Mu Qiu took the branch and pulled it up in the bones.

Soon he found a piece of black jade pendant, and his eyes lit up.

"I found the black jade pendant. It seems that this should be the grandfather's son."

Mu Qiu looked at everyone with excitement, and everyone looked over with their heads stretched out.

Seeing the black jade pendant, Zhang Daoshi and Chu Tian couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

"This jade pendant is really a good thing. I didn't expect that this kind of small mountain village would have this kind of thing."

"No wonder they can be so far away, it seems that this jade pendant has played a big role."

After listening to them, Mu Qiu glanced at the jade pendant again, but didn't have too many thoughts. The most important thing now is to consider how to take the bones back.

As long as the corpse is handed over to the grandfather, his 1000 sacred points can be credited to the account, and a random scene card is added.

"How should we take the bones back! After all, we have other things to do next, and we can't send him back directly."

Zhang Daoshi looked at the bones, then opened the package, took out a shirt and threw it on the ground.

"Wrap the bones up first and take them away! Only the skeleton is left without much weight, and it won't affect our actions."

Mu Qiu hesitated looking at the shirt. This was also a way, but carrying the bones with him always made people feel a little uncomfortable.

But he thought of the pitiful appearance of the grandfather and grandmother again, plus the rich task rewards, and he immediately went into a heartbreak and enveloped the bones.

After putting the bones away, he said to Zhang Daoshi and Chu Tian: "Let's say it first! We agreed to it together. We took the bones in turn, and I couldn't let me hold them alone. But Tiantian is a girl. , Even if it’s the case, the three of us take turns in charge."

As soon as Zhang Daoshi and Chu Tian turned their heads, they didn't think they heard them, nor did they respond to Mu Qiu.

Mu Qiu naturally understood what they meant, his eyes twitched, and he had a countermeasure.

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