My Little Mom Is The Richest Man

Chapter 1357 How to prove?

"...Zheng my heart, enlighten my spirit, break the mystery and enlightenment, break the dust and transform the earth..." A voice joined the ranks of Chaodu, and the owner of this voice is not someone else, it is Mingyuejun. I don't know when, Mingyuejun has come to the tombstone, tears flashed in his eyes, his hands are like a concubine, and he muttered a holy curse. As Mingyue Jun spit out the spell, Mo Ling's whole body became more radiant, and his feet finally lifted off the ground, and the whole person gradually floated up.

"...Neither life nor death, no defilement and impurity, transcend catastrophes and transform grievances, and purify sentient beings!" As the last spell was spoken, a bright vortex suddenly appeared in the gloomy sky, and a golden beam of light appeared in the vortex. She is covering Mo Ling. Following the beam, Mo Ling floated higher and higher, but her eyes still never left Mingyuejun.

"She's leaving! She's leaving, right? I know, this time she is really leaving, I will never... never see her again, right?" After chanting the super spell, Mingyue-jun Looking up at the sky, Mo Ling, dressed in holy light, muttered, wondering whether he was asking himself or the concubine Kui beside him. But what does it matter? No matter who it is, the ending will not change, will it? Stubbornly raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face. It was only right to be happy. This time she was finally relieved, and she should be blessed. Yes, bless her!

"Auntie! ... easy to go!" Choked, Mingyue Jun almost exhausted all his strength before uttering this nondescript blessing. After speaking, I realized that the voice was so confusing that I couldn't be sure whether she heard it or not. Did she understand it? I should have heard it! If not, how could she walk so smartly! If not, how could she smile so brightly!

"Good to go..." Looking at Mo Ling who disappeared with the beam of light in the sky, Mingyue Jun suddenly wanted to laugh, yeah! How could it be nondescript? Despite this walk, it is very likely that we will never see each other again for life after generation. Although this walk, everyone really has nothing to do with each other, but...I still hope that she can go on well...The frustration and melancholy make Mingyue-jun all over his body. Weak, can only kneel and sit on the ground.

Suddenly, a hand touched his head, so gentle, so pity? Mr. Mingyue raised his head and looked towards the man with tearful eyes, only to see Concubine Kui’s beautiful and gentle smile, her loving and peaceful eyes, and a trace of warm power poured into Mr. Mingyue’s heart, gradually taking the place that had just been missing. Fill up.

Concubine Kui looked at her with tears on her face, and looked at her Mingyue-jun with pitiful eyes, and suddenly smiled even more. She stretched out her hand and wiped away the tears on Mingyuejun’s face little by little, and then smiled and said to Mingyuejun like a kid, "Stupid boy! As long as it is someone who really cares about it, no matter how much she will walk in the future. Far, you will never see each other again, she will always live in your heart. As long as you remember her, she will never disappear in your life, especially for a mother, everything about a child is herself The best proof of still surviving in this world!"

"Mother?" Right! What if she no longer recognizes herself after the reincarnation, or if everyone will never see each other again? Everything about her has long been in her heart, right? Just like this time, although the memory is lost, my heart will still not forget, so even if the body has to suffer the pain of tearing, I must come to send her one last time: Aunt! The girl will always keep you in her heart and hope you will be happy in your next life!

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