However, after a few hastily contacts, she could see her thoughts so thoroughly, so sharp!

Looking at Emperor Qi Shun who was guttering on the side, Mingyue Jun was finally a little soft, but when he thought that he was doing most of it for Qian Xuehanyue, and almost never mentioned Qing Ruoshui, he inexplicably started to block "Emperor Hanyue Ji Neng" It's really lucky to have a father like you, but...Di Ji Jingxuan has a father like you, but I don't know if it is fortunate or unfortunate?"

"Miss Mingyuejun...Is this embarrassing Jingxuan?" Qi Shundi asked inexplicably, "As I remember, Jingxuan only offended you not long ago."

"It's not enough to hold injustice. Mingyue Jun really doesn't like Jingxuan Diji, especially the current Jingxuan Diji, and it can even be said to be very annoying." Mingyue Jun seems to not care about that person's father at all. Do not hesitate to say that he hates her. "Mr. Mingyue didn't know why the Emperor Jingxuan couldn't please the emperor at that time, and she was so ignored... But there are some truths, Mr. Mingyue still understands. For example, if a person is even His parents have no way to like him, so probably it is his own problem. But as a parent, you can dislike him, but you have to pay attention to him, take care of him, and educate him, because this is the most fundamental thing about being a parent. Responsibility. Regardless of'children’t teach, father’s fault’, isn’t it the responsibility of parents to educate unpleasant bad children into good children? Parents can scold and punish children who have done something wrong, but how can they abandon it What about him?"

"This... I do owe Jingxuan a lot." Emperor Qi Shun's face was gloomy and his tone was sober, and asked: "Mr Mingyue thinks, what can I do to make up for a father's debt to his daughter?"

"This question, the emperor should ask Jingxuan Diji." Mingyuejun raised his eyebrows, curious about the inexplicable resentment in his heart. "Does the emperor even know what his daughter wants? Haha!..." There was another chuckle. , Mingyuejun ridiculed: "Didn’t the emperor have given her what she wants most to another daughter? It’s on the court hall three days ago. When the emperor went to see the Jingxuan Diji, she probably didn’t give it to you. Look at it with a good face!"

"Hmm...cough cough..." Coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment. "Needless to say Jingxuan, just talk about you! If it is you, how can you forgive your father?" This daughter, these words are just a few words. The sentence is reasonable, but is it necessary to be so sharp? Anyway, give yourself some face! Emperor Qi Shun complained about his daughter's sharpness while regretting what he had done in the first place. Of course, he could not help but admire it a little bit more. His heart was really mixed!

"Me?" Mingyue-kun never thought about this question. He raised his head and looked at Meihua in the distance for a long time before he slowly said: "Such a father...but what is going to do?"

", there are always some things that he can make up for, don’t you? Don’t you have anything you want?" Looking at the indifferent Mingyue-jun in front of him, it was as if he saw A Luo that night. How could a mother and daughter say a word in such a flat way, but stabbed people with pain and fear.

"What do you want? Money? Power?" Mingyue-kun said blankly. For some reason, she was so distressed at the moment, as if she had really experienced such abandonment, resenting and longing for that ethereal fatherly love. "Those There are a lot of people who can give me, no matter how bad I am, I can work hard to get it, and I don't need a father to make special compensation.

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