My Little Mom Is The Richest Man

Chapter 289: I Just Shaken My Hands

After Mu Qiu came to power, he spoke eloquently. The confident smile and detached temperament made people not involuntarily look up at him when they looked at him. He spoke in a flat tone. When he mentioned rumors and slander, he didn't feel the slightest anger. When he mentioned that the game he had made was popular all over the country, he didn't feel the slightest joy.

But one thing people can be sure of is that although Mu Qiu has never mentioned Star Game Company or Park Buqi during the whole process, he has been in Pu Buqi almost all the way between the lines. Pu Buqi is now full of resentment and cold sweat. Straight forward, his clenched fists were trembling.

And the people around them who were closer to them couldn't help being farther away from them at this time, and the eyes that looked at Pu Buqi were full of contempt and disdain. As the so-called self-inflicted cannot live, many people think that Park Buqi may think that Riyue Game Company itself has tricks, and the tricks are on the producer of "Glory of the King", but they don’t know what the tricks are. That’s why he came up with this kind of thing to sensationalize, and because he caught up with the world game exhibition, he did so with the suspicion of hype. In the past two days, because of him, both Star Game Company and "Sky City and Girls 3" It has received a lot of attention and the effect is remarkable.

However, it now appears that people are not at all tricky, but at first they didn't bother to show up to accept any honors, they simply didn't look down on it.

After returning the microphone to the male host, Mu Qiu bathed the gaze of the audience and returned to the seat step by step. After he sat down, the scene was still in honeyed silence, and returned Mu Qiu in the seat inevitably was stunned by Su Feifei and the other women, especially Feng Timo and the others. Now Mu Qiu's eyes looked like looking at a monster, and it seemed unreal.

In addition, Mu Qiu also felt that Chen Yifa's eyes were slightly different when he saw him. Apart from shock, there was still a trace of resentment in it.

On the stage, the host regained control of the stage. He took the microphone and said, "Thank you Mr. Mu Qiu for bringing us something. You may not know. Mr. Mu seems to be mature, but he is only 18 years old this year. In fact, China has just grown up, and it is such a young man who has made amazing achievements in many fields, and the surprises brought to us by the game now are even more unspeakable."

"As a rising star in the game circle, Riyue Game Company has given high hopes to them. As the organizer of the World Game Exhibition, such bad things happened during the game exhibition. We Naturally, it is impossible to open one eye and close one eye. That's why there is such an episode that has delayed everyone's time and please understand the inconvenience caused. Then, let us return to the topic."

As he said, he waved his hand to the jury: "I have seen the 50 professional reviewers of the jury have completed their decision before, and then it is time for them to announce their choice. The reviewer No., Mr. He Xingguang from China, announced his choice."

He, who is in his fifties, has mottled time marks on his face. Playing games is essentially mental work. When he was young, he worked so hard that he was not very good after he was old, but at this moment, he is like He seemed to be a young man, not only was his face flushed, but his eyes were full of agility, as if he was twenty years younger all of a sudden.

His hands holding the microphone were shaking slightly, and his voice was full of excitement.

"Young man, thank you! Thank you Riyue Game Company! Because of you, because of you, I finally really saw the hope of China Games. Young man, your game is really great, whether it is in love or in Reason, I have no reason not to vote for you!"

"Come on, Mu Qiu, and the people who produced "Temple Escape". The future of the China game depends on you young people!"

After He finished talking excitedly, he sat down. He took a long sigh of relief, as if vomiting out all the depression that had been suppressed in his chest for a long time. The whole person looked very refreshed, and as his voice fell, the stage There is a slight change in the picture on the upper screen. The number of votes of Riyue Game Company was originally displayed as "?". At this time, there is an additional +1% after the "?" One vote for the regiment.

He's remarks were unanimously approved by many Chinese people present. Everyone gave applause and cheers, and then the host continued to speak.

"Next, I would like to invite Mr. Wells Smith from Citigroup, let us listen. Who will he vote for?"

When he just chose to vote, Wells had already voted for "Sin City 5". Many people have seen and heard it. However, what is surprising is that he should have declared his choice generously. At this moment, his expression looked very embarrassed and entangled. He stood up with the microphone and hesitated for two seconds before speaking.

"I think... just now when I was making a choice, my hand shook, which caused me to make the wrong choice, so I now hope that I can make another choice. What do you think, Mr. Host?"

Everyone present was taken aback, and the host on the stage was even more stunned, but they were professional after all. The hostess Piao Piao first reacted. She smiled and said: "But Mr. Smith, once the vote is cast It cannot be changed."

Smith spread his hands out: "Beautiful lady, I think there should be an exception to everything, especially...well, this special situation right now. I think you will understand me, right?"

Piao Piao and Xiao Sha looked at each other, and they all saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, and just as Xiao Sha was about to ask the director team for instructions, a Citi woman sitting in the third judging seat also stood up.

"You may not believe it. I shook my hands when I voted." The woman sighed after she said, with a tactful expression on her face: "I'm really sorry, but the World Game Show is such a grand event after all. , I will inevitably get a little nervous, I think you will understand me too, right?"

Someone who knew her listened to her and almost couldn't resist the desire to complain on the spot, because this woman is also famous in the game circle. She is a celebrity who is still active in the game circle. She has attended the World Game Exhibition as a judge. It's been three times. Any time in the past, she can easily choose the game she likes, but now she said she had chosen the wrong game because she was too nervous.

Who believes it!

However, when everyone was stunned, this dramatic scene was just beginning. As the voice of the Citi woman fell, the fourth reviewer, the fifth reviewer, and the sixth reviewer... more than thirty in total. A reviewer, they all stood up! ,, ..

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