
The plane that was driving smoothly trembles suddenly, like a car suddenly passing through a shock-absorbing belt, but there is no shock-absorbing belt for the plane in the sky. Although the magnitude of this turbulence is not very large, it is enough to make people fearful, especially It was the plane trembling at the same time that people faintly heard a lot of movement, as if it was coming from under the plane, which was even more frightening.

"What, what's going on?"

"What happened?"

"The plane seemed to sway just now? What sound was that just now?"

"It seems that something exploded..."

"Where's the flight attendant? Come out and explain!"

Sophie was so frightened that Huarong was pale, her face was full of fear: "Mom..."

Ding Yu hugged her subconsciously, her pretty face pale.

Compared to them, Mu Qiu didn’t panic at all, and he had no reason to panic. Although this passenger plane was fast, it was incomparable with the Sukong jets of the military region. Mu Qiu could do it in the explosion of the jet crash. Unharmed, of course it’s fine to fall like this...Of course, the crash is the worst case, but his perception ability is super strong, and he has just felt that the source of the explosion and tremor is from the power area of ​​the aircraft. At the moment, it seems that something must be wrong there.

The passengers were frightened and the flight attendants were in poor condition. Although many staff members had done various acts to prevent emergencies before taking their jobs, they would inevitably be panicked when they really encountered this situation. I don't know what to do.

An athlete hurried to the cab and knocked on the door of the cab, shouting: "Captain! Captain!"

The safety protection measures of the aircraft are not general. Only the captain and the deputy captain have the door keys for the cockpit. When the external communication fails or something happens to the aircraft, the task of the deputy captain comes.

He quickly opened the door and closed it immediately after opening it to prevent anyone from breaking into the cab without authorization.

Shao Kong asked hurriedly: "What the hell is going on?"

The deputy captain is a middle-aged man in his forties, and his face is not very good at this time. He said: "There is a problem with the power room. The movement just now is obviously not caused by an ordinary malfunction. Send someone to see it immediately. "

Just as Kong Shao was about to answer, the two of them suddenly rushed out from the side, and they stabbed the co-pilot and Kong Shao in the lower abdomen with something.

Two puffs—Although the voice is very small, Mu Qiu can hear them clearly.

The cockpit is at the head of the plane, and the first-class cabin is connected to the cockpit. Behind a curtain is the economy class, so people in the first-class cabin can clearly see that the two people suddenly appeared and stabbed the co-pilot with something. And Kong Shao, Mu Qiu could even see that the thing they used to poke people was a small spike that was extremely similar to a writing pen embedded in a mobile phone.

This thing is not long, but it is very sharp. As long as it hits the key, it can be killed quickly. These two people are obviously not ordinary people. They know where to poke, and the second second after they rushed out, Xiao Xiao and the co-pilot were already His life passed quickly under that stabbing, and he fell to the ground with horrified eyes, and he was speechless.

The passengers in the first-class cabin were blown up now, all of them were scared to death, and their faces were full of terror. A woman was so scared that she screamed, but she saw a man standing up in a seat. Yelled: "Tm, please be honest with me!"

He also held a gleaming thorn in his hand.

The woman was so scared that she covered her mouth, and her tears flowed down.

They are just a group of ordinary people who travel, travel, go to school, or go to work. They have an ordinary life. The hijacking is only seen on TV. At this time, they really encountered it. I was really scared and I don’t know what to do. done……

Um? How do you feel deja vu?

Is it the same when robbing banks?

Mu Qiu touched his chin indifferently, looked at the familiar scene in front of him, compared it with the bank robbery, and thought...I am not a male hostage, right? Where did something go wrong?

The system came out and said: "If you are not the protagonist who owns this system, who else is the protagonist?"

Mu Qiu contemptuously said, "Seriously, you can change your order to force the system."

"I refuse, by the way-Ding! If the host's desire is detected, please resolve the hijacking crisis in front of you. Successful missions will reward you with 1000 Sacred Points, and mission failures will deduct corresponding points."

The 1000 Sacred Points had already demonstrated that the difficulty factor of this mission was much higher than that of the last bank robbery, but in Mu Qiu's view, it was similar. The same salted fish hostages, the same three gangsters, the only difference is that one commits a crime on the ground and the other commits a crime in the sky.

The two gangsters who stabbed the person ignored the others. After stabbing the person to death, they quickly touched the first officer, then took the key to open the door of the cab and rushed in. After entering, they did not forget to lock the door.


At this moment, there was another loud bang outside the plane, followed by a violent tremor of the plane. The amplitude of the tremor was much larger than before, and the explosion sounded a lot, even the original flight. The planes that were stable began to feel tilted.

The economy-class passengers who were blocked by the curtains for the scary scene in the first-class cabin did not know what was happening now, and they were still screaming in shock as if they were still salted.

The gangster who was still in the first class frowned, glared at a stewardess who was trembling in the corner not far away, smiled evilly, and said, "Go, tell people, this plane has been hijacked by us, the bomb It has been set up before the plane takes off. There are three times in total. The first two explosions have blown up the power system of the plane. The next explosion will blow up the wing of the plane. The plane will crash into the city below in the near future. Among them, not only you will die, but those who were affected after the plane fell will also die, they will be crushed to death, and they will die in the ruins of the collapsed building."

"But you are lucky, because we are kind, we will not leave, we will die with you, hahahaha...hahahahahaha..."

"Look at your eyes, look at your expressions. Why? I can't believe it? Feel like living in a dream? Hahahaha! Recognize the reality, blame you for choosing this flight. Nothing else is weird."

"Leave your will well... Hmph, although no one can see it, but I don't have this concern, because my will was written before boarding the plane." The gangster showed a cruel smile to everyone. , "Enjoy the last time before the plane crashes." ,,..

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