It's no wonder that the audience in the live broadcast room didn't believe it.

It is that although rap is also singing, it is very different from ordinary songs.

Not only the sense of rhythm needs to be stronger, but also the lyrics are much more than ordinary songs.

However, netizens are still looking forward to the relatively new songs like rap.

After all, rap shows have been rampant in the past two years, and many underground rappers have gradually come to the stage.

Rap, this new art form, has long been accepted by people.

"Try it."

Jiang Feng smiled.

In his previous life, he also liked rap songs more.

Those classic raps have long been engraved deep in his mind.

In order to let the audience in the live broadcast room brush gifts, he also tried his best.

"This guy can also rap? He's an all-rounder."

Xu Song, director of Huaxing Music Company, looked at Jiang Feng in the studio and commented with a smile.

The more he watches Jiang Feng's live broadcast, the more he loves talents.

"Then let me tell my story, I hope Brother Feng can adopt it."

"I am a North drifter wandering in the imperial capital. I have come to the imperial capital. This year is full of hard work, and it is the tenth year."

"But for so many years, nothing has been done."

"I'm 30 years old this year. This should be the age to start a family."

"But I'm full of confusion."

"I don't know whether to continue to be confused in this imperial capital, or go back to my hometown, find a job honestly, and give up my dream."

An id called Imperial Capital Lao Xu told his story in the live broadcast room.

And this story, just as soon as it was told, caused countless resonances in the live broadcast room.

After all, most of the people who watched the live broadcast were to escape reality.

But now, Old Xu left this realistic problem bloody in front of them.

"The story of Lao Xu can only be said to empathize with me. Although I am not in the imperial capital, I am facing the same predicament as Lao Xu."

"Yeah, thirty years old is really an extremely embarrassing age. Old people often say that we start a family and start a business at thirty, but our thirty-year-old is still in endless confusion."

"It is also the North Drift that can feel the deep sense of powerlessness in such a big city."

"A big city that can't stay, a hometown that can't go back."

"Hahahaha, those people in my hometown thought I was doing well outside. In fact, who would want to leave their hometown if they did well?"

"I left my hometown when I was thirteen years old, and the people in my hometown have never had a well water."


I have to say that Lao Xu's story really resonates very strongly.

Just opening a head in the live broadcast room has aroused the resonance of countless people.

Come to think of it, this is probably the confusion of most people of this generation.

However, Jiang Feng fell silent after hearing this story.

He didn't speak, just kept writing something on the paper with the pen in his hand.

And this scene fell into the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room.

But the audience thought that Jiang Feng had no emotion at all.

"Or, let's change the story. This story may be very touching to those of us, but Jiang Feng has not reached our age after all."

"Yeah, there's no need to pass on such negative emotions to young people, Jiang Feng is still young, he doesn't need so much confusion."

"It's normal that Jiang Feng doesn't have this feeling. After all, he still has a long way to go in his life."

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Jiang Feng's silence, and they all expressed their understanding of Jiang Feng.

However, Jiang Feng has already picked up the guitar on his own.

"Dreams do not distinguish between ages. On the road of chasing dreams, we are all the same."

"A piece of "Floating to the North", for that brother named Lao Xu just now."

"I don't have any good advice, all my words are in the song."

Jiang Feng's cry, accompanied by the sound of the guitar, sounded slowly.

And a feeling of desolation also appeared in the hearts of everyone in the live broadcast room instantly.

"Dream journey, I left home."

"The bag on your shoulders contains your dreams for the future."

"Like you, I also come from afar."

"Doing an ordinary job, wandering outside and homesick."

"How many people hope that their lives can be better."

"Let's put less pressure on parents."

"When it comes to festivals, the missing of my parents is indispensable."

"I can't go home because my dream has not been realized yet!"

"Their strength, their dreams, and their suffering are only understood by themselves."

"I can't go back to the past and I can't see the future. Everything is so empty."

"I still have to keep walking desperately and struggle with all my strength."

"However, this is also my life, advancing on the road of dreams."

"I picked up the phone and said that my mother was fine, and I returned to reality and continued to solve my food and clothing."

"I was praised and ridiculed by others, but I was never defeated by reality. This is Bei Piao!"

Jiang Feng's rap is very emotional.

He even put his true feelings into it.

After all, in his previous life, he was a complete North Drifter.

In order to be able to buy a house in a big city, he even worked overtime day and night.

And this lyrics, in the entire history of Chinese rap, is definitely a section of Fengshen.

Ample emotion, coupled with a strong sense of substitution lyrics.

Almost instantly, the entire live broadcast room was filled with blood and tears.

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