My Live Broadcast Sucks, If I Earn Enough 200, I Will Download It!

Chapter 76: Compete Again? "Under The Sea" Is Completely Out Of The Circle!

"It turns out that all of this was manipulated by capital?"

"Damn capital, the song that made Jiang Feng such a god, actually got the lowest votes."

"The car guide is indeed wrong, but he is not guilty of death. After all, he is only afraid of capital and has not controlled his heart."

"If New Rap can not be controlled by capital, then it is indeed a good program."

"I hope the car guide can understand this truth."

Netizens started discussing after seeing the long apology from the car guide.

Soon, this long article also became a hot search.

And the name Jiang Feng once again appeared in the public eye.

Then, the car guide also took a series of remedial measures and released a long article again.

And one of them is to allow Jiang Xiaoyun to retain the promotion results and Jiang Feng to retain the qualifications for the competition.

To put it simply, let Jiang Feng and Jiang Xiaoyun compete again.

And the second is to remove and replace the other two mentors besides Deng Ziqi and Zhou Yan.

As well as the ten professional judges on site, and one hundred public judges.

Obviously, the car guide was absolutely sincere this time.

The recorded scene will also be changed to a live broadcast to express the sincerity of the program group and accept the supervision of the majority of netizens.

Of course, after these articles came out, although netizens felt the sincerity of the car body.

But there are still doubts.

"Why? Why do you have to compare once?"

"It's all shady, so it can't be directly judged that Jiang Feng won?"

"Jiang Xiaoyun is a clown, why don't you let him go?"

"It's too funny for a divine comedy like "Under the Sea" to lose to Jiang Xiaoyun's rubbish songs.

However, in the face of such doubts, the car guide also gave his own explanation.

Although he proved that there was a shady person, he also drove away the assistant director and other shady personnel.

However, it cannot be confirmed whether Jiang Xiaoyun participated in the shady scene.

Although everyone knows that Jiang Xiaoyun must have participated, but there is no evidence.

And without evidence, there can be no conviction.

Therefore, the car guide can only be compared once.

Of course, the car guide is also for flow considerations.

The new rap is already like this.

If there is no explosive flow, it will basically be cold.

Therefore, the body needs this pk.

Although the netizens are not slow, they can only accept this result.

After all, this result is already very good.

Yunfei Group withdrew its capital, and the mentors involved in the shady scene, as well as the professional judges, were all replaced.

Even Jiang Feng had a chance to pk again.

And they believe that as long as there is no shady scene, then Jiang Feng will crush Jiang Jiang!

However, how to re-invite Jiang Feng has become the biggest headache for the car guide.

You know, for the last invitation, I waited at the door for several hours.

In the end, Jiang Feng came to participate because of other reasons.

But this time, he has played a shady role on him, will Jiang Feng really come back?

The driver was very skeptical.

However, in the face of this situation, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

After all, who made himself do it?

Finally, the car guide remembered a character.

That is Deng Ziqi.

Presumably Deng Ziqi doesn't want to watch the show and be unable to record it, right?

She signed a contract with the program group.

And for those who cannot be invited by themselves, maybe Deng Ziqi can invite them?

So, thinking of this, the car guide called Deng Ziqi without hesitation.

"Shall I invite Jiang Feng?"

"Car guide, did I hear correctly?"

Deng Ziqi was also very surprised when she heard the call.

"Ziqi, I really have come to a dead end, otherwise I wouldn't beg you."

"You also know that the rhythm of the Internet is so big now, and our new rap needs a fair duel, a just duel, to save us."

"If you don't help me, the show may not be able to be recorded."

The car guide said in a humble tone.

As a director, he is really difficult.

"Okay, then I'll try, but I can't guarantee success."

"After all, the things you have done are really chilling."

After hearing the humble tone of the coach guide, Deng Ziqi finally agreed.

"Okay, Ziqi, with your words, I feel relieved.

When the car guide heard this, he quickly cheered up.

"Master cooking? And master medicine?"

Jiang Feng, who opened two mysterious gift bags at the same time for the first time, was also extremely excited.

However, unexpectedly releasing two skills in a row made Jiang Feng slightly taken aback.

And in his mind, there is also a lot of cooking knowledge, as well as medical knowledge.

"I didn't expect that two life skills were issued, I thought it was something else~~.

After Jiang Feng obtained the two skills, he also muttered to himself.

The current gift task is becoming more and more difficult to complete, and now it has reached 12,000.

As for the tasks of 322 and 644, it was also because he participated in the new rap, and then he was helped by enthusiastic fans to complete.

Therefore, Jiang Feng doesn't care about winning or losing at all.

His purpose is only one, and that is to complete system tasks.

If he wins the game, he may gain fame and fortune, but Jiang Feng doesn't care about those things.

But completing the system task is the real reward.

Those things are simply incomparable to those games in reality.

Although these two rewards are of no use for the time being.

But Jiang Feng also knows that these are practical skills, which will be used sooner or later.

After receiving the reward, Jiang Feng also started the live broadcast.

The current live broadcast gift task has reached 12,800 yuan.

Therefore, Jiang Feng also worked harder.

After all, mission goals are getting heavier and heavier.

Accompanied by hot searches about new rap songs on the Internet.

However, the song "Under the Sea", which is the center of the hot spot, is constantly exploding.

Not only did it rank first on the three music platforms of Penguin Music, Kugou Music, and Wangyiyun.

It went straight out of the circle.

Really, this song is really healing.

In a taxi.

There was a woman in the back row, drunk to death.

"Master, I don't want to live anymore, my ex-boyfriend dumped me."

"I really don't know what's the point of living in this world."

"Master, pull me to the bridge ahead, where I will jump off, and then you can go."

These words directly frightened the taxi driver to turn pale.

"Little girl, don't do stupid things, life is still beautiful."

The taxi driver hurriedly persuaded him.

He could tell that the little girl behind was not very old, about the same age as his own daughter.

Therefore, I don't want the little girl to commit suicide.

What's more, if the little girl really committed suicide, he, who dragged the little girl to the bridge, would definitely be involved.

"Shut up, don't persuade me, if you dare to persuade me, I will immediately open the car door and jump out of the car.

"Besides, if you dare to call the police, so will I."

Although the little girl is young, she has a very big temper.

It directly stunned the taxi driver.

"Okay, little girl, don't get excited, I'll just drag you there, don't open the door.

The taxi driver wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said hastily.

He didn't dare to say a word.

He could tell that if he dared to talk too much, then this little girl would really dare to jump down.

The taxi driver drove very slowly along the way.

In fact, he was not in the mood to drive at all. In his mind, he kept thinking about how to save the little girl.

After all, if the car really reached the bridge, the little girl would definitely jump off.

When the time comes, it will really be his responsibility.

He also tried to divert the car to the police station.

But as soon as he changed the route, he was directly scolded by the little girl.

Said that she is a local, very familiar with the route.

If he dared to drive indiscriminately again, he would just jump out of the car.

The taxi driver froze immediately.

He never thought that such a thing would happen.

But there was nothing he could do.

Could it be that he really wanted to watch a little girl who was as old as his daughter die like this?

He can't do it.

But at this time, the radio in the car rang out.

"Scattered moonlight through the clouds."

"Dodge the crowd."

"Paved into the scales of the sea."

"The waves wet the white dress."

"Trying to push you back."

"The waves sang a lullaby.

"Delusion to warm you."

"Listen to the depths of the sea.

"Whose wailing is guiding.

"The soul sinks into silence."

"No one woke you up."

This is a clear male voice, and there is no extra accompaniment, only a simple guitar sound.

But it sounds like there is a touch of sadness.

"Sorry, I forgot to turn it off, I'll turn it off right now."

When the taxi driver heard the singing, he remembered that he would call for medical treatment again.

He also said apologetically.

I'm afraid the little girl will be angry.

"Don't, don't close it, let it go."

"If you dare to close it, I will jump right now."

Unexpectedly, the little girl hastily stopped her.

"All right."

When the taxi driver heard it, he was so frightened that he stopped his hand that was about to turn off the radio.

He didn't notice that the little girl in the back row was already nestled in a ball, tears streaming down her face.

The car continued to drive, and the singing on the radio also continued to play.

"Every year in the world, who dares to talk about smoke."

"It's too late, too late."

"You laughed and cried."

"It's too late.

"I'll sing it to you too."

"Spring rains, summer cicadas sing.

"Tomorrow will be fine weather."

"The autumn wind blows and the snowflakes are light."

"You can't see the four seasons under the sea."

The passionate music resounded throughout the car.

But the atmosphere is very depressing.

Although the master has controlled the speed very slowly.

But the car still drove to the front of the bridge.

But the taxi master, has not yet figured out what to do.

In the end, he decided to let the little girl get out of the car first.

Then he rushed up and hugged the little girl.

Call again.

But he can only hope that his speed is fast enough.

After all, the height under the bridge is hundreds of meters.

But there is basically no way out for anyone who jumps down alone.

"Little girl, the bridge is here.

The taxi driver, after hesitating for a long time, said this sentence.

Although I don't want to face it, I still have to face it.

If it is delayed for a long time, it is inevitable that the little girl will not


"Well.....thank you, master."

"Master, can you send me back? My home address is No. 211, Changsha Road, Huangfu District."

"I want to go home and sleep.

The little girl said suddenly in the back row.


The taxi driver was dumbfounded.

Didn't this little girl still seek life and death just now?

Why did you become so calm all of a sudden?

"What's the matter? Master?"

"Are you worried that I have no money? Don't worry, I will definitely give you money.

The little girl said quickly.

"No, no...It's okay, you take the car."

The taxi driver suddenly felt like weeping with joy.

For the first time, he felt the happiness of letting others ride in a car.

Soon, the car arrived at the address mentioned by the little girl.

At the door, an anxious middle-aged woman was waiting.

When the middle-aged woman saw the appearance of the little girl, she burst into tears instantly.

"Child, where have you been? You scared Mom to death."

"Son, Mom will never scold you or beat you again."

"You can do whatever you want."

The middle-aged woman hugged the little girl tightly, crying into tears.

"Mom, I've figured it out, it's not worth it for a scumbag."

"I deserve better in the future."

The little girl also wiped away the tears on the face of the middle-aged woman.

Then, walked to the taxi.

"Master, this is your money."

Keep the change, please.

The little girl handed the taxi driver a red banknote.

"Little girl, didn't you...why suddenly..."

asked the taxi driver curiously.

Along the way, his heart has always been hanging.

I was afraid that the little girl would suddenly want to commit suicide again.

"Master, I should actually thank you, no, I should thank you for the song on your car."

"By the way, what's the name of that song?"

"That song is really healing. I obviously had the determination to die, but when I heard that song, I suddenly felt that the world is so good."

"I don't want to go to the bottom of the sea where I can't see the four seasons."

The little girl said with tears in her eyes.

"Huh? That song in my car?"

"I didn't notice just now, it was broadcast by Modu Radio Station, I will tell you the FM number, if you want to know, you can call the radio station.

The taxi driver shook his head and said.

He really didn't notice, what song was played just now, he was really nervous.

"Okay, thank you, master."

The little girl got the answer she was satisfied with, she also waved at him, and then walked towards the middle-aged woman.

Only the taxi driver with a dazed expression was left behind.

"A song can actually save a person?"

"This is really the first time I've heard this kind of statement!"

"No, I have to call and ask (okay) what song it is, and by the way, tell this story to the radio station."

"It's amazing."

After the taxi driver was dazed, he also muttered to himself.

After speaking, he called Modu Radio Station.

In a Mercedes.

The middle-aged man lit a cigarette and looked melancholy at the night scene outside the window.

And his co-pilot was an empty wine bottle.

Originally, this was a scene Sikong was used to.

However, if you look at it from the outside of the car.

Then you will be taken aback.

Because, this car was parked by the river.

As long as the car moves forward gently.

Then it will immediately fall into the river.

The phone rings.

He glanced at it, and it was the word wife.

He hesitated for a moment, but still chose to connect.

"Old Chen, where are you? Why haven't you come home after so long?"

"My child and I are waiting for you."

There was a gentle female voice on the other end of the phone.

"I...I'm out drinking with my friends."

The man suddenly took a puff of cigarette, and then exhaled a long puff of smoke.

Looking at the smoke in the car, he did not choose to open the window.

"Old Chen, listen to me, I heard about your company, isn't it 10 million?"

"It's someone else's fault. Don't blame you. The money is gone. At worst, we can earn it later."

"My child and I are waiting for you at home."

"Let's fight together in the future, shall we?"

"Come on baby, call Daddy."

The woman on the phone said softly but eagerly.

Then, on the phone, a childish cry came.


"Hey minister.

"Be good, baby, dad is drinking with someone, come back later."

The man comforted him, and after finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Then, another big gulp of white wine was poured down his throat.

That feeling was like tearing his stomach apart.

But he doesn't care.

The phone rang again.

He glanced at it, and it was the word wife.

He hung up the phone and chose to turn it off. .

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