"Stop talking, let me be quiet for a while!"

Ning Xi walked to the window and sat on the stool. There were boundless ripples in her eyes, and she kept thinking about the scene just now.

Is your brain showy?

That kind of action...


It's all right now, how do you face Ke Ke and Yu Meng?

dying! ! !

Ye Fan sat on the sofa, looking at the shadow in the sun, with tenderness in his eyes, and he involuntarily touched his thighs with his hands, recalling the softness just now, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

In this way, the two sat in the living room for ten minutes.

Ning Xi calmed down and turned to stare at Ye Fan, "You..."

Ye Fan quickly reminded: "Don't forget what you promised me just now."

Ning Xi's chest was fluctuating.

At this time, this guy turned out to be...

If it is not illegal to kill someone, she will definitely kill Ye Fan!

"...Brother, you must explain this to Koko and others clearly, otherwise, I will not have the face to see them!"

"Explain clearly?"

Ye Fan got up and walked to Ning Xi's side, took off the cherry head rope from his wrist, and gently converged her waist-length blue silk to everything, tied the ponytail, and gently pressed her shoulders with both hands, "This matter There is no need to explain. We are not afraid of shadows when we are upright. We are innocent. The more we explain, the easier it is for others to misunderstand. That's good."

"Where is it?"

Hearing this, Ning Xi was very angry, and her eyes were ashamed: "It was like that just now, Keke and Yumeng will definitely misunderstand, maybe..."

"Oh, it must be explained clearly anyway!"

"What are you afraid of?"

Ye Fan said while pressing, "Anyway, after the college entrance examination, I will pursue you. If they misunderstand, let them misunderstand."

"You will be mine sooner or later!"


Ning Xiyuyan flushed red, "It's your business to pursue me, but I didn't say to promise you! Also, who is yours? You can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense!"

Regarding the girl, Ye Fan didn't care about it, and said: "Don't think about it anymore, take care of your mood, and I will take you home later, rest early in the evening, and have an exam tomorrow."

"These are not important. At the moment, the most important thing for you is the exam."

In order to motivate Ning Xi, his voice was full of bewilderment, "If you can get into the top three in the second joint exam again, then I can promise you one thing, everything is fine, as long as you say it, I will Do your best."


Sure enough, Ning Xi was immediately attracted by the words, and her eyes turned, "A gentleman can't chase after a word, you can't go back then!"

She had already thought about what Ye Fan would do, and a conspiracy smile appeared on her lips.

After being bullied for so long, I finally caught the opportunity!

Do not avenge this revenge, swear not to be a man! ! !

Ye Fan's body trembled, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and asked tentatively: "Ahem, that can't be too much, otherwise..."

"I do not care!"

Ning Xi interrupted: "Anyway, you have already said, no matter what, you will do your best to do it."

As she said, she blinked with a smile, "Now I want to regret it? It's too late!"


Ye Fan wrinkled his brows into the word ‘Chuan’, telling him intuitively that Ning Xi had absolutely no good ideas.

But the words have been put out, and the man spit on a nail.

If he regretted it, then he would lose credibility in Ning Xi's heart. He didn't want to see this result.



Ning Xi covered her mouth and giggled non-stop, and Ye Fan's heart grew furry when she saw the two crescent moons.

"Okay, you don't care about the matter just now. Take me home."

"Xiaoxi, don't laugh like that, I'm a little panicked."


Seeing Ye Fan's stiff expression, Ning Xi's eyes lit up, and said, "Brother, are you afraid too? To tell you the truth, you are right to be afraid. My conditions will definitely give you a super surprise... um, Surprise, wait."

Ye Fan couldn't help swallowing slightly, "You, you may not be able to get into the top three in the country, don't be too proud."


Ning Xi's little finger poked Ye Fan, with a happy smile on her face, "In order to make you...Anyway, I will definitely be admitted to the top three in the country this time, so don't worry."

Thinking of her plan, she wanted to laugh.

This guy took the initiative to send it to the door, no wonder she!


Early the next morning.

Ye Fan crossed the road as usual, and saw a girl standing at the entrance of the alley from a distance. Before he was happy, he saw the man next to the girl. Suddenly, he began to guess in his heart.

"Uncle, good morning."

When he arrived at the entrance of the alley, Ye Fan nodded to Ning Xiangtian and greeted him curiously: "Uncle, this is the first time I have seen you send Xiaoxi to school, what's the matter today?"

Although Ning Xiangtian was wearing a mask, Ye Fan recognized him at a glance. After all, a mask can cover Ning Xiangtian's appearance, but he can't cover his unique high-ranking breath.

"Well, something does happen."

Ning Xiangtian nodded slightly. Compared to before, his attitude was much better. He looked up and down Ye Fan in front of him, and slowly said: "Wait until this weekend, you come to the house. My mother and I will treat you to dinner. At the same time I have to tell you something."

"what's up?"

This was not what Ye Fan said, but Ning Xi, her eyes were full of curiosity.

Along the way, she was asking why her father sent herself to school. Now it seems that sending her to school was incidental, and her father just dropped in to invite Ye Fan.

But for this kind of thing, shouldn't it be enough for her to carry a word?

As for coming here on purpose?


Ning Xiangtian fondly touched her daughter’s little head, pretending to be mysterious: "I can’t tell you now, but your mother didn’t let me say. If you want to know, wait until today to go home after the exam and ask your mother. ."


Ning Xi curled her lips.

Ye Fan was a little surprised and said, "Uncle, I wanted to let Xiaoxi take a break last weekend, so I didn't go to tutoring. Even if you don't invite me, I'll go and bother this weekend."

"It's okay, it's a question of attitude."

Ning Xiangtian nodded, raised his hand to check the time, and said, "Okay, it's not too early. Let's go to school with Xiaoxi. We will all deal with today's exam and strive to get extra points."

"Uncle rest assured, Xiaoxi and I can definitely do it!"

There was no arrogance in Ye Fan's words. After speaking, he blinked at Ning Xi, and the two walked into the alley side by side.

Ning Xiangtian looked at the back of the two of them, his eyes were complicated, and he also sighed.

I don’t know when, Zhuang Li appeared behind Ning Xiangtian, "Sir, your attitude towards Ye Fan seems to be much more friendly recently, could it be that you..."

"Look everywhere."

Hearing the sound, Ning Xiangtian turned around, his voice filled with emotion, "Ye Fan is indeed very good, at least among the young people I have seen, he is the best, none!"

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