My Love Life With My Soft Girlfriend

Chapter 235 Write the love to the blush?

In the study.

Ning Xi looked at the paragraph of the love letter on the draft paper that said it was neither long nor short, and was stunned.

The simple words gave her an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

" do you know?"


Facing the girl's question, Ye Fan couldn't help but smile again and again.

What is this called?

It made him seem to write love letters to girls often.

He doesn't carry this pot!

"Xiao Xi."


"When you understand what it means to like, so can you."


Ning Xi understood the meaning of Ye Fan's words, and responded with a thin voice.

Ye Fan raised his hand and pulled the scattered strands of hair on the girl's side behind his ears, and stroked his fingers on her delicate and white earlobes. The smooth touch made the whirlpool in his eyes spin faster.

"Don't, don't make trouble."

Ning Xi turned her head and said weakly: "I...want to write an essay, don't disturb me."


Ye Fan smiled slightly, took his hand back, looked at the clock on the wall, and said, "Now it's 9:27, I'll give you one hour, and give it to me at 10:30."

"Know it."

Ning Xi pushed the pen and paper in front of him to the opposite side, and moved to the opposite side with the chair. Seeing that Ye Fan wanted to follow, hurriedly said: "Don't move, you... just sit on the opposite side."

Based on her knowledge of Ye Fan, if Ye Fan were to sit with herself, this guy would definitely interfere with her.

You must keep your distance! ! !

Ye Fan silently put down the seat, shrugged his shoulders, but didn't force it.

As the hands of the clock jumped, half of the time had passed without knowing it.

During this period, Ye Fan didn't say a word, quietly admiring Ning Xi on the opposite side.

He likes this feeling, this kind of atmosphere, this kind of solitary space.

As long as Ning Xi is there, he likes it.

On the contrary, when Ning Xi was writing her love letter, her beautiful face was bright red from time to time, like ripples on the surface of a calm lake.

At this scene, Ye Fan couldn't help laughing in his heart.


Feeling blushing?

This girl...

Simply too much!

Seeing that there was still half an hour before the agreed time, Ye Fan quietly got up and left the study, turned a few turns familiarly, and came to the living room.

"Uncle, are you still busy?"

"Where is Xiaoxi?"

Ning Xiangtian's fingers fluttered quickly on the tablet, and unexpected colors flashed across his eyes.

Ye Fan sat on the opposite side and explained with a smile: "I gave her a composition proposition. I am writing in the study room. I want to talk to my uncle when I am idle."


Ning Xiangtian's expression was a little unnatural, and he reminded: "What happened the last time you were drunk, you'd better forget it as soon as possible, don't think about using this to get closer to me, it's useless!"

At that time in the morning, he was enlisted by Ye Fan.

I won't make the same mistake a second time, so I chose to take the initiative to bring it up.

Ye Fan's eyes were confused, and his face was puzzled: "Uncle, what are you referring to? What happened the last time I drank? I was drunk and I don't remember anything."


The corners of Ning Xiangtian's mouth twitched slightly, his expression weird.

do not remember?

This kid...

It can really be installed!


Since Ye Fan chose to skip this topic, Ning Xiangtian was so happy, and his attitude was slightly relaxed.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Talk about the investment of lithography machines."


Ning Xiangtian raised his brows, and said in surprise: "What do you do with this? Do you understand this?"

Although he intends to invest in this field, he does not know much about lithography machines, and he has been supplementing his knowledge about lithography machines recently.

But what made Ning Xiangtian helpless was that the more evil he made, the more confused he felt.

Like some professional terms, patented technology, and the harsh conditions required to manufacture lithography machines, they can only be described in three words.

Wishful...Don't even think about it!

The technology of the lithography machine process is basically monopolized by the MD multinational technology group, and it is the only one.

Although many countries are also investing heavily in this field, the results achieved are extremely limited.

The lithography machine and chip independently developed and manufactured by Xia Guo support 193nm argon fluoride laser lithography technology, but can only meet the needs of military industry.

The most advanced lithography machine of MD Group is EUV5nn process.

In contrast, the gap is too big!

From the perspective of civilian needs, people need high-precision chips, such as smaller smart phones, and so on.

Look at this investment wisely. To be honest, Ning Xiangtian wants to retreat a bit.

He does have money, but his own research and development of lithography machines is a bottomless pit, and the R&D investment is completely astronomical.

The research and development cycle of lithography machines is long and costly. Can it be implemented? Even if the technical barriers are overcome, the money that needs to be invested is numbing.

For the production conditions required by the 14nm chip lithography machine alone, the hardware construction cost should also be at least 50 billion Xia Yuan.

As for the world's most advanced 3nm chip process production line, from research and development to implementation, there is no possibility of three to five hundred billion Xia coins.

This number is too exaggerated, so exaggerated that even the richest man in Xia can't bear it.

Ning Xiangtian is a relatively good and strong person.

But the point is this is the best...

He can't stand it!

Ye Fan has been staring at Ning Xiangtian’s face, looking at the changes in his expression, and slowly said: "Uncle, I have learned a little about the knowledge of lithography machines. I want to develop a lithography machine independently. The corresponding technical difficulties need to be overcome."

"The profit of the lithography machine is not small, but if compared with the profit of the production of chips, it is completely insignificant, and there is no comparison."

"I believe my uncle's investment in lithography machines is the follow-up chip business, but the production of chips requires a very demanding process plant. As far as I know, the investment in basic hardware is extremely scary. The lithography machine is producing chips. In the process, a lot of water and electricity are consumed. From beginning to end, every link is money."

Hearing these words, the contempt in Ning Xiangtian's eyes disappeared, and he nodded in agreement.

What Ye Fan analyzed just now is simple, clear and professional.

Originally, he thought Ye Fan was just talking casually, but he didn't expect this kid to analyze it so well.

Surprised and unexpected!

This young man, really...

It's amazing! ! !

Whether it is talking or insight, it is completely unlike a senior in high school.

Just when Ning Xiangtian was puzzled, Ye Fan's words changed his expression significantly.

"I think Uncle can try it."

"What's the reason?"

Hearing this, Ning Xiangtian couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

A gleam of light rose in Ye Fan's black pupils, and he smiled calmly: "In fact, there is only one real difficulty."

"go on."

"Overcome the technical barriers of lithography machines."

Ye Fan talked eloquently, "As long as he overcomes its technical barriers and pulls some capital into the partnership, it couldn't be easier for my uncle."

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