[He didn’t care about anything, he just said to you, please. 】

[But with just these words, you can feel the weight of a mountain. 】

[In the study, you solemnly agreed to the other party. 】

[At the same time, the wedding you arranged was finally held as scheduled. 】

[There are not many people at the wedding banquet. You only invited a few people with good connections, your own family, and a few members of Rico Rico. 】

[At the wedding banquet, wearing white wedding dresses, they had two completely different beauties. 】

[Nishikiki Qian is still lively and active. Even if she is wearing a wedding dress that is not suitable for activities, she can still greet the guests cheerfully. She has an eccentric nature. She holds your hand and seems to have thousands of thoughts. Tell it to you alone. 】

[Takina Inoue speaks very few words. Wearing a white wedding dress, she holds your arm quietly. Her purple-wister-like eyes look at you from time to time, and her fair face will show an intoxicating blush, like a blooming quiet flower. water lily. 】

[Happiness ripples in the intertwining of your eyes. 】

[Just a small smile is enough to convey everything between you. 】

[You married them. 】

[Their relationship with you is one step closer. 】

"...Is this really the way for two people to get married?"

Feeling the flashback of simulated memories in his head, Nanxiang rubbed his temples, feeling a little surprised.

From this point of view, he should have made the right choice among his previous choices [this is a far-reaching option].

If you choose the first option at that time, make future plans for both of you at the same time.

It is estimated that it will be a regrettable ending that both of them love.

And if you choose the second option, it is estimated that only one person will be happy, and the other person will have a normal ending of a lifetime.

The third option is hidden between the two and has the most far-reaching impact.

And judging from the current development route...

It seems that happy endings are no longer a big problem?


Nanxiang Shi had a strange expression on his face: "Is marrying two people at the same time considered a happy ending?"

He thought for a moment and came up with an explanation that was barely plausible.

For the simulator, happiness probably depends on whether his married life with Nishiki Chishu is happy.

And abandoning Inoue Takina and choosing Nishiki Chishu will most likely lead to regrets in Nishiki Chishu's married life.

For this girl who has a lively nature but is very gentle to everyone.

Inoue Takina's misfortune may itself be equated with her misfortune.

Nanxiang Shi probably figured it out.

At the same time continue to look down.

[The night after the wedding banquet ended, they took the initiative to come to your room. 】

[That night, you felt the passion jumping happily like a flame and the gentle tranquility like an orchid. 】

[That night, they took the initiative to cooperate with you, and they and you both experienced the beauty of the thirty-six postures. 】

[You linger and forget to leave. 】

【Your happiness level has increased. 】

[Nishiki Chishu’s happiness level has increased. 】

[Takina Inoue’s happiness level has increased. 】

Nanxiang opened the simulation list in silence.

Seeing that there were only 510 heartbeat points left, Nanxiang Shi could only regretfully give up the option of 'personal simulation'.

It's not that he's interested in things between men and women.

Nanxiang Shi actually wanted the subsequent ending to be more perfect.

There is a ‘simulate it in person’ option.

This time he will definitely be able to get a perfect simulated ending of 100 points.

Everything is just preparation for the perfect ending.

That's all.

Let me emphasize again, he was never interested in men and women when he was in Nanxiang.

[Time continues to flow backwards. 】

[After you declined the position of professor of literature at Tokyo University, you have been working as a freelance literary worker. 】

[The huge savings lying quietly in your bank, as well as the royalties that are still being paid from the publishing house to this day, are enough to allow you to live a luxurious life without doing anything. 】

[You continue to write, while Nango Chishu and Nango Takina continue to do what they want to do. 】

【In this time, the days pass day by day. 】

【Finally one day. 】

[A piece of news that is of great significance to you has arrived. 】

[Nanxiang Qian Shu is pregnant. 】

[After getting the news, all the members of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ gathered together to celebrate her. 】

[And you also suspended your writing career and quietly stayed with your wife. 】

[Nanxiang Qianshu’s originally lively and active personality became much calmer after becoming pregnant. 】

[In front of you, she is still the same Nishiki Chishu who always smiles and hugs your face and kisses you for a long time. 】

[In the eyes of others, she has long since lost her previous immaturity, and her delicate and pretty face is filled with the happiness of living with you and expectations for the future. 】

[Compared to his best friend Nanxiang Qian Shu, he developed smoothly. 】

[Nango Takina, who has not had any movement in her stomach until now, looks more anxious. 】

[Although she still looks quiet and gentle, on many nights, she is more proactive than before. 】

[As for her concern, you see it in your eyes and remember it in your heart. 】

[At the same time, you have not forgotten that in the previous regretful dream, Nango Takina had a very strong pregnancy reaction, which might take her life. 】

[You will never make the mistake you have made twice. 】

[You begin to carefully prepare a diet for her to prevent miscarriage and improve her physical condition. 】

[The days continue to move backward day by day. 】

[Finally one day, Nango Takina got the result she wanted. 】

[That day, Nishiki Chishu was happy for her for a long time and made a good decision to name the child in her belly. 】

[And from this moment on, you pay special attention to Nango Takina's physical condition. 】

[Another month has passed. 】

[Compared to Nango Takina, who has just improved, Nango Chishu has already given birth to a girl. 】

[You and Nanxiang Qianshu named her newborn "Nanxiang Naxun". 】

[The lovely Naxun soon gained the overwhelming love from all the members of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ and your family. 】

[Mizuki Nakahara, the older leftover girl, bought a lot of children’s clothes for her. 】

[Hutao, who often takes a break at work, also carefully purchased milk powder for her on the Internet. 】

[The store manager Mika especially loves this girl who looks like his granddaughter. He often carries Nango Nanxun everywhere. Even if he is peed all over sometimes, he just laughs and doesn't care. 】

[Every time you see these, you, Nango Chishu, and Nango Takina will show happy expressions. 】

[The river of happiness flows between you. 】

[Similarly, during this period, you did not forget to pay attention to Nango Takina. 】

[At night, when she tells you about her uneasiness, you will always use your humorous words to resolve all her nervousness. 】

[Just relying on you and Nanxiang Qiansu, her originally tense mental state relaxed a lot. 】

[Similarly, you are still cooking safe childbirth-type meals for her to condition her body, and strive not to let the things in the regretful dream happen again. 】

[You and Nanxiang Qianshu will massage her when she is tired. 】

[When she has nightmares, you and Nango Takina will be by her side, comforting her when she is upset. 】

[Under the gaze of the two of you, time passes quietly. 】

[Finally, Nango Takina’s childbirth has begun. 】

[In response, you regroup. 】

【This time, no more regrets——】

Chapter 104. "Qian Shu and Takina"

【This time, no more regrets. 】

When he saw this line of words, Nanxiang Shi was actually a little worried in reality.

After all, the regrettable ending of last week with no survivors ended with Inoue Takina having too strong a reaction to pregnancy.

Although I have made a lot of preparations in advance for this week.

But in terms of human physique...

Even doctors probably can’t tell for sure.

He tensed his nerves and continued to look down.

[Nango Takina’s pregnancy reaction came as you expected. 】

[The strong stimulation made her miserable, and it also made you break into a cold sweat. 】

[But the result this time is completely different from the regretful dream. 】

[With your careful care of her in advance and Nanxiang Qianshu's constant company by her side, she was able to go through this very difficult time in a very stable physical and mental state. 】

That's it.

In reality, Nan Xiangshi let out a heavy breath.

It's just a simulation though.

But this is enough to show that Inoue Takina's pregnancy reaction can be overcome.


"If you just look at the simulator's description, whether it's my care or Nishiki Chishu staying with her... both of them are very important."

Nanxiang Shi finally understood.

Last week, Chisu Nishiki died of congenital heart disease in the simulation.

Although he took good care of Takina Inoue, in the end it was still difficult to save her lost life.

Think about it this way.

No wonder Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina need to get married together.

If he chooses to abandon his beloved sister Inoue Takina, Nishikiki Chisuke will definitely feel guilty and depressed in the end.

And without the company of Nishiki Chishu, Inoue Takina would inevitably die of pregnancy reactions.

It's like a symbiotic relationship. If you want to eventually lead to happiness, Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina are indispensable.

The simulation continues——

[After several days of continuous hard work and persistence, Nango Takina also gave birth to a girl. 】

[You and Nango Takina named her ‘Nango Spring Toki’. 】

【Your life is no longer as monotonous as before. 】

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