Also for Kita Ikudai's own selfishness.

Because last time, her favorite Yamada Ryo-senpai had already kissed Nango Shishi.

Although Yamada Ryo may not care, Kita Ikuyo is vaguely interested.

If only Ichiri Goto and Nango Toki could be brought together.

Then she and Yamada Ryo can get together naturally!

Simply perfect!

"War, strategy?"

Goto Kazuri, whose brain was in a daze, obviously didn't hear what Ikuyo Kita added later, and looked at her blankly.

"That's right! If you want Nango-senpai to like Goto-san, you should let him get in touch with you as soon as possible, right?"

Kita Ikuyo gave his own advice: "It is normal for boys and girls to have good feelings about each other after they come into contact with each other. This Ocha Academy Festival is a good opportunity!"

She paused, then took out her phone.

"So! The first step we have to do! Is to invite Senior Nanxiang out!"

"..." Goto Kazuri looked at Kita Ikuyo blankly.

She was so envious of the other person's ability to speak so many words so eloquently and fluently.

But what concerned her more was what he said afterward.

"Y-Yo ask Senior Nanxiang?!"

Goto Ichiri's voice suddenly changed, like a goose whose neck was stuck, and his face turned red.

Take the initiative to ask people out.

This...this rank is too high for her.

"It's okay, Goto-san, let me contact you."

Kita Ikuyo waved his hand nonchalantly and took out his mobile phone.

After all, she had said hello to Nanxiang Shi several times.

For her, who is already a social expert, asking someone for their LINE number is a matter of course.

Since Goto Ichiri is too embarrassed to speak, let her do it.

Open LINE.

When looking at Nango with a panda head hanging on it, Kita Ikuyo naturally extended an invitation under the gaze of Goto Kazuri.

【Alas! Be the sunniest person: Nango-senpai, do you have time for this Ocha Academy Festival? If you have time, please come to our class to experience our activities. (The attached picture is the Q version of the girl’s shy expression)]

Okay, so awesome!

Looking at Ikuyo Kita who could type a long string of characters with just one hand, Goto Isato next to him widened his eyes.

And the most important thing is that this invitation is so natural.

If she were to take the initiative to contact Nanxiang, it would probably be 'Greetings after a long absence, how are you doing these days? I wonder if I could trouble you to come to my class...' This format!

She felt a little surprised, and at the same time, her little face moved closer, wanting to see what Nanxiang would say to Kita Ikuyo.

The two little girls just sat and waited.


"...Why haven't you replied yet?"

Kita Ikuyo scratched his hair in confusion.

It had been fifteen minutes since her message had been sent.

But Nanxiang Shi didn't even reply, he didn't even read the message she sent.

Even now, her previous message is still in 'unread' status.

She couldn't help but opened her mouth and asked with a strange look on her face: "Goto-san, doesn't Nango-senpai usually carry a mobile phone?"

"...Should... be brought."

Gotou Ichisato responded softly.

According to the memories in his mind, Nanxiang Shi was actually not much different from ordinary young people.

In addition to self-disciplined study, I also watch interesting videos on the Internet.

As a common item, mobile phones are naturally carried.

"Well...this is a bit difficult..."

When Kita Ikuyo looked at Nanxiang who had not replied on the other end of the phone, he couldn't help but tilted his head and gave the next step: "How about the two of us go directly to Nanxiang's senior class to invite him?"


Not on the Internet, but in reality? !

As a social fear, Gotou's eyes widened for a moment, and his voice became hesitant: "I, I think maybe we can try again."

"Try again...uh...even if I can try again...but Nanxiang senior has no intention of replying at all."

Kita Ikuyo pointed to his mobile phone, and then looked at Goto Kazuri: "How about, Goto-san, please contact him?"

Although she said so, she actually didn't have any hope for it.

After all, Nanxiang Shi might have set his cell phone to silent at the moment, or he might be busy with other things and couldn't spare his time to look at his cell phone.

Otherwise, why wouldn't she reply?

You can't just contact the other party with Goto and have the other party respond directly, right?

Kita Ikuyo had no hope, but still let Goto Ichiri try.

Compared with her, Goto Kazuri's expression on the LINE account is much more subtle.

She carefully took out her mobile phone that she had been using for a long time, and then clicked on the panda profile picture from Nanxiang.

With trembling fingers, I entered two characters that were too simple.

[Probably dead: Are you there? 】

There are no expressions, and the content is extremely simple.'s really not possible at all, Goto-san.

Ikuyo Kita couldn't help but shake his head after seeing this. He held Gotou back and taught him his skills seriously:

"No, Goto-san, when chatting on LINE, you have to show the cute side of girls."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Goto Kazuri, who had never chatted with others on LINE for too long, was stunned after hearing this.

"Goto-san, your words are too uninteresting. The tone of 'Are you there?' sounds very unlovable, right? And your LINE name, Goto-san, is too unlovable. I think we should change it."

Ikita Kita analyzed on behalf of Goto Kazuri: "If I were a boy, I would definitely not be willing to reply to a girl who talks like this, let alone someone like Nango senior..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard a 'ding-dong' sound.

[Tokyo’s most beautiful boy: Hey, what’s the matter? 】


Kita Ikuyo was stunned, looking at the dialog box that popped up on Goto Ichiri's phone screen, his face full of astonishment.

Read in seconds? Reply in seconds?


She looked at Goto Isri's phone screen and couldn't help but take out her phone.

The chat box on his cell phone with Nan Xiang was still empty and lonely.

I took a look at the message that was still in the 'unread' status.

Feeling the different treatment from Goto Ichiri, who was naked, she showed an incomprehensible expression on her pretty and sunny face.

I do not know how to describe...

Although she doesn't have the same romantic feelings towards Nanxiang, as a social expert, she is treated so differently by boys because of her cute appearance...

Kita Ikuyo still has some mixed feelings.


It's a good thing since you replied.

Pulling himself together again, Ikuyo Kita stood by to give advice: "Since you have replied, don't hesitate. Let's invite Senior Nanxiang now."

"Do you still want to invite me?"

Goto Ichiri opened his mouth, a little confused and at a loss.

You know, just taking the initiative to talk to boys on LINE is already a terrifying improvement for her.

And on top of that, you have to invite the other person to go to the school festival together...

Just thinking about that scene, Goto Kazuri felt a dizzy feeling in his brain.

"Don't be afraid, Goto-san, come on!"

Next to her, Ikuyo Kita cheered her on.


He was crying, his face full of grievances, as if a knife was held to his neck, but Ichiri Goto still worked hard and typed characters on his mobile phone with difficulty.

[Probably dead: you have time recently? 】

[The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: Yes. 】

The response is still seconds.

This speed made Kita Ikuyo look at his phone again.

After confirming that there was no news about Nanxiang Shi, she finally gave up.

[Probably dead: If you are free, can you come to our class... Our class has also held activities, can you come and take a look? 】


The fingers stopped.

Click Send.

Gotou Ichisato let out a heavy breath.

Just complete this step.

It seemed that all her energy had been spent.


Just look at Nan Xiang’s reaction.

Ikuyo Kita and Ichiri Goto were looking at their phones. At this time, they were both a little nervous.

Not the same as the previous news.

This time Nanxiang did not reply immediately.

But after Goto Ichiri's LINE message changed to 'read' status, there was silence for about a minute.


Ding dong.

There was news from Nanxiang.

Kita Ikuyo and Goto Ichisato looked over.

[The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: Kita-san is by your side? Was it her idea? Invite me to the school festival? 】


Kita Ikuyo and Goto Ichichi looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

Because Nanxiang Shi's guess was too accurate.

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