Either Shinjo Akane is the first in grade, or Ito Koshi is the first in grade.


"With a monster like Nanxiang here...it's impossible to get first place...right?"

When looking at Nanxiang, who was ranked first in grade, some people couldn't help but whisper.

no way.

It's just because Nanxiang Shi's results this time are too scary.

All I saw was the printed transcript.

After Nanxiang Shi's name are his achievements.

When I was in Nanxiang, the first grade in my grade, I got full marks in Mandarin, mathematics, science, social studies, and English.

What's even more outrageous is that.

Get full marks when in Nanxiang.

This does not mean that his ability is only perfect.

He got a perfect score because the total score of the test paper was only a perfect score.

Akane Shinjo and Koshiko Ito got perfect scores because they could only get perfect scores.

There seems to be no gap between the two.

But in fact it can be said to be very large.


To be honest, Nanxiang Shi didn't care about the thoughts of outside students.

As he blended into the crowd, he just glanced at his results and came to the idea, 'Oh, he's number one again.'

Then I didn’t think much about it.

After all, this result seems natural to him.

Not to mention the help of a love simulator.

Even without the assistance of the love simulator, it was natural for him to take first place.

It’s natural to have no fluctuations in your heart—oh, that’s not right either.

Nanxiang Shi thought for a while.

At any rate, I accepted Ocha High School’s tuition exemption.

If you can't even get first place in your grade, wouldn't you be sorry for the other party's treatment of you?


If you think about it, you should really celebrate.

Let’s add an extra egg to dinner tonight to supplement protein.


"Is your name Shinjo Akane?"

Touching his chin, Nanxiang thought of the second-grade name he saw on the list just now.

how to say...

I never paid much attention to it before.

But since getting the love simulator, I have experienced various things.

Now when he looked at the name again, he felt familiar.

I always feel like I've seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it.

This feeling is very annoying, as if you remember what you were going to do one second, but forget what you were going to do the next second.

"Forget it, if you don't think clearly, don't think about it."

Nanxiang Shi is not a person who has to think about these miscellaneous things.

Instead of thinking about this.

It's better to think about what to do next.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Nanxiang fell into thinking.

First of all, we must still go to the ‘Stars’ performance hall every day.

After all, his guitar skills still need practice.

Then there is the matter over at the 'Lico Rico' cafe.

Through simulation, Nanxiang Shi had already understood that the main purpose of establishing the 'Li Ke Li Ke' cafe was to provide financial assistance to the orphanage.

If the orphanage situation can be completely resolved, then Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina can also pull themselves out of the mud pit of 'Riko Rico' and look at the world again, just like in the simulation.

This matter is obviously more important than going to the Stars Exhibition Hall.

It would be safer to put it first.

As for the solution...

When Nanxiang thought of this, he had a headache.

Because he thought of that woman.

A woman with short blue hair, quiet and lazy, but extremely stingy when it comes to money.

"How to do it..."

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but think.

In the simulation, he could say "Ms. Yamada, help me!" without any psychological burden at all! ’

But in reality...

Nan Xiangshi touched his chin, feeling entangled.

In addition to asking for help from Miss Yamada, there are naturally other ways to implement it.

The first way is to sacrifice his color and go to the Tokyo Red Cross Society to get acquainted with the old woman president, as the simulator prompts.

But this option is naturally impossible.

Sacrifice your appearance and betray yourself?

Isn't this pure nonsense?

So the second option...

If Ichi Hoshige can open a performance hall in Shimokitazawa, she must have some assets... and she can be considered a rich woman.


"It's not realistic either."

Nanxiang let out a breath.


It's unrealistic no matter how you think about it.

There's no way he could really cheat Yidi Zhi Hongxia's sister out of conscience, right?

As for other zero-to-zero methods.

It’s not like I didn’t think of it when I was in Nanxiang.

But no matter what he thought, the assistance from the Red Cross was still not enough.

"So what is before us, in the final analysis, from the beginning to the end, is there only one way?"

Nanxiang took out his cell phone and glanced sideways at Ms. Yamada's profile picture on LINE.

Ms. Yamada’s avatar is very simple.

It’s a Q version of an avatar similar to the image of a ‘earth puppet’.

It looks like "what is this guy thinking" and "doesn't look like an avatar that a girl would use".

Forget it.

When Nanxiang thought about the situation of Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina, he typed out the text without hesitation.

[The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: Ms. Yamada, do you have time recently? I have something I want to talk to you about. 】

The message goes out.

When I arrived in Nanxiang, I put down my cell phone.

After all, Yamada Ryo usually has things to do, so he shouldn't reply to messages too quickly.



Almost instantly, LINE's read system prompt sounded.

The so-called ‘read’ is actually an interesting design of LINE.

This means that the other party has seen the message you sent.

And this gave Nanxiang the illusion that Ryo Yamada seemed to be standing by her phone all the time today, waiting for him to send her a message.

That shouldn't be the case, right?

Nanxiang Shi raised his eyebrows.

After all, Ryo Yamada is a young lady, and guarding someone's news...

He picked up the phone again.

I saw that there were already more replies in the chat box.

[The aloof bassist weirdo: Ryo. 】


Nan Xiangshi looked at this reply, shook his head, and continued typing.

[The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: It would be better if you were there, Ms. Yamada. If I have time recently, I would like to ask you out to discuss something. 】

The message was sent again.

It still changed to the 'read' status in an instant.

It seems that Ryo Yamada hasn't put down his phone yet.

Thinking of this, Nanxiang breathed out a breath and waited for the other party's reply.

But this time...

Different from the previous read reply.

Nanxiang stayed in front of the phone for almost three minutes.

There was still no news from Ryo Yamada.

"This is... a message that has been read but not replied to?"

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but glance at Miss Yamada's profile picture.

He watched for a while.

After confirming that the other party really has no intention of sending a message.

Nanxiang Shi sighed speechlessly.

[The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: Ryo. 】

This time, the news about Nanxiang Shi had just been sent out.

Ryo Yamada over there replied immediately.

The speed is so fast that they are completely different from each other.

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