"This boy."

Staring at the name 'Nanxiang Shi' on the phone screen, Okano Ryoko couldn't help but smile.

But after laughing, Okano Ryoko couldn't help but sigh a little:

"That kid's family financial situation... is really as bad as ever."

She thought of the scene when she first saw Nan Xiang.

that time.

Nanxiang, who had just entered Ocha High School, took the initiative to find her.

"If my grades can reach the top of my grade every time, I hope Principal Gangno will waive my tuition and miscellaneous fees."

The handsome and clean young man walked into her principal's office and spoke like this.

At that time, Okano Ryoko was still wondering where the other party got such confidence.


"I didn't expect him to actually do it."

Gangno Ryoko sighed slightly.

If there are geniuses and hard-working people in the world.

Then maybe Nanxiang Shi is a student who has both of these qualities.

She sighed and couldn't help but take a look at Nanxiang Shi's information.

It is really not easy for a student of this background to be able to establish himself alone in the metropolis of Tokyo.

Compared to Gangno Ryoko’s sigh.

Nanxiang Shi on the other side seemed very indifferent.

However, today he did not continue his daily study at his usual pace.

Instead, he hesitated for a while, took out his phone again, and dialed his home number.


"Ah...is it Shiho-sama?"

"Yes, it's me, Ah Shi."

Nan Xiangshi stretched out his body, listened to the voice on the other end of the phone, and responded with a gentle smile: "It's nothing, I'm living a good life in Tokyo."

"Cold? Hey, there's nothing to be cold about. Don't worry, I will take care of myself."

"Is Second Sister Youbao here with you? Okay, just rest assured. I'm not smoking and I'm not a bad person."

"The temperature has started to heat up in autumn these days. It should be similar in Akita. You should also pay attention to measures to avoid the heat."

"If you don't need to pay, how can you use it? It's enough. Don't worry."

Nanxiang Shi took a sip of water and patiently listened to the words of the two sisters on the other end of the phone before continuing to respond.

It is different from many novel protagonists who travel into animation and have no worries about food and clothing in the second dimension.

In fact, the family conditions in Nanxiang have never been ideal.

In order to support the original owner's education, the two sisters dropped out of junior high school early and worked outside to make money.

He voluntarily gave up his studies and dropped out to work.

It may sound easy.

But combined with the general Japanese concept of favoring sons over daughters, no one can imagine how much effort the two sisters spent to provide money for their younger brother to study.

This is especially true for my parents in Nanxiang.

During the day, he works in the fields, and at night, he goes to work in nearby convenience stores and factories.

These are all things Nanxiang knew clearly.

This is also why Ryoko Okano talked about ‘exemption from tuition and miscellaneous fees’ and ‘scholarships’.

The important reason why Nanxiang, who has always been unhesitating, hesitated for the first time.

It's not just greed for money - there may be a little bit of it.

But more importantly -

"In three days, my first scholarship should be credited to our family's bank card." Nan Xiangshi said to the other end of the phone.

"Me? I've been having a good time recently, everything is fine."

Nan Xiangshi opened the window, took a look at the bustling night view of Tokyo outside the window, and then took a look at the extremely simple furnishings in his rental house, and continued to reply:

"Should I keep the scholarship? Why should I keep so much money?"

"Oh - I told you that prices in Tokyo are not much different from those in Akita."

"Eldest sister and second sister, please stop worrying about me."

"Choose clothes for me? No, I haven't worn the clothes you bought last time. It's too childish. My school uniform is enough."

"What? You want to come over and see me? The... fare is a bit expensive, right?"

After another round of pleasantries, Nan Xiangshi hung up the phone again, stretched out and regained his energy.


The family feud is now over!

So the next thing to do is indeed...

Nanxiang Shi moved the book in front of him and spread out the graph paper while thinking.

"Let's first think about how to write the article for the school magazine "Royal Tea"."


Now that you have decided to do it.

Of course, you have to do it completely.

Nanxiang Shi was also very curious about what kind of articles he could write with his LV4 writing expertise.

Chapter 112. Indulge yourself in eternal romantic literature! (4500 words!)

How to maximize the role of specialty writing (romantic) LV4 and [pure and simple romantic writing skills in Nanxiang in his later years].

During the past few days in Nanxiang, I experimented with each other.

Then he came to a conclusion.

The more sad, beautiful, and romantic what you write, the more it can reflect the role of writing (romantic).

On the contrary, the more nonsensical, strange, and outrageous the article you write, the less likely it is that this skill will be able to play its role.

For example, ‘The world is so big, I want to go out and see it. ’ and ‘I really want to see what color underwear you are wearing today. ’ The difference between the two can be clearly seen.

The content of the latter naturally cannot have the slightest bit of 'romantic' flavor in it.

Naturally, it is impossible to maximize the effect of writing (romantic) and [pure and simple romantic writing skills in Nanxiang in his later years].

But the most outrageous and evil thing is.

Even if Nanxiang Shizhen wrote, "I really want to see the color of the underwear you are wearing today," which has no romantic flavor and is strictly considered harassment, it can still make him feel a little bit romantic. The breath is in it.

It's an amazing feeling.

There is a romantic feeling of 'I knew I would be beaten for saying such things, but I just asked and looked at death as if I were going home'.


If you are writing mathematical formulas, or chemical and physics data.

Those are purely cold data.

After all, no one can look at a calculation problem like 1+1=2 and suddenly shed tears.

Nanxiang shook his head when he thought of this, threw away the miscellaneous thoughts in his head, and looked at the manuscript paper in front of him again.

Possessing LV4 is almost the pinnacle of writing skills. No matter how he writes, he can be said to have an absolute crushing advantage over all students at Ocha High School.

But since I have agreed to Gang Yeyangzi.

Nanxiang Shi naturally had no intention of fooling the other party casually.

"Let me think about it..."

Looking at the blank manuscript paper, Nango began to recall the memories of the previous week's simulation with Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina.

I remember it clearly when I was in Nanxiang.

According to the system's evaluation, his writing level in the simulation as a young man after winning the Naoki Prize, Japan's first literary award, should be around LV4.

Until later in his later years, due to the deaths of Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina.

In the simulation, his writing skills reached the LV5 level in the true sense only after a long period of accumulation and condensation and understanding the value of life and death.

Logically speaking, since we have to choose the best, it is of course safer to choose works at the LV5 level.


"As expected, it won't work."

Nanxiang Shi shook his head and sighed.

The things written by LV5 himself are really too sophisticated, revealing the indifference and extreme beauty of an old monk who looks down on the world.

Life and death.

The continuation of life and love.

At that stage, most of the plot developments in his works were discussing these extremely philosophical topics.

That kind of wording and sentence making that is extremely skillful, and the words that touch people's hearts as easily as they can be picked at their fingertips are simply not something that a student who has just graduated from high school can write.

Obviously, it is completely impossible to apply it to a youthful and energetic literary magazine such as "Royal Tea".

So think about it from another angle.

"Since my works in my later years are not good, what about my youth?"

Nanxiang Shi muttered to himself.

When I was young, I had just won Japan's first youth award, the Akutagawa Prize. It can be said that I was very high-spirited.

Later, with his pure and plain writing, he won the Naoki Prize, Japan's first literary award, and officially became the first contemporary young writer.

What about your own works at that time?

Nanxiang thought a little.

Then the conclusion was drawn.



Totally doable.

I simulate myself as a young and middle-aged person, with a writing level of about LV4.

This is similar to where he is now.

Moreover, the works written by Nanxiang at that time did not discuss issues such as life, death, and love.

Most of them are lonely literary works about "falling in love but not having it" and "falling in love but not being able to be together".

This kind of literary work is very suitable for students, young people and others to read.

——In fact, in the simulation, Nanxiang's works in his youth are more popular among young people than Nanxiang's works in his later years.

After all, young people in this period just like to read these "lonely" literary works.

"Very good. Now that we have decided that it is a work about youth...then the next question is which one to choose..."

In reality, Nan Xiangshi knocked on the table and muttered to himself.

The young self in the simulation actually has a lot of works.

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