
Nanxiangshi took the initiative to enlighten him. Yijizhi Hongxia's worried expression just now dissipated and he took the initiative to joke with a smile:

"If my sister can find me a brother-in-law like Nanxiang Sang, then I will rest assured. Not only can he cook, but he is also very good at studies, and his looks are nothing to mention."

As for Yi Di Zhi Hong Xia's words, Nan Xiang Shi just smiled and did not answer them.

After all, he also knew that this sentence was naturally a little joke from Yiji Zhihongxia.

There is a big age difference between him and Ichi Hoshige.

He is seventeen years old, but the other party is already twenty-nine years old.

No matter how hard you think, it's impossible to get them together.

It would be better to say that if Yi Ji Xingge was really interested in him.

That would be a big problem——

He was a minor in Nanxiang.

The two of them just talked and laughed all the way.

It should be said that Ijichi Hongxia is indeed the core founder of the ending band.

Completely different from the timid Gotou Kazuri.

While the sun is bright and cheerful, he also makes a few jokes from time to time.

Even when I was in Nanxiang, I had a great time getting along with her.

The two of them talked and laughed all the way to the gate of the stars.

"Sister should be back by now."

After chatting with Nanxiang Shi, Yijizhi Hongxia, who was in a good mood, took the initiative to open the door to the stars for Nanxiang Shi. At the same time, she did not forget to say: "Nanxiang Sang, please come in and sit down first. I will pour you a glass." Tea."


Nan Xiangshi nodded, just about to take a step into the 'Stars' performance hall.



The sound of rapid footsteps suddenly came from among the stars.

Yijizhi Hongxia looked at him strangely.


She saw it standing at the door.

Running out of the 'Stars' performance hall, his sister Ichi Hoshige suddenly hugged Nan Xiang as he was about to walk in, with tears streaming down his face.

At the same time, there was a somewhat excited voice from Ichichi Xingge:

"Date with me. Nanxiang!"

While she squeezed Nan Xiangshi's hand, she spoke seriously:

"After being single for twenty-nine years, I finally understand! I can't be a coward anymore! I want to confess my love to you! I can't lose you like the hero in your novel, just like he lost his 'Ju Zi'!"

"..." Nanxiang Shi.

Nanxiang Shi fell into deep thought.

And next to him.

Yijizhi Hongxia's eyes widened, her bright red eyes looking back and forth between Nanxiangshi and her sister in astonishment.

She really didn't expect it.

It was obviously just a joke I made just now——

Why... Nanxiang Shi really became his brother-in-law?

And the age gap between you is too big, right?

In a short while.

Yijizhi Hongxia found it difficult to accept.

And something happened that was even more difficult for the girl to accept.

Accompanied by a ‘bang’ sound!

The starry door in front of them suddenly opened, and at the same time, a black-haired woman with tears on her face rushed out.

As soon as she saw Nanxiang, she followed the same example as Yi Ji Xingge, burying her head in his arms and crying.

Just cry.

While still holding Nanxiang in her arms, she wanted him to interact with her.

This made Ijichi Hongxia, who was standing next to him, completely stunned.

"No... Miss PA? Sister?! What are you doing?!"

Yi Jihongxia, who had just come back to her senses, opened her mouth and tried hard to reach out her hand to pull Yi Ji Xingge and Miss PA away from Nan Xiangshi's arms.

But it didn't work.

These two people seemed to have a tight grip and refused to let go.

"As expected, Hongxia, you still don't understand."

Miss PA, whose delicate face was full of sorrow, looked at Ichichi Hongka: "What do older women like us lack?"


Yi Di Zhi Hong Xia's pretty little face was full of bewilderment.

What's missing?

She just went out to the supermarket and bought some things.

After I came back, I found that my sister and the sound engineer in the exhibition hall, Miss PA, had become like this.

"It's love! Hong Xia! I finally understand after reading Nan Xiang's novel."

Ichichi Hoshige murmured to himself, seeming to be still immersed in the 'romantic novel': "Human life is really short...even the time to meet the person you love is so short!"


Romance and poetry are all around you!

I cannot be like the protagonist in "Her Hidden in the Sea of ​​Azaleas" and miss out on her own 'Miss Komako'.

After reading Nanxiangshi's novel, they completely understood it! What they need is a romantic and beautiful love that will last forever!

"What are you talking about..."

Yi Dizhi Hongxia's face was dull.

She really didn't understand at all.

It’s a novel and it’s ‘love’.

Can the two really be connected?

Just when her mind was filled with random thoughts, Nan Xiangshi, who had been deep in thought, suddenly spoke:

"Anyway, let's let them calm down first. We can't let the store manager and Ms. PA hang on me all the time, right?"


Yijizhi Hongxia reacted and cooperated with Nanxiang to pull the entangled PA lady and store manager off his body.

Wait until the two of them got down.

Nanxiang Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

Some of them are pressed, although the weights of Miss PA and Ichi Hoshige should be around 50kg to 55kg respectively.

A person of this weight is not heavy.

But the two people pressed forward together - Nan Xiang felt a sense of oppression immediately.

The other part of the reason is the normal reaction of boys.

After all, these two are already adult women in their twenties.

And compared to the slightly young Ryo Yamada and Kazuri Goto, Hoshika Itachi and Miss PA, who have already matured, have a different kind of charm.

Always hanging on him...such a close contact——

After all, Nanxiang Shi was also a boy, and he was not a gentleman. His gun-pressing skills could only be said to be average, and of course he was a little intolerable.

But it's much better now.

When I was in Nanxiang, I looked inside the Stars Exhibition Hall.

Only then did I find my opened manuscript of "Her Hidden in the Sea of ​​Azaleas" in the corner of the bar.


When I was in Nanxiang, I put away the original novel.

At that time, it was because he just wanted to go out to buy groceries and felt that it would not take long at all, so he put his student shoulder bag and manuscript paper on the bar.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left, Idizhi Xingge and the others came back.

And look at their way of saying, "I want to fall in love, I really want to have a romantic love to death"...

They should have successfully become the first victims of this novel.

Nanxiang was also a little speechless.

If it can be said that the fried chicken nuggets last time were brought to the 'Stars' performance hall by Goto Kazuri on his own initiative, it can be regarded as intentional.

So this time the novel turmoil was completely unintentional.

Who knew that these guys would actually open their own manuscripts and start reading?

Nanxiang Shi admitted that he was also responsible.

But if you don’t peek at the manuscript of your novel, wouldn’t there be so much trouble?


"This guy has already appeared. Even if you think about not taking a peek... it's basically impossible, right?"

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but glance sideways at the purple-haired woman who was sleeping soundly at the table in the Stars Exhibition Hall because of alcohol.

This purple-haired woman is actually an old acquaintance of Nanxiang Shi in the simulation.

The other party's name is Hiroi Kuri, and he can be regarded as one of the loyal fans of the band.

And according to the memory in the simulation, the other party should be a famous bassist active in a band in Shinjuku.

In the early stages of ending the band, she helped to end the band a lot.

As for her attitude, although Goto Kazuri didn't mention it much in the simulation.

But in Nango, I can actually feel that Goto Kazuri actually respects Hiroi Kiuri very much.

It's just that the other person is a drunkard with a casual and carefree personality.

She will take the initiative to read her novels.

When Hiroi Kiuri took a look...itchi Hoshige and Ms. PA who were next to her were naturally interested.

Therefore, Nanxiang Shi was really not surprised at all when this result occurred.

Nan Xiang stood up after thinking about it, and helped Ijichi Hongxia to pull Ichichi Hoshige and Miss PA, who were still immersed in the world of novels, to sit on the bench aside.

These two would have to wait until the effects of the 'Writing (Romance)' and [Pure and Simple Romantic Writing Techniques in Nanxiang in his later years] dissipated.

What expressions would they both have...?

To be honest, Nanxiang Shi was really curious.

But at the same time, Nanxiang Shi did not forget to ask Yiji Zhihongxia a question that he was more concerned about:

"Ichichi-san, was there anyone else who was in the 'Stars' before?"

Anyone who stayed among the stars after he left has probably read the novels he wrote.

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