That is——

"So, regarding the exchange learning project, Mr. Ishikawa, can you take a look at these?"

Taking out a document that had been prepared for a long time, Hiratsuka Shizu spoke politely.


Exchange and learn from the experiences of other excellent schools, this is the reason why Hiratsuka Shizuka came here this time.

She neatly handed the information in her hand to Kento Ishikawa in front of her, and then she looked at the environment in the corridor with some curiosity.

She had actually heard of Ocha High School in Tokyo.

This time I really lived up to its reputation.

Just walking on the street, students greeted them politely.

There were not that many students standing and chatting in the corridor.

Looking at the classroom, in addition to the students chatting quietly, there are also many students who are preparing to preview the next class.

There is an almost perceptible learning atmosphere.

And this is not a lifeless atmosphere where all you know is studying.

The atmosphere of young people taking the initiative to learn and the youthful feeling of laughter from time to time made Shizuka Hiratsuka very relaxed.

This is indeed quite different from Sobu High School.

The students at Sobu High School are really a little too active.

After class, students stood in the corridor chatting nonsense, sat on the classroom desks and chatted, and some even came to the classroom with some books that minors could not buy.

Although that kind of atmosphere made Shizuka Hiratsuka more relaxed.

But after all, my students are now in their second year of high school and fresh graduates, and they need to think about college.

Being too relaxed makes it feel a little unstable.

So Ocha High School... made her feel very good.

So Hiratsuka Shizuka took the initiative to talk: "I have long heard that Ocha High School has a strong learning culture and pays attention to the cultivation of students in all aspects. Now it seems that it is indeed the case."

"Thank you, Mr. Hiratsuka. This is the policy that our school has always adhered to. Please come in."

Kento Ishikawa, who had already read all the information about the visit and study given by Hiratsuka Shizuka, opened the door politely.

At the same time, he glanced sideways at the female teacher next to him who had a mature figure and beautiful and awe-inspiring appearance, and subconsciously showed a kind smile.

There was no way, after all, the appearance of the teacher with the surname Hiratsuka in front of him was too eye-catching.

As long as he is a man, he will probably send friendly messages to him subconsciously.

This counts as an appreciation of beautiful things.

He led Shizuka Hiratsuka into the office, brought her to an empty seat, and continued to speak with a smile:

"Of course, the reason why our sophomore class has such a good learning atmosphere is mainly because there is a student who is outstanding enough."

Taketo Ishikawa poured a cup of tea for Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"A good enough student?"

Taking the tea, but not in a hurry to drink it, Hiratsuka Shizuka looked over.

Students who single-handedly change the learning atmosphere?

To be honest, this was the first time she heard this.

She was a little curious.

It was at this time that the female teacher sitting opposite suddenly interrupted with a smile:

"Mr. Ishikawa, are you talking about Nango-san from Class 2?"

"Who is this...?"

Hiratsuka Shizu looked at the other party and made a confused sound.

"I am Omiya Na, who is in charge of the second class English course. Hello, Mr. Hiratsuka."

The other party had obviously heard that she was a teacher from Sobu High School who came here for exchange and study, so he took the initiative to reach out.

After shaking hands with her.

Omiya Na then looked at Ishikawa Taketo, smiled and continued: "Are you talking about Nango-san? Mr. Ishikawa."

"We are indeed talking about him."

Ishikawa Kento also smiled.

Hiratsuka Shizu didn't know why.

It was as if the name "Nanxiang Shi" had some special magic in the eyes of these two teachers.

Just mentioning each other makes them smile subconsciously.

"I wonder what is so special about this Nanxiang classmate...?"

Hiratsuka Shizu asked curiously.

"Nanxiang-kun... he is a particularly outstanding student... um... how should I put it?"

Ishikawa Kento thought for a while and said: "Just like Mr. Hiratsuka, you praised our sophomore year's learning atmosphere before... In fact, Nanxiang-san also contributed to that."

"is that so?"

Can one person influence a grade?

Hiratsuka Shizu was a little surprised.

"Because Nanxiang has been number one in his grade since he entered school and has never fallen down. Many students are actually trying their best to kick him out of the top spot in his grade."

"Just because he's always ranked first in grade?"

Just hearing Ishikawa Taketo's words, Hiratsuka Shizu thought of the female student in his school who was known as the flower of the mountain.

The other party has always been number one in the grade and among the best.

I have never been treated like this person in Nanxiang.

Why is this classmate from Nanxiang Shi such a high status in the eyes of students in the same grade at Ocha High School?

She couldn't understand it.

"Of course it's not like being the first in the grade, but... Mr. Hiratsuka, you should have heard of his name."

"I heard his name?"

This time, Hiratsuka Shizu was even more surprised.

She had never had any contact with Nanxiang, so how could she have heard of his name——


Hiratsuka Shizuka suddenly thought of something, and a surprised look appeared on her solemn face.

"Is it when Nanxiang ranked first in the national deviation value test simulation test last time?"


Ishikawa Kento nodded.

At this moment, Hiratsuka Shizu fell silent.

First in grade in a school and first in the national mock test.

The difference between the two is simply vast.

It’s no wonder that many people in the second grade of Ocha High School want to surpass Nango Toki.

That’s the first place in the country’s simulation test!

In the true sense, the best among the ten thousand people.

If he can surpass him, it means surpassing 99.999% of the people in the country.

In a sense, surpassing Nango is probably a somewhat glorious achievement for all the second-year students of Ocha High School.

"Of course, this actually has a lot to do with Nanxiang's attitude towards students of the same grade."

Next to me, Teacher Omiya, who is in charge of the English subject, couldn't help laughing when he mentioned this topic: "Nanxiang-san has an attitude of being indifferent to almost all students of the same grade."

When it comes to Ocha High School Nango, people who like it really like it, and people who hate it really hate it.

He always keeps to himself and can be said to be free-spirited in character.

Even if they are in the same class, they have very little time to actively communicate with others.

This kind of indifference to his classmates also caused his hatred value to be maxed out by some students.

For this reason, many people are holding their breath and want to kick him out of the top spot in the grade.

"That's right..."

Hiratsuka Shizu was a little surprised just now, but after hearing Omiya Na's explanation, she calmed down a little.

He studies well, can communicate with others, and has a lot of friends... There are really no such perfect people in the world.

Nango Toki is probably someone similar to Yukinoshita Yukino from his school, right?

Standing too high makes it impossible to communicate or interact with others.

Lack of communication skills.

This is undoubtedly a very fatal shortcoming for a person.


"Teacher Hiratsuka, I think you may have thought of something wrong."


“Nanxiang’s student ‘doesn’t want’ to communicate with students of the same grade, but it’s not that he can’t communicate with others.”

When Kento Ishikawa talked about this topic, he couldn't help but marveled:

"How should I put it... His communication skills are definitely not weak, but he just doesn't want to spend time on interpersonal relationships, so he feels incompatible with the students around him."

He said, spreading his hands: "Although it's just my feeling, if Nanxiang-san is willing, he will definitely not have too few friends around him."

"is that so?"

Hiratsuka Shizu couldn't help but glance at Ishikawa Kento.

Able to maintain good academic performance.

At the same time, he also has...perfect communication skills?

What kind of almighty superman is this?

High-end version of Yukinoshita Yukino?

And the attitudes of the two of you are really wrong, right?

How can there be a teacher who trusts his students so unilaterally?

Having confidence in students is something every teacher needs to have, but similarly, being too confident in students is also undesirable.

Shizuka Hiratsuka felt more that Kento Ishikawa and Omiya Na might be too confident in the 'Nango-kun' they called him.

There is simply no such perfect student in the world.

Just when Shizuka Hiratsuka was about to continue speaking——

"Sorry to bother you. Teacher Ishikawa, I'm here to hand in the article for the school magazine "Ocha"."

A calm and gentle voice came from the door.

"'s Nanxiang classmate, I just happened to be talking about you, come in, come in."

Teacher Ishikawa smiled and gently greeted the young people outside to come in.

Accompanied by a simple 'excuse me' greeting.

Only then did Hiratsuka Shizuka meet the ‘No. 1 in the country’ whom both Ishikawa Taketo and Omiya Nai were praising.

The other person's skin is fair.

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