Shinjou Akane's 'friends' are simply attracted to each other's perfect personality and appearance.

Tokusatsu dramas... Nanxiang Shi estimated that even if they were asked to perform, they would definitely just make do with it in the end.

Then there is only one last option left.


Nanxiang Shi set his sights on the third option.

[3. If you think about it carefully, Shinjou Akane should still have a few close friends, right? 】

To be honest, this option is too ambiguous.

The word ‘should’ is also very concerning.


"There is indeed value in choosing."

Nan Xiang murmured to himself.

Because he thought of someone.

There are many treasures and six flowers.

that person...

Should he be regarded as Akane Shinjo’s true friend?

Chapter 140. How to eat soft rice? (4000 words!)

No matter what.

When the first and second options are already wrong.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing the third option.

In Nanxiang, I directly chose three.

During the simulation, words and memories came again.

[For you, the Ocha Festival is just a dispensable celebration. You actually don’t care that much about the Ocha Festival. 】

[But you know that in Shinjou Akane’s eyes, the Ocha Festival is not only an annual high school celebration, but more of a stage where her dreams and ideas are tried out for the first time. 】

[Depending on the success of the tokusatsu stage play, it is likely to determine her future direction. 】

[You did not treat this matter carelessly, nor did you call Ichiri Goto, Ryo Yamada and others to help, because you knew that how to deal with the matter of stage actors was also a test of Akane Shinjo's ability. 】

[However, although you did not directly help Shinjo Akane, you also indirectly gave her hints. 】

[Tell her, she has so many friends, and among them she must have a few close friends. 】

[After hearing your words, she couldn't help but fall into deep thought. 】

[She has never treated others sincerely. Does she really have a few close friends? 】

[Under your prompting, Shinjou Akane thought about it for a long time, and finally, in front of you, she contacted someone hesitantly——]

"Nanxiang, do you think she will really come here?"

Sitting in the empty mobile classroom, Akane Shinjo couldn't help but ask questions when she turned her head to look at Nango.

She was thinking, she was always very strong towards outsiders, but when it came to her true friends, she seemed extremely weak and unconfident.

"I don't know." Nanxiang Shi replied simply.

"..." Shinjo Akane.

Akane Shinjo couldn't help but glare at Nango.

Is there really such a man?

Generally speaking, at this time, shouldn't Nan Xiang, a male, give her, a female, more comfort?

If I ask you, would you just say ‘I don’t know’?

And after all, it was you who asked me to contact my friends, right?

"There's no point in complaining about me in your heart."

While Nanxiang was flipping through a book, he suddenly raised his head and said something.

"..." Shinjo Akane.

"Superpowers? You guy?"

Akane Shinjo couldn't help but mutter.

But then, I heard Nan Xiangshi say again:

"Actually, I think you should have more confidence in yourself. From an ordinary human perspective, you should still have one or two true friends."

"Can I understand that... you are mocking me for not having true friends, so I am not an ordinary human being, right?"

"I didn't say that, but if you think so, there's nothing I can do about it."

hateful! ! !

When looking at Nanxiang who lowered his head again and continued to flip through the book, Shinjou Akane clenched her molars.

This guy is as annoying as ever!

Akane Shinjo took a deep breath.

But she actually understands.

Playing with one's own temper when rushing to Nanxiang has no effect.

More probably, she wanted to get Nanxiang Shi's approval of her from his mouth.

Although I hate this man, the words he speaks always make people feel at ease.

While Shinjou Akane was still thinking.

The sliding door of the mobile classroom was opened.

At the same time, a lazy female high school student's voice came from outside the door: "Um...I'm Shinjou-san here?"

A head of clean black hair.

Deep blue eyes.

The black-haired girl holding orange headphones and a mobile phone stood outside the door and asked inside.

But just seeing the other person's face, Akane Shinjo subconsciously showed a surprised look. At the same time, she turned her head excitedly:


A short title.

But at the same time, she showed her inner excitement, excitement and joy.

It turns out that I really have some friends who are willing to lend a hand to help me when I am in trouble.

Regarding Akane Shinjo’s gaze.

Nan Xiangshi did not respond directly, but just nodded to her.

And it's just this simple nod.

But it gave Akane Shinjo a feeling of being 'recognized' in her heart.

She turned around with bright eyes and excitedly greeted Rikka Takarata, who was standing at the door hesitantly, to come in——

this day.

She looked at Nanxiang Shi and Takarata Rikka, and felt that she might understand what friends were.

[She has never had any hope for her interpersonal relationships, and she has never thought that anyone would help her realize her little dream of a special stage play during the already busy Ocha Festival. 】

[But Rikka Takarata's active appearance touched the softest place in her heart. 】

[She has never thought that a guy like herself who doesn't treat other people sincerely can actually have friends like Rikka Takarata. 】

[No... Maybe Rikka Takarata has regarded her as a true friend from a long time ago. 】

[It’s just that she has always sealed her heart and has never noticed this. 】

[Your proactive reminder made her realize that she was not alone. 】

[She is especially grateful to you in her heart. 】

[Although she still maintains an attitude of disgust towards you on the surface, she will subconsciously look in your direction every time she makes a decision or expresses her thoughts. 】

[Looking at your calm face, her eyes will always soften. 】

[But it’s not enough just to have one more Takarata Rikka in the cast of the special stage play. 】

[Both the human side and Thanasis as a monster need to be played by people. 】

[To this end, Rikka Takarata took the initiative to invite several of her friends over. 】

[You met Rikka Takarata, Yuta Hibiki, and Sho Utsumi. 】

[You did not express any objection to Baoda Rikka inviting people to rehearse the stage play. 】

[In your opinion, this is also a manifestation of Akane Shinjo’s interpersonal relationships. Being able to have more friends is undoubtedly a good thing for her. 】

[Watch her excitedly making props, scenery and monster leather cases. When you are free, you will also take the initiative to help. 】

[But because you don’t know anything about handicrafts, you will often be pointed at and laughed at by her with a smile. 】

[But every time after laughing at her, she will teach you about handicrafts very seriously. 】

[Looking at the first batch of finished props you and she made together, her mouth was filled with disgust. 】

[But that night, her SNS (social software) had a lot of photos of the props you and she made. 】

【Your understanding of hand-made production has been greatly improved. 】

【Your relationship with Akane Shinjo has deepened. 】

[Sometimes, even if the rehearsal of the stage play ends early, she, who always goes home early, will deliberately stay and wait for you to revise the script more perfectly before going back with you. 】

[This short time after school is a rare free and happy time for her and you. 】

In the simulation, memories are constantly rolling——

“It’s so slow—Nanxiang!”

Standing at the school gate with short pink and purple hair, she complained as usual to Nanxiang who had just walked out of the school gate.

"I can't help it, I'm revising the script."

"Hey - I said it's already perfect, why do you need to modify it?"

Akane Shinjo glanced at Nango Shi with a murmur.

In her opinion, Nanxiang Shi's script was actually perfect.

Even if we continue to revise it, we can no longer revise it to produce a better plot.

After all, the general framework of the story has been decided.

But Nanxiang Shi still takes half an hour every day to review the script.

"That's why I really don't understand the thoughts of a perfectionist like you..."

She complained, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Nanxiang Shi.

"The stage performance was my initiative, so it is necessary for me to present it in front of everyone in a more perfect state."

While walking on the road, Nango looked at Akane Shinjo: "And Shinjo, aren't you also looking forward to the final effect of the stage play? Then you can't be careless about the script."

"Hey - in other words, Nanxiang, you are so serious about revising the script repeatedly because you want to get my approval? Oh, Nanxiang, does Nanxiang care so much about my thoughts?"

After hearing this, Shinjou Akane showed her trademark mischievous smile.

This was the first time she caught a flaw in Nanxiang Shi's language.

You must know that Nanxiang Shi was always mocking and teasing her.

It was hard to seize the opportunity now, and of course she couldn't let go of the opportunity to tease her.

Akane Shinjo said as she looked at Nango.

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